My Italy

Chapter 311 The Sino-Japanese War breaks out

As 3,000 Huai troops entered North Korea, Japan was not far behind. More than 4,000 people from the Oshima Uichang Division of the Japanese Third Division suddenly landed forcefully from Jemulpo. As a result, China and Japan were on the verge of war.

Regarding Japan's sudden dispatch of troops, there was a lot of discussion within the Qing court. Frontline generals Ye Zhichao and Nie Shicheng believed that China and Japan had a certain advantage in North Korea's military strength at this time, and reinforcements should be sent quickly to assist the North Korean troops in controlling Seoul.

Yuan Shikai believed that whether it was war or peace, the Qing army must retreat northward to Jeonju and Asan, 120 kilometers south of Seoul, or at least to Pyongyang to avoid fighting alone.

Guangxu and Weng Tonghe, who were in Beijing, took the lead in the battle to drive out the Japanese troops in Korea. Of course, why the main battle, in fact, many people know that regardless of victory or defeat, it can weaken the power of the Huai army, which is too large to defeat. Moreover, victory is the emperor's wisdom, and defeat is the failure of Li Zhongtang's command, but it is a good move.

Others, led by Prince Qing, believed that it was difficult to determine the outcome once the war started, so it was better to rely on Britain and Russia for mediation.

The most critical thing is that Li Zhongtang has no independent opinion and prefers that Japan does not dare to start a war. This may be another blackmail to send troops to Taiwan.

Compared with Japan, which is basically united as one, China's warlike and uncertain attitude has indeed seriously hindered war preparations.

Moreover, good news came from Japan's diplomacy at this time. Japan's Minister to the United Kingdom, Shuzo Aoki, received a call from London. The British government supported Japan in occupying North Korea. A few days later, Aoki Shuzo signed the "Anglo-Japanese Commerce and Navigation Treaty" with the United Kingdom, whereby Japan took back the concession, consular jurisdiction, and some customs rights. The Japanese government, whose confidence was boosted, was even more determined to go to war with the Qing Dynasty.

For the British to support Japan so much is also the consequences of Li Zhongtang's long-term use of foreigners to control foreigners. Compared with Li Zhongtang, who has always refused to express his position, the British still believe that Japan's aggressive attitude is more reliable.

At this time, the Qing government finally made up its mind and ordered Li Zhongtang to send troops to North Korea, showing that it would not hesitate to fight for North Korea.

Japan is also stepping up its preparations after learning that the Qing government is willing to fight.

On July 19, Japan's deputy minister to the Qing Dynasty, Otori Keisuke, submitted an ultimatum to the Qing court, requiring the Qing Dynasty to immediately abrogate the "China-North Korea Protection Treaty", recognize North Korea as an independent and sovereign country, and immediately withdraw all Qing troops from North Korea. , this letter is limited to reply within five days.

Even in the face of Japan's attitude of not willing to fight a war, the Qing court was still unwilling to give up Korea, the last vassal state, and continued to send troops.

On July 21, the registered admiral Ningxia Town General Guard Wei Rugui led 6,000 troops stationed in Tianjin, and the registered admiral Yijun rear army commander Ma Yukun led the 2,000 officers and soldiers stationed in Lushun. They landed at Dadonggou line adjacent to Dandong, preparing to march to Pyongyang.

On the same day, the first batch of 1,500 officers and soldiers dispatched by Wu Yuren, the commander of the Beitang Defense Army and the commander-in-chief of Yongzhen, was led by the registered commander Jiang Zikang. They boarded the two merchant ships of Yihe Yangxing Renai and Feijing, and the transport ship Yushun of the Beiyang Navy. It was transported from Tianjin to Yashan under the escort of Weihai and Guangjia of the Guangdong Navy and Weiyuan of the Beiyang Navy.

The actions of the Qing army had been known to Japan from the beginning. In the field of intelligence, Qing and Japan are simply on two levels.

Not to mention the intelligence departments of Japan's navy and army, Japan's civilian intelligence organizations alone are enough to make the Qing Dynasty drink a pot. Take Xuanyang Society, the predecessor of the Black Dragon Society, as an example. Since Xuanyang Society opened its Oriental Academy in Shanghai in 1884, Xuanyang Society, which has been deeply involved in the Qing Dynasty for ten years, has extended its tentacles to the inland, opening in inland cities such as Hankou, Nanchang, Kaifeng, and Baoding. There are intelligence bases. These intelligence bases, covered by chambers of commerce, continuously transmitted Qing intelligence back to Japan.

No, the specific information about the Qing Dynasty sending troops to North Korea was found out by Xuanyangshe.

Of course, intelligence work cannot be reported in a timely manner at all times. The Japanese intelligence department did not report the first batch of 1,500 Qing troops shipped from Tianjin to Asan in a timely manner. After the fleet arrived in Asan, the Japanese government You know, this also led to a burst of reprimands.

In an inconspicuous teahouse in Tianjin, two middle-aged men in casual clothes were having a secret discussion in a box.

"Deputy Assistant Li, the last message was very useful to us. We are willing to pay more attention to friends like Assistant Assistant Li. This is our extra thanks to Assistant Assistant Li."

As he spoke, a silver check with two hundred taels of silver printed on it was handed to Deputy Li. Looking at the banknote in front of him, Deputy Li's eyes flashed with greed, and he casually put the banknote into his sleeve.

"You're welcome, you're welcome!"

After watching the other party collect the check, the middle-aged man continued talking. "Agent Li, when is the next ship to Asan, so we can continue doing business with the military master."


"I understand……"

Another two hundred taels of silver note was handed to Deputy Li.

"This matter is not easy to handle."

After taking a look at the two hundred taels of silver notes, it was obvious that Deputy Li was not satisfied.

"I think this will help your Excellency."

Another two hundred taels of silver note was handed over.

"On the 23rd, the Senior Assistant Office of the Battalion Affairs Office will take the second batch of officers and soldiers to Asan on the Gaosheng of Yihe Matheson Company. They are expected to arrive on the 25th."

Deputy Li was also very cheerful. After getting the money, he told the information he knew as if he was pouring beans.

"Thank you to Assistant Li for your accommodation. Now that I have made money, I will never forget Assistant Li's good work."

In the evening of that day, a secret message was sent to Shanghai through the commercial telegraph line in Tianjin, and then along the submarine telegraph line that night, it was sent from Shanghai to Japan.

At this time, Japan had decided to go to war with the Qing Dynasty, so after receiving this information, Japan immediately forwarded this information to the Navy Ministry.

Therefore, on July 25, the First Guerrilla Force of the Japanese Combined Fleet suddenly attacked the two cruisers Jiyuan and Guangyi of the Beiyang Navy in the waters of Toyoshima, North Korea, and then sank the British transport ship Gaosheng and captured the gunboat Caojiang. This also marked the complete outbreak of the war between China and Japan over North Korea.

Of course, before that, Japan wanted to seize the opportunity. The Oshima Brigade of the Japanese Third Division, which was the first to land, suddenly occupied Seoul on the 23rd and took Emperor Gaozong hostage. Japan's Consul General in North Korea, Komura Jutaro, submitted an ultimatum to the North Korean government, demanding that North Korea immediately abrogate the Sino-North Korean protection treaty, immediately declare North Korea a sovereign country, and expel the Qing troops in North Korea.

Faced with Komura Jutaro's alliance under the city, the North Korean government was shocked. Japan did not give North Korea time to think about it, and immediately carried out Daewonjun and reorganized the North Korean regime. Concubine Min's power fell immediately.

Faced with Japan's preemptive move, the Qing Dynasty had no choice but to declare war.

At this point, the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894 completely broke out.

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