My Italy

Chapter 206 Balkan allies

If there is anything that deserves the most attention in Europe recently, it is the dispute between Italy and the Ottomans. In the face of disputes involving neighboring countries, Bulgaria is extremely concerned about it, because it is very important to Bulgaria.

The same goes for Stefan Stambolov, Prime Minister of Bulgaria. But today, the hard-working Prime Minister did not go to the Prime Minister's Office to work. Instead, he wanted to rest at home for a day on the grounds that he was a little tired.

Bulgarian officials didn't think much about the Prime Minister's break. No one is made by a machine. As long as power is added, he can keep working.

But this time, Prime Minister Stambolov's rest was fake, because a very important guest came to his residence, and because of the guest's arrival, he carefully chose to take a day off as a cover-up.

Which guest is so important that Stambolov, as Prime Minister, needs to cover for him?

The guest once again came to the Prime Minister's home, accompanied by Toledo, the Italian Ambassador to Bulgaria.

"Hello, Mr. Mayer."

This time Stambolov could not be mistaken, and then he greeted Ambassador Toledo.

After saying hello, both sides sat down, which also announced the beginning of the negotiation.

"I didn't expect Mr. Mayer to be so hidden. I didn't notice it during our last visit."

Faced with Stambolov's words, Mayer spoke with a hint of apology. "I'm sorry, because the stakes are so high that I have to do this. I also hope that Prime Minister Stambolov will not blame him. Now I would like to solemnly introduce myself, Italy's secret envoy Yassini Meyer."

"So what is the mission of the special envoy?"

“Find allies who can help each other.”

Although there had been speculation before, Mayer's answer still made Stambolov feel a little excited. He is very clear about the current dispute between Italy and the Ottomans. Italy is obviously seeking trouble. Since Italy dares to do this, it means that it has been prepared. And this time when the Italians found Bulgaria, it must be about this matter. Sure enough, his guess was correct.

"I wonder if your country thinks our country can become an ally?"

Faced with the words of the Bulgarian Prime Minister in front of him, Mayer said with a smile. "This requires whether our two countries can reach a consensus."

Mayer's words make it clear that whether cooperation can be achieved this time depends on whether the two countries can reach an agreement. Of course, Stambolov also knows that Italy is currently in a strong position in the negotiations between the two countries, which can also be seen in terms of the status and national strength of the two countries.

Even so, Stambolov was not in a hurry. Now that the Italians have found Bulgaria, it means that he must have something that the other party likes.

Without letting him wait any longer, he heard Mayer continue. "Ottoman is an opponent to both of our countries. Do you agree with this?"

Although Stambolov is currently implementing a pro-Ottoman policy, he also knows that this is just a stopgap measure for Bulgaria. If it weren't for blocking Russian pressure, who would get close to this country that has dominated the Bulgarians for hundreds of years.

You must know that the Greater Bulgaria claimed by Bulgaria includes all of Macedonia and most of Thrace. If you want Bulgaria to give up its dream, it will not work even if God comes.

"Yes, Osman is a strong opponent for us."

At this time, Stambolov had already forgotten about the friendship between Bulgaria and Bulgaria that he preached, because he knew that the Italians would definitely pay generous rewards to win over Bulgaria.

Sure enough, he was right. After hearing his words, Italian envoy Mayer continued. "Now that we have a common enemy, we can work together sincerely to make the Ottomans pay the price for their arrogance. I wonder if Prime Minister Stambolov recognizes this?"

In response to Mayer's question, Stambolov nodded. "I very much agree with this. However, the Bulgarian people also agree that they must see something practical. Mr. Mayer, you know what I say."

Obviously, Stambolov is also a master who does not let the hawk see the rabbit, and he wants to see the conditions in Italy first. This is not to blame for his stinginess. Unlike Italy, Bulgaria has a small family. If it turns against the Ottoman Empire this time and cannot get enough benefits, Bulgaria's situation will be even more difficult, so it is normal to be cautious.

Faced with Stambolov's little thoughts, Mayer did not care. Instead, he took out a map of the Balkans and spread it out in front of the three of them.

"How many areas can be obtained depends on the scale of your country's troop dispatch. If your country can dispatch 100,000 troops, then our country can help your country obtain North Macedonia. Of course, if it can dispatch 150,000 troops, then Central Macedonia will be It’s not impossible to fight for your country.”

Mayer's words made Stambolov breathe heavier, because this condition is really generous. You must know that Bulgaria currently only has an area of ​​more than 90,000 square kilometers, and the northern Macedonia region alone has more than 15,000 square kilometers. square kilometers, if Central Macedonia is included, it will be enough to reach 30,000 square kilometers.

Of course, you have to be obedient. What Mayer said about striving for it means that you may not be able to get it. Of course, you can’t get it all. You can also share it in half. This will not only expand Bulgaria's territory by one-third, but also enhance Bulgaria's national strength.

Of course, to get such a huge reward, this will also mean that Bulgaria needs to use its full strength. There are currently only 3.3 million people in Bulgaria, and mobilizing 150,000 people to participate in the war will mean that Bulgaria needs nationwide mobilization. Because sending 150,000 troops is only a mandatory requirement, and Bulgaria also needs to retain people to protect its homeland.

In addition, in terms of logistics, transportation and other aspects, Bulgaria is basically a nationwide mobilization. Of course, it is necessary to get such a reward for such a big effort.

Although Stambolov was very satisfied with the conditions offered by the Italians, people's desires are endless, so he still wanted to fight for it. "Your country's return for Bulgaria's 150,000 troops is somewhat vague, which is difficult for our country to accept."

It is obvious that Prime Minister Stambolov hopes to get Central Macedonia.

Facing the appetite of the Bulgarians, Mayer smiled slightly. "I'm sorry, this is the biggest reward our country can give. Considering your country's reputation for bravery and fighting in the Balkans, that's why we give so much. If your country is not satisfied, then our country will consider other options. You know There are many people who want to benefit from the Ottomans."

"Our country has considered it carefully. Your suggestions are very pertinent and our country is very satisfied."

Faced with Mayer's verbal threat, Stambolov immediately changed his attitude 180 degrees because he did not dare to gamble. As far as he knew, not many people were currently eyeing Ottoman territory. Austria-Hungary, Serbia, Greece, Montenegro (Montenegro) all had ideas about Ottoman territory.

As long as Italy offers similar conditions, other countries except Austria-Hungary will take the lead. How dare he gamble? If Italy turns around and leaves, he will become Bulgaria's eternal sinner.

Well, the conditions offered by Italy this time are indeed very generous. There are many people in Italy who understand and criticize this, because it seems to show the generosity of Italy.

But these people didn't dare to say it, because it was the wise King Carlo who made this plan. Why His Majesty Carlo offered such a generous reward depends on what he thinks. But no matter how you think about it, this does not affect Carlo's status at all. Of course, there are other ways in this, only Carlo knows.

But thanks to His Majesty Carlo's decision, Mayer had enough confidence to make Bulgaria obey, otherwise he would find someone else.

That's why Stambolov immediately retracted what he said after testing it out, not daring to make any mistakes.

Now that Stambolov agreed, the next step is to talk about the issue of Bulgaria sending troops.

Mayer pointed at the map and said.

"According to our country's plan, our country will launch a landing operation in the Albanian region to attract the Ottoman army. At that time, your country will send troops to penetrate directly into the Macedonian area behind them and annihilate them. Your and our armies threaten Istanbul , let the Ottoman Empire accept our terms."

The plan mentioned by Mayer is the basic plan made by the Italian Army to fight in the Balkans. Of course, this includes Bulgaria. In addition, the Italian Army has also made corresponding combat plans including Greece, Serbia and other countries participating in the war.

So Italy is not limited to Bulgaria, but any other country. It's just that it will be faster to defeat the Ottoman army by pulling in Bulgaria.

After hearing Mayer's plan, Stambolov looked at the map thoughtfully. At first glance, it was clear that this plan was about surprise. Of course, he had to admit that this battle plan was very good. If he were an Ottoman and was suddenly attacked from behind while fighting the Italian army, the outcome would have been doomed.

Since the plan was good, there was nothing to hesitate about, and Stambolov immediately planned to agree. But he suddenly thought about something, which made him want to agree, but he swallowed it when it reached his lips.

"Special Envoy Meyer, your plan is perfect, and our country is very willing to join. However, our country has a little difficulty, and I hope to get your help."

The Bulgarian Prime Minister suddenly came up with something. Mayer was not impatient at all and asked politely. "Prime Minister Stambolov, what is it? If our country can help you, you might as well say so."

In response to Mayer's inquiry, Stambolov immediately spoke. "It's like this. Our country's ordnance is somewhat insufficient. If we want to mobilize 150,000 troops to participate in the war, we need some help from your country."

Mayer did not reject Stambolov's idea of ​​asking Italy to provide some equipment, because helping Bulgaria at this time was helping Italy.

"Please rest assured, Prime Minister, our country will not be stingy with its allies. I wonder how much armament your country wants?"

When asked by Mayer, Stambolov revealed a number. "Our country needs weapons and equipment for 80,000 people, because currently our country can only equip 100,000 people including its inventory of weapons."


After hearing Stambolov's words, Mayer screamed in surprise. Because equipping 80,000 people with weapons is not a small amount. If Italy takes out so many, it will definitely affect its domestic war preparations.

Seeing Mayer's surprised expression, Stambolov didn't want to do this either. It's just that Bulgaria can only come up with equipment to arm 100,000 people. If it has more, it will only have muzzle-loading guns to press the warehouse. This thing definitely cannot be used to deal with the Ottoman army.

"Sorry, I also know that our country's request is a bit excessive, but our country's equipment gap is too large, so we can only ask for help from your country."

Faced with Stambolov's almost pleading gesture, Mayer thought for a moment and replied. "I need to send a telegram to Rome. I believe that we will give your country a batch of weapons. As for how much, Rome needs to decide. You ask for too much, and I can't make the decision at all."

As for Mayer, Stambolov also knew that this matter was not an easy decision to make. "It doesn't matter, we can wait, but our country does not want to change the previously negotiated conditions."

"Don't worry about this. As long as your country does not refuse, we are unanimous in dealing with the Ottomans."

Then the two skipped the topic of ordnance and talked about how E commanded, contacted, and coordinated. With a single-minded intention to cut flesh from Osman, a consensus was quickly reached on this proposal.

The talks between the two parties lasted until late at night, and finally they basically reached an agreement.

After the negotiations were concluded, Mayer and Ambassador Toledo rushed back to the embassy overnight.

As soon as he returned to the embassy, ​​he sent the Bulgarians' request for ordnance back to Rome.

Then they each dragged their tired bodies back to the room and waited for Roman's reply.

While they were waiting for news from Rome, a negotiated agreement was also sent back to Rome. That's right, in addition to Bulgaria, Italy has also found an ally, Montenegro.

Don't be surprised if Italy turns to Montenegrins as allies. Although this small country of less than 10,000 square kilometers looks small. But the people in the country had a deep-seated hatred of the Ottomans. The country was originally a communist country, and the monarch was a Catholic bishop who combined political and religious rights. After 1851, it transformed into a secular country.

Religiously speaking, the Montenegrins are very unfriendly to the Ottomans. In addition, they are the only country in the Balkans that has not been conquered by the Ottomans. Although it occupies a difficult terrain, it is also one of the reasons for its bravery and skill in fighting against the Ottomans.

In addition, Montenegro has gained benefits every time it fought against the Ottomans. Its territory has expanded from less than 2,000 square kilometers at the beginning to nearly 10,000 square kilometers now. It gives people the feeling of being an invincible Xiaoqiang.

This time, Italy attracted the Montenegrins because of their hatred of the Ottomans and asked them to play a vanguard role.

So facing Italy's olive branch, how could Montenegro be unwilling to accept it. Its monarch, Grand Duke Nicholas I, even negotiated terms with Italy as soon as possible. So Montenegro also got into the Italian chariot.

With Bulgaria and Montenegro, Italy is at least as strong as the Ottoman Empire in terms of military strength in the Balkans. Coupled with factors such as equipment, training, and morale, it can be said that Italy has already had the upper hand.

Next, we need the performance of the two countries on the battlefield.

2 in 1, no splitting, just look at it this way.

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