My Italy

Chapter 243 Just in case

Ottoman troops marched against the signing of the defeat treaty, and the news spread to various countries as soon as possible.

Countries reacted differently to the news. Among them, countries such as Britain, France, Austria, and Russia were so angry that they just wanted to curse.

After finally getting the best conditions for Osman, now he is facing the possibility of total ruin.

Faced with this situation, Britain, France, Austria, Russia and other countries certainly did not just sit back and curse. They immediately contacted the envoys in Istanbul and asked them to mobilize all their forces to stop the demonstrations from the army.

It's just unclear how effective this will be.

However, compared to countries such as Britain, France, Austria, and Russia, Italy and the Balkan countries participating in the war cheered. In particular, Bulgaria, which has long been dissatisfied with this, issued a statement that if Osman overturns the results of the previous peace talks, the consequences will be borne by Osman himself.

As for Serbia and Greece, they are somewhat ambivalent about this. Osman overturns the results of previous negotiations, which will give the two countries reason to continue tearing off a piece of flesh from Osman. But compared to them, Bulgaria will gain more benefits, which puts them in a dilemma.

But no matter what the small Balkan countries think, if they continue to fight the Ottomans, they still have to look at Italy's opinion. Therefore, Italy's current attitude has become a key point, which has also led to frequent contacts with the Italian government from various countries, hoping to get some news.

"Your Excellency Fulam, our country currently has no other views on the matter in Istanbul. Everything needs to wait until Osman himself decides."

Prime Minister Despretis, who had just returned to Rome, spoke diplomatically to the British Ambassador to Rome, Fulham, in his office.

Fulam, who failed to get the news from the Italian Prime Minister, said with regret. "Prime Minister Depretis, please don't let the Balkan people suffer anymore. Our country is very concerned about this."

"Please rest assured that our country will inform your country after it makes a decision."

After sending the British ambassador out, Prime Minister Despretis rubbed his somewhat dry eyes. He has met with many ambassadors in the past few days, whether they are from the Balkans or from great powers such as Britain, France, Germany, Austria, and Russia. They all have only one purpose, and that is to know what Italy thinks of the mutiny that broke out in Istanbul.

Although he also wanted to inform them, he, as the Prime Minister, did not know the actual situation. Because this matter is of great importance, it is still under discussion.

Depretis looked at the pile of documents on the table that he had not had time to process, and couldn't help but reveal a wry smile. These were all work delayed by frequent visits.

And just when he was about to start processing these documents, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Which ambassador is visiting again?"

Faced with being disturbed, Depretis became a little angry, so his tone of voice was no longer as calm as before.

"Prime Minister, there is news from the palace. His Majesty is looking for you."

The words of the secretary outside the door made Depretis immediately calm down, because if he was looking for him at this time, it must be about Istanbul.

"Prepare the car immediately, let's go to the palace."

When the Prime Minister arrived at the palace, he realized that there were a lot of people this time. In addition to him and the Foreign Secretary, there were also several big bosses in the military.

The young King Carlo was sitting on a chair, communicating quietly with the Minister of War.

Faced with this situation, DePretis casually apologized. "Sorry, I'm late due to traffic jam."

After seeing that the Prime Minister had arrived, Carlo stood up and said. "Now that everyone is here, let's first understand the latest situation in Istanbul."

Following Carlo's words, the captain of the guard, Filmic, stood up and explained the situation in Istanbul. "At present, the situation in Istanbul has gradually calmed down. The mutiny led by the Ottoman Youth Party has taken control of it. The Grand Vizier Kamil Pasha and the Foreign Minister Halim Pasha and their families who participated in the negotiations previously, Already executed by al-Shabaab for betraying Ottoman interests."

The head guard paused here to let the people present digest the news.

"In addition, Ottoman Sultan Hamid II has authorized Ahmed Riza, who led the mutiny, to be the new minister of war. In addition, Jawad Pasha has been appointed grand vizier, and..."

After Felici finished talking about the changes in the top management of this mutiny, Despretis spoke. "So, the mutiny in Istanbul has caused a major change in the Ottoman leadership. So what about the conditions negotiated before?"

"I don't know about this, but judging from the contents of the mutiny, there is a high probability that they will not admit it."

After hearing Feli Mickey's answer, the people at the scene fell into silence for a while, and it seemed that there would be more fighting to come.

At this time, Carlo, the king of Italy, spoke. "Everyone, this is the Ottomans' own choice, then we will meet their requirements."

Yes, there are currently a group of young men in Italy who are beating up Osman, the sick man of the Near East, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Seeing that the fighting spirit of everyone present was rekindled, Carlo continued. "General Saragat, please tell us about your army's response plan."

"Okay, Your Majesty."

I saw General Saraget uncovering the map covered by a cloth on the side, holding the baton and speaking.

"The Ministry of War has done this before. I think it is time to let you know the next battle plan if the Ottomans do not accept it. According to the plan, the Balkan Army Group currently in the Balkans will be divided into three divisions after the war resumes. The troops set off from the Cooks Pass and captured the Kosovo area as quickly as possible.

There were currently only two Ottoman divisions in the area, formed by fresh troops, and they would be no match. After capturing Kosovo, except for the two divisions left to defend the area, the remaining one division moved closer to Skopje after joining the Montenegrin and Bulgarian Fourth Army. Then, together with the main force of the Balkan Army, they surrounded and annihilated the main Ottoman forces gathered in the city.

Our ally Bulgaria is responsible for blocking the Ottoman army in Eastern Thrace. Wait until our army has annihilated the Macedonian enemies and then reinforce them to try to capture Istanbul in one fell swoop.

In addition, in order to prevent the Ottomans from being occupied, they still refused to accept defeat and refused to surrender. The amphibious mobile force composed of the Guards and the Marine Corps will no longer participate in the battle in the Balkan Peninsula, but will turn to occupy the Ottoman islands in the Aegean Sea, and wait for the opportunity to land on the Asian Peninsula to draw the war into the Ottoman interior. "

Everyone pays attention to what General Saragat said. In his words, Serbia and Greece were not mentioned at all. This shows that Italy, Bulgaria, and Montenegro do not want these two countries to intervene in this war. Therefore, although these two countries were nominally participating countries, the three countries did not give them a chance to perform.

Since there is no chance to perform, what reason do they have to continue to compete for the subsequent spoils. Even if there are other powers standing behind them, they still need to have a chance to perform.

After General Saraget finished speaking, Carlo said, "Of course this is just our plan for emergencies. If the Ottomans accept it, then this plan will still not be implemented."

Although Carlo said it as if this plan was of no use, in fact everyone knew that this was a high probability event. Can Al-Shabaab, which just seized power by relying on the terms of opposition to defeat, really abandon the Ottoman soldiers and civilians who support it?

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