My Iron Suit

Chapter 930: critical hit!

First, the FIA ​​held a press conference to announce the penalty for a permanent ban on Sato Suzuki. Then numerous netizens denounced him on the Internet.

Sato Suzuki's Twitter was captured by countless netizens, and he was smashed from head to toe. The angry people gave him the scum, scum, and murderer's label, and completely smashed him into the abyss!

The Fengtian team has not escaped the condemnation of public opinion. Similarly, the reputation of Fengtian Group has been greatly affected. The most intuitive performance is that after the incident, Fengtian Group in Europe, the United States and many other countries. The car sales in the region have dropped significantly, resulting in economic losses of more than one billion US dollars!

Chen Mo’s action has not officially started, and it has already given the Fengtian Group a heavy blow!

Of course, behind this incident, Jarvis’s help is also indispensable!

Fengtian Guangsuke originally wanted to secretly give the Aegis team a scorpion and prevent the Aegis team from further improving its influence. Unexpectedly, not only did it not achieve its goal, but it also lost the wife and the soldiers!

The team's strongest driver, Sato Suzuki, was completely finished. He also lost the team and the group. The loss was huge and the team manager was abolished. It was difficult for the Fengtian team that suffered a huge blow to continue to participate in the next game.

Not only is the large amount of funds and resources invested this season completely squandered, but it also faces the claims of many advertising sponsors. This will undoubtedly be a very heavy blow to Fengtian Group!

Feng Tian Guang Jie almost made a heart attack again!

As for the serious injury of Sato Suzuki, no one sympathizes with him, because he is completely self-defeating!

In the case of causing huge losses to the team and the group, and being seriously injured, and being banned by the FIA ​​for life, Sato Suzuki has no use value for the Fengtian team. The Fengtian team will not hesitate to directly bring him. Give up and push all the problems to Sato Suzuki, trying to save a little reputation.

However, under the control of Jarvis, the winds of the public opinion did not improve at all. Fengtian Group had another sin of cold-blooded ruthlessness!

When the streets and alleys were clamoring for the wonderful game of the Jedi and Bernie Todd's sudden death and the windfield team scandal, Chen Mo had already returned to the castle on a supersonic private jet.

The World Formula 1 Championship is held around the world. There will be a total of 20 races. The British Railway Station is just the beginning. In the next half year, the Aegis team and Carlos Sainz will be very busy. After a while, I have to go to different places to participate in the competition, and will eventually decide the f1 championship of this year based on the total score of all the competitions.

However, although it is only a sub-station champion, the influence and harvest of the Aegis team and the small Carlos Sainz is very famous!

The Aegis team is a new team that has just been formed and entered for the first time. Carlos Sainz was originally a test driver. This is also the first time he participated in the f1 race as a formal driver. Even the cars they used in the competition were the first f1 cars designed and built by Aegis. Compared with other experienced teams with strong skills and top drivers, they can be said to be from scratch. Does not take any advantage!

It is such a newcomer combination that has just been formed and is not optimistic by most people. However, it shows an amazing strength in the first game. It is like a broken bamboo, and it will be an old team far away with an unstoppable attitude. Behind him, he won the championship in a strong position and shocked the eyes of countless people!

The names of Aegis and Carlos Sainz were quickly spread among people after the game, but no one would know the two names if they like racing!

In contrast to the negative news of the Fengtian Group because of the negative news of Sato Suzuki, the popularity of the Aegis Group has also been greatly improved after the team won the championship. People have a clearer understanding of the strength of the Aegis Group.

A company that has been able to beat other veteran teams to win the championship for the first time in the f1 competition has no doubt its technical strength.

Carlos Sainz drove the Aegis car on the final straight track and slammed the Ferrari, which was driven by the previous champion Russell, and the video of the game that was getting farther and farther was forwarded by many people. The powerful momentum of riding a dust does not know how many fans attracted to the Aegis team and Carlos Sainz!

The powerful acceleration performance shown in it has also made countless people who like racing.

Although they can't buy the Aegis Racing, they still have the Thunder Super Run!

That is more horrible than the f1 car!

From the second day of the competition, the sales of the "Thunder" car began to improve greatly. Even the "Knight" and "Lord" were affected, and the sales volume has increased a lot.

Aegis Technology also enjoyed the benefits of winning the competition, and the sales of holographic smartphones have greatly improved!

Even the supersonic private jets, which had not been sold so much, suddenly added several orders after the game.

The champion of a f1 race has brought billions of dollars in economic benefits to Aegis. Compared with Fengtian Group, which lost his wife and lost money, Chen Mo is the last real winner!

And this is just a Aegis Machinery is working hard to build a new car production line. The formation of the China Aegis Auto Branch has already begun. When everything is ready, it is Chen Mo’s real shot. At that time, Fengtian Group will usher in the most deadly blow of Chen Mo!

After returning to the castle, Chen Mo began to prepare "weapons" for this "fatal blow"!

That new model will be released in the same time in the country of rice and China!

Due to limited time, Chen Mo did not let the R&D department of Aegis auto research and development, but he did it himself.

However, this time, Chen Mo did not need to spend too much effort. Like the design of the previous supersonic private jet, Chen Mo found a ready-made drawing from the Hydra's technical database. After a slight modification, he handed it directly to the Su Shi.

At the same time, while the construction of the production line of Aegis Machinery, the design and development department of Aegis will also improve the rough revised drawings according to Chen Mo's requirements. According to Chen Mo's estimation, both sides can basically be at the same time. carry out.


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