My Italy

Chapter 274 Not sensible enough

"What a problem!"

Carlo looked at the two plans that were sent to him and couldn't help but pick up his scalp.

Although Carlo was the king of Italy, the Savoy family was also the eldest family, and the annuities of many members were their indispensable income. This method of reducing annuity income is simply unrealistic. It will inevitably lead to strong opposition. As the most important member of the family, it is also impossible for him to stand against the family members for this.

"Chief Guard, go and fetch Mr. Alejard."

At present, Carlo has thought of a way, but he needs the help of this palace wise man.

Without letting Carlo wait any longer, the palace steward Alejard appeared in front of Carlo.

"I have met His Majesty!"

Looking at the palace steward who was getting older and older, Carlo couldn't help but asked with concern. "Mr. Alejard, how are you lately?"

Faced with Carlo's concern, the palace steward spoke. "It's not bad. Although there are constant minor problems, I feel like I can still hold on for a few more years."

"I'm here to see you sir this time. I have something to ask..."

In Carlo's mouth, he told the old man the whole story of the incident and his thoughts.

After listening to Carlo's story, Director Alejard nodded and replied. “Your Majesty’s idea is very good, and the royal family property can also provide this money. However, since this money is loaned to the government, interest must be included, even if it is calculated based on bank loan interest, this is necessary. "

That's right, Carlo plans to lend money to the government from the royal family. Although this is just a roundabout way, at least in name it does not reduce the royal family's funds, and the family members will not object to this.

As for the additional suggestions made by Chief Alejandr, Carlo also admitted that he had not considered them thoroughly before. Although these interest rates are not high, one code is one code, and some things need to be clearly distinguished to avoid trouble.

Now that it was decided, Carlo called the captain of the guard and informed the prime minister of his decision.

After solving this matter that may have an impact on Italy's future, Carlo picked up a document he had seen before, which was a war report from Libya. After a month of hard fighting, the clearing operation led by Libyan Governor-General Haward Jogi and commanded by General Brinin finally produced results.

After three cavalry brigades fighting with nearly ten thousand people, they wiped out five large tribes, seven medium-sized tribes, and several small tribes in one month. A total of 57,000 people were killed and captured, more than 5,000 guns of various types, tens of thousands of other weapons, more than 70,000 cattle and sheep, more than 8,000 horses, more than 900 camels, and more than 7 million lire of various properties were confiscated .

In a sense, this operation is not bad, shrouding the majesty of Italy in this barren land.

Of course, this operation did not go unscathed. 619 Italian troops were killed, 391 were injured, and 27 were missing. The number of killed in action was higher than the number of injured, which fully illustrates the suffering suffered by the army in this clearing operation.

Moreover, behind the battle report, Governor George was still complaining that many officers and soldiers killed in battle were caused by the lack of doctors and medicines. Due to the shortage of doctors and medicines, some officers and soldiers suffered minor injuries that turned into serious injuries and then died as a result.

Regarding Governor George's complaints, Carlo has no good solution now. The only thing he can do is to appeal to doctors to join the army and serve the country. This is just asking current doctors to give up their comfortable lives and generous remuneration to serve the country, which is a bit difficult.

Italians have not experienced the baptism of Confucianism. Although nationalism is prevalent in Italy, like other countries, nationalism is more prevalent among people at the bottom, those who have just made ends meet and read some books. It is really difficult for a middle-class doctor like a doctor to give up his respectable life and go to the army to eat sand.

This is not just a situation unique to Italy. Military doctors are a persistent problem throughout Europe and even in Germany, which has the strongest military atmosphere.

Of course, Carlo was more concerned about another thing than such a small problem as military doctors.

That was this clean-up operation, and he was a little dissatisfied with the results. Yes, he was not very satisfied with the results of this victory. The reason is simple, because this is the first action, and those tribes are not prepared yet. Under such circumstances, only more than 50,000 people were found in the surprise attack, which was not an outstanding result.

And he had a hunch that although there were only two to three hundred thousand people in Libya, these local snakes would become particularly difficult to catch if they became vigilant. The local tribes are familiar with the local environment and terrain. Catching them is like catching a loach with bare hands. These slippery local people will not give them such a good opportunity again.

Thinking of this, he would not have high expectations for the next clean-up operation in Libya.

Moreover, there are no perennial rivers in Libya, which lacks sufficient attraction for Italian farmers who basically focus on planting agriculture. It is a huge test for the Libyan governor to complete the immigration mission.

Thinking of this, Carlo called a guard. "Send a message to the Prime Minister and ask him to favor Libya to a certain extent in terms of funding and policy. Also send a message to Governor Harward Jorghi, telling him that in addition to wiping out the local tribes, he needs to Let the locals solve the food supply problem.”

Although the latter question should be raised by the Prime Minister, Carlo looked at the situation of consumption in Libya and decided to speak first.

Because he saw a list of materials transported by Libya in the past few months. It can be said that everything in Libya currently needs to be transported from the country, ranging from grain, horseshoes, and nails to steam engines, coal, and various machines.

There is a lot of these supplies, costing the government at least nearly two million lire every month. During this period of clearance operations, Libya spent more than 7 million lire. Not to mention, the local garrison will be required to continue fighting, and the cost will be even higher.

In line with the attitude of saving money for the government, Carlo believed that it was necessary to ask Governor Howard Georgi to save money.

Although this harvest is pretty good and can cover the local expenses for several months, it will also cost a lot to transport these North Africans to East Africa.

When he thought about these rising expenses, Carlo really regretted it. In order to avoid future troubles, Italy's fiscal expenditures have been so high that they are almost out of breath.

You must remember this lesson next time. You are still too impatient and not rational enough.

Just as Carlo was swearing an oath to himself, a guard suddenly reported that Foreign Minister Jiminy Bacona wanted to see him.

Maybe it will be just one chapter tomorrow, I have something to delay

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