My Iron Suit

Chapter 947: survivor!

The heavy weight of heavy trucks directly acts on these zombies through the tires!

Wherever the heavy-duty wheel runs over, whether it is the body or the limbs, all of them are directly crushed, and even the hardest skull is directly crushed and crushed!

However, as the depth goes deeper into the corpse, the more zombies are in front of the heavy truck, the resistance of the heavy truck is getting bigger and bigger, and the speed is inevitably lowered!

Just when Chen Mo was driving a heavy truck and just rushed into the corpse, the survivor responsible for the whistle on the prison floor had already discovered him!

In this dead city, the roar of the heavy-duty engine is very abrupt. After rushing out of the street, there is no blockage of the building, and it can be heard from far away.

Even the people who did not use the whistle gave an alarm, and other survivors who heard the movement in the prison quickly rushed to the top of the building. Except for Wendell, who was in charge of the "mysterious prisoner" in the basement, the remaining five survivors in the prison were all Come to the end, stand on the edge of the building and look in the direction of the roar of the distant car!

Despite the blocking of layers of zombies, the huge body of the heavy trucks clearly fell into their eyes.

“There are other survivors!”

The only female Cristo who was present was screaming.

They have been trapped here for a long time, they have always thought that there are only these people left in Los Angeles, I did not expect there are other survivors!

This makes everyone's heart can not help but raise a glimmer of hope!

"He thought of us here!"

Today, at the top of the building, he was responsible for the whistle. He first discovered the strong man of the heavy truck, Angel Ortiz said.

Hearing his words, Bennett, a middle-aged man with a loose large suit and a curly hair and a beard, asked quickly.

"Is that ship sent to save us?"

Looking at the location of the crowd, you will find that the five survivors on the rooftop are clearly divided into two. The former long-haired girl Christo, the first to find the heavy-duty man, Angel Ortiz, and a figure The tall black Luther West, these three people stand together, obviously close.

And the middle-aged man in the suit, Bennett, had only one thin Asian youth, Jin Yong, standing with him. The two stood obviously and the other three opened a distance, which seemed alienated. The other three It is obviously annoying to see his eyes.

However, for his question, Angel Ortiz still answered.

I saw him put down his telescope, his face shook his head seriously, and he screamed.

"Should not, they can't just send such a truck to save us! It's just an ordinary heavy truck. Without any modification, it is impossible to break through this huge corpse by this!"

Everyone heard the face could not help but dark.

In fact, they should have thought of it.

The "Arcadia" on the beach has been parked there for several days, but no one has ever appeared. Although the radio has always had their broadcasts, there is no practical action and they want to board the ship. They should only be able to rush out of this piece of corpse by themselves, expecting the rescue of each other, hope very embarrassing!

Bennett couldn’t help but pull his face. Obviously, since the other party is not here to save them, it is to take refuge in the prison. After all, only the entire Los Angeles is surrounded by the tall and heavy walls of the prison, blocking the endless The zombies left a relatively safe place for survivors to survive.

Thinking of this, Bennett looked at the heavy truck rushing in the distance, and his face could not help but sink.

"We have to stop him! In case he drives the car and crashes the wall directly, we will all die!"

Others present were unable to wrinkle, but no one agreed with his proposal.

In any case, at the end of this current loss, there are fewer and fewer human survivors, and every survivor is very important to humans!

Under the premise of ensuring their own safety, they are still willing to save more people, so that their future resistance to zombies will become stronger!

The other party dared to drive a heavy truck to attack the corpse. Others did not say that at least the courage was stronger than most of the people they were present, so they stopped the other side and watched him being swallowed up by the corpse. They obviously did Not!

However, although Bennett is cold and selfish, he is not completely impossible. If the other party loses his sense of reason, regardless of the driving and breaking the wall, the zombies will inevitably follow the surge. These people have only one dead end!

Finally, the tall, strong black man among the three, Luther West frowned.

"Let's go ahead and see the situation!"

Angel Ortiz and Christo naturally had no opinion. Although Bennett was dissatisfied, he still took the elevator to the downstairs with everyone.

Listening to the roar of the engine coming from afar, the five people who were outside the situation quickly passed through the open space between the building and the wall and boarded the wall.

Standing on the fence of 67 meters high, no one can wait to see the direction of the engine sound.

The following perspective is different from the roof. The ugly head of countless zombies and the arm of the sky are lifted up. The tall figure of the heavy truck appears again in the eyes of everyone.

During the time when everyone went downstairs to climb the wall, heavy trucks have penetrated into the middle of the corpse sea, where the zombies are more dense, and the zombies and zombies are almost close together, this is The resistance that causes the heavy truck to move forward is much bigger!

Although this heavy-duty truck has a strong horsepower and a large size, it is only an ordinary vehicle used to transport goods. It has not been specially modified. Even metal bumpers are severely deformed under successive impacts, and even One side has already fallen off, I believe that it will not fall for a long time and will fall off completely!

The front face of the heavy truck also has a lot of damage, the engine radiator inside has been exposed, at the same time, the front of the entire heavy truck has not seen the original color!

The **** flesh that splashed in the impact has already covered the front part of the heavy truck with a thick layer. Even the windshield on the top has been pasted for a long time. If there is a wiper that keeps cleaning, it has long been Can't see it!

At this time, the speed of this heavy truck has not been the first rapid, even if Chen Mo has stepped on the throttle to the maximum, the roar of the engine is deafening, but under the layers of zombies, the speed simply does not mention stand up.

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