My Italy

Chapter 201 Opportunity

In the new year, the breath of spring makes people feel happy, and Amar is in an equally happy mood today.

Although the harvest in the village is not very good this year and everyone's life is a little difficult after paying taxes, this does not include Amal, because he has ways to generate income in other ways.

Amar woke up early and looked at his own image in the mirror. He saw that it was very good and there were no flaws. Satisfied, he picked up the hidden cross and put the shiny silver gadget into his pocket.

This is his way of making extra money, so there can be no surprises. Otherwise, the income from one bag of wheat a month will be wasted.


Amal made a graceful sign of the cross on his chest, elegant and skillful. I believe that Allah will also understand me, and I can gain forgiveness from Allah if I pretend to be necessary for survival.

After praying in his heart, Amal said goodbye to his wife and left. Before leaving, he also looked at his two lovely children.

The village where he lived was 8 kilometers away from his destination Zabadani. In order to make time, he got on his donkey and hurried out of the village.

There is a Christian church in Zabadani, and that is his destination. Originally, his attitude towards this church was the same as everyone else's. Why didn't His Majesty the Sultan's officials drive these heretics out?

But now, he thinks these pagans still have some effect. Of course, this is the understanding that started two years ago. At that time, the old priest of this church left and two new young priests came. Then the Christian church in Zabadani changed.

The two young priests were not like the old priest who kept nagging people to believe in God. Instead, they claimed that as long as they believed in God, each person would receive a bag of wheat.

Although the remarks of these two people were denounced by the respected imam as selling their souls to the devil, they still made many people who were short of the bag of wheat sneak away to feel the breath of God.

It was at that time that Amal also felt the breath of God, and each of them actually received a 50-pound bag of wheat.

Then the new Father Bran announced that since everyone felt the Lord's care, they needed to read the Bible. Of course, he considered that many of the people present were illiterate, so he announced another decision, that is, every week, he would explain the Bible to them, and anyone who could remember it would receive two bags of wheat.

And because he remembered the most, he was awarded two extra bags of wheat.

In addition, Father Bran also gave him a benefit: he would go to church every week to teach others about the Bible, and he would also receive a bag of wheat every month. This kind of income is not low at all, it is as much as his income from farming.

You must know that after the harvest, after deducting the rent and taxes, he will get more than a thousand pounds of grain. And these are not just wheat, there are also many miscellaneous grains in them.

Therefore, Amar cherishes the wheat income very much. Although he only has God in his heart, why can't he earn food from pagans?

Along the way, Amal was planning this year's income, whether he could buy something for his wife and two children, and whether he could save some for the future.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice that as he approached Zabadani, there were a surprising number of pedestrians on the road. Moreover, the faces of these people were a little different, with a hint of nervous expectation, and even a look of getting their wish. Even if you pay a little closer attention, you can see that there seems to be something inside their robes.


At this time, Amal, who came back to his senses, realized that today's situation was a little different, because at the gate of Zabadani town, he saw people standing at the intersection of the town, and the respected Agali Imam was standing On a high platform that had been set up, he was speaking to the dark crowd in front of him.

"By Allah, ever since those two infidels came to town..."

The Imam's speech made Amal understand what was going on. Originally, the Christian church and the mosque were incompatible with each other. Su Ri'an couldn't stand the other side, but they could still maintain a balance. But this time there was a private joke between the two priests, which involved the prophet, and this happened to be overheard by others. Word spread that the two priests had insulted the Prophet.

Now the imam of the mosque, Agali, quit. He had long seen the dissatisfaction of these two pagans bribing God's people, and now he dared to insult the prophet, not letting them know how powerful they were, and thought that the green religion was easy to bully.

So under the call of the imam, young adults from all over the country gathered. On the pillars on the side, there were hung several killed people. These people were known to Amal and they were all people who had been to the church many times. He also drank coffee with one of them named Ali.


Upon seeing this scene, Amarna could not understand what was happening.

But at this time, he couldn't care about other people, because someone was pointing at him and shouting. "This is the traitor who used to go to church, who turned his back on God and went to listen to the voice of the devil."

As soon as someone pointed it out, Amar immediately realized that something was wrong. At this time, any rebuttal was useless, and he ran away with one word from now on.

There was nothing to say. Amar got on the donkey and slapped him hard on the butt without caring about the donkey.

The stinging mouth of the donkey let out a cry of "hehehe", and Sayazi ran into the town, but no one caught him.

Amal, who was riding a donkey and galloping all the way, realized something was wrong when he rushed into the town, because people were surrounded on the road. Judging from their makeup and the various weapons in their hands, they were all mobilized. ***.


After groaning inwardly, Amar could only bite the bullet and rush forward. They would not let him go if he stopped.

Facing the donkey knight charging straight towards him, a powerful man with a ferocious smile raised his scimitar and pointed it at Amal. It was obvious that if he rushed down, his life would be at risk.

How could Amar stop at this time? To stop would be to seek death, so he could only rush in with his eyes closed.


A gunshot gave Amar a chance, because the strong man who was wielding a machete fell down unwillingly, clutching his bleeding chest. Others on both sides were startled by the gunfire, which gave him a chance.

The donkey broke through the blockade and headed directly towards the church, because the gunfire just now came from the church two hundred meters away.

After Amal rushed over, those who blocked the blockade reacted. They immediately wanted to rush to the church with angry expressions.


Another shot hit one of them, causing him to scream, and this sound made these people control their emotions, so they retreated again.

And Amal rushed into the church in one breath. At this time, the door of the church was opened, and Father Bran held a rifle and waved at him. "Come in quickly, Amar."

Amar, who was not paying attention to the donkey, rushed in with three steps at a time.

As soon as he entered, he found that the situation was not good. Except for the two priests holding guns, the other six or seven original church members were only holding sticks and knives.

"Amar, thank God for blessing you."

After Father Bran patted his shoulder, he took out a stick and handed it to him. "Hold the church and protect it. We need to wait for the Ottoman army in Damascus to rescue us."

Father Bran's words did not inspire Amal, because they were 60 kilometers away from Damascus. Although it was not too far, half of it was mountainous, and it would take at least a day to wait.

And can they wait a day?

Looking at the growing number of irritable people outside, Amal had no confidence. And he also saw that they had taken out torches.

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