My Italy

Chapter 383 National Progressive Party (Part 1)

Of course, Italy's economic problems are not urgent yet, and its economic development potential has not yet been exhausted.

Of course, Italy's economic development in recent years has also brought benefits to people at all levels. Especially under the encouragement of the government and public opinion, nationalism has penetrated deeply into all parts of Italy.

Of course, nationalism is generally good, as it enhances national cohesion and patriotism. However, nationalism is not all good. There are also categories of rational and moderate nationalism and intolerant and radical nationalism. In any country, there are two major categories of nationalists.

Moreover, the difference between the two is sometimes blurred and it is very easy to confuse them. Moreover, radical nationalism, from a certain perspective, is more inspiring, which in turn will make more people agree with it.

Therefore, in Italy, there are many people with radical national views. Especially in recent years, Italy has performed very well, with outstanding performance in war, diplomacy, etc. This has further allowed the radical nationalists to develop and grow. . Of course, radical nationalists in various regions are not willing to have their influence limited here, so connection and even alliance have become necessary.

In Florence, a radical nationalist meeting was taking place.

In the conference hall of the Jimenez Hotel in the west of Florence, 294 nationalists are gathering together to speak freely for a common goal.

"Everyone, I think that our country's territory is smaller than that of France, Germany, and Austria-Hungary, let alone its arable land. Except for the Po River Plain, our country is basically hilly, and the arable land is far smaller in terms of area and output. They are lagging behind, and because our country's population focuses on family, its fertility rate is high, and there will be 400,000 more people every year.

Ladies and gentlemen, this annual increase in population has far exceeded the capacity of our country's territory, so every year 200,000 Italians have to cross the ocean to seek life elsewhere. This happens every year, and as qualified patriots, we cannot ignore it. Therefore, I believe that the current population overflow situation in Italy is due to the lack of territory in our country.

For example, Tunisia, which is separated by a sea from our country, was originally the land that our country was the first to develop. The French took this area by violence, causing our country to lose this area. You must know that Tunisia is a very suitable region. It has 5 million hectares of arable land and can accommodate at least 4 million Chinese citizens. "

When Udo Cruz said this, he extended four fingers to make a gesture. As expected, his words caused the biggest commotion in the venue so far. Those present were all people who considered themselves to be the most patriotic. Of course, they also knew some of the actual situation in Italy. It was really rare to find an area that accommodated at least four million people, even in North Africa.

Udo Cruz then continued. "In addition to Tunisia, our Italians, such as Savoy, Nice, Tyrol, Malta, Trieste, Dalmatia, and Corsica, are all Italian-speaking people of Italian origin, and these people are all eager to Return to the big family of the Kingdom of Italy. We have the responsibility and obligation to bring them back to the kingdom, even if it means sacrificing their lives."

Every time Udo Cruz mentioned a place name, he was greeted with cheers, as if these mentioned places had become a part of Italy. No one feels there is anything wrong with this, and as for whether the locals are eager to return to Italy, that is a must. If he does not want to return to the Italian family, then this person must have moved from other places and pretended to be another ethnic group, and he is destined to go back to where he belongs in the future.

After the cheers died down, Cruz continued.

"Of course, our future is bright, but the road is destined to be tortuous. These areas are still under the rule of other countries, so we need to create favorable conditions for the kingdom so that it can complete the control of the above areas at a smaller cost. Capture. In these areas, we also need to respond flexibly according to the situation. Although we want the above areas to return, we cannot let the kingdom have enemies on all sides, so the choice is very important.

Of course, all this requires us to use our political power to influence the government. So I appeal to like-minded friends here, we must unite, we need to let the people see our voice, let them be attracted by our lofty goals, for this we need our own newspapers and our own organizations, we should let The world sees the power of Italy. "

Udo Cruz's words brought the conference to a climax. Everyone present expressed their views on the formation of a political force. Basically, everyone is willing to see it, because it can make their voices heard by more people.

As for Cruz, he retreated to the back to rest for a while.

"Udo, your performance is perfect. I believe that you are destined to have a place in the new political party."

The person who spoke was one of the financial sponsors of this meeting, Berti Levenl, a grain processing businessman from Florence.

In the face of his financial backers, Cruz was very polite. "Thank you Mr. Levenl for this generous donation, otherwise this meeting would not have been held in Florence."

"Udo, I think your performance can become one of the leaders. I think that I can provide some funding at that time. 500,000 lire should be enough to build a newspaper."

"Mr. Livingl, you spent money this time. On behalf of other patriots, I thank you for your help. We will never forget our true friends."

There is no need for a heavy hammer to sound the drum, and Cruz certainly knew what the other party was up to this time. However, since you want to become a political organization, you must consider some practical issues. Enthusiasm alone can't accomplish anything.

Including gathering everyone together this time, the cost is not light at all.

"Mr. Cruz, it's your turn."

The assistant who was responsible for keeping an eye on the venue immediately urged him.

With a smile on his face, Cruz walked back to the front desk. "Everyone, regarding the issue of forming a political organization, I want you to listen to my opinion first..."

On February 17, 1897, the nationalists held a congress in Florence, and a new political party was born. The National Progressive Party was born under the witness of 294 nationalists.

The highest decision-making level of the National Progressive Party is the Executive Committee, which has seven members, one of whom is the Secretary-General of the Executive Committee and is responsible for some daily work.

Udo Cruz became the first Secretary General of the Executive Committee.

Of course, the first major event of the National Progressive Party after its establishment was to create its own mouthpiece, the Italian Weekly. In order to show that the National Progressive Party achieved a blockbuster effect at the same time, Cruz personally wrote the manuscript for the first issue.

In the weekly newspaper, the National Progressive Party published its own right-wing rhetoric. They believe that war is a force that "revitalizes the social body" and that the progress of the entire human race depends on war.

The war not only revived and revolutionized life in the conquered lands, it also helped to resolve Italy's internal difficulties by providing a way out for its surplus inhabitants and opening the way to economic expansion.

In addition, the National Progressive Party also issued its most controversial proposal. They advocated the establishment of a union including Trieste, Dalmatia, Tunisia, Libya, Albania, Savoy, Nice, Malta and Corsica. The "New Empire of Greater Italy" including all regions.

Within this empire there should be no other culture than that of Italy. Moreover, they pointed out that the Italian nation’s foreign aggression and expansion was just and reasonable. The Italian nation must have its own war. Without its own war, the Italian nation can only "play the role of a clay pot next to an iron pot."

In addition, in line with the proposition of foreign aggression and expansion, the nationalists' program also has their own domestic policies and principles. The main contents are: citizens' freedom, democracy, socialism, and bourgeois liberalism must be the basis for internal governance. The enemy must establish a complete administrative power. Every citizen of the Kingdom must play a role and work for the Kingdom of Italy. Only when the country is strong can citizens enjoy more benefits.

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