My Iron Suit

Chapter 928: Counterattack!

During the entire cornering process, the car basically maintains the same driving angle and turning radius, so the centrifugal force is basically kept constant, and the speed of the car will be kept as high as possible at this angle.

In this process, if you change the cornering path, either increase the angle of the steering wheel and shorten the turning radius, but you must reduce the speed. Otherwise, the driver will not only bear a greater centrifugal load, but also risk the rollover!

Either reduce the angle of the steering wheel and increase the turning radius, but it will increase the distance of the corner. At the same time, because the cornering method itself has increased the turning radius to the maximum, if it continues to increase, the track of the car will exceed the track. Range, thus rushing out of the track!

In the case that Russell has taken the best cornering path, Carlos Sainz wants to overtake, whether it is from the outside or inside, it is almost impossible!

Carlos Sainz did not overtake the corner again, but although the two kept the same route while cornering, Carlos Sainz didn’t need to be on the lookout like Russell. The car is overtaking, so under the full force, his speed is faster than Russell, and the distance between the two cars is also rapidly approaching during the cornering!

When the two cars were cut out from the inside, the front wing of Carlos Sainz's car was less than twenty centimeters from the rear of Russell and is still close!

Just as Russell’s red Ferrari car continued to shift along the original arc, and the two cars were about to be rear-end, the small Carlos Sainz’s hands clasping the steering wheel jerked again to the right. Hit the direction and step on the gas pedal, one foot in the end!

The black Aegis car that had been rushing to the left outside after the Russell car suddenly flashed to the right!

At the same time, in a more violent engine roar, the speed of the car has also increased dramatically!

The sudden increase in the angle and the speed of the lift again, the centrifugal force of the car is also suddenly increased!

The huge centrifugal force on the small Carlos Sainz, squeezed his body toward the left side of the wall, but the space inside the car is extremely narrow, basically completely encircling his body. With a six-point seat belt to hold the body firmly, the body of Carlos Sainz has not been greatly affected.

But the head is different, even if Carlos Sainz is ready in advance, the muscular neck muscles are tightly stretched and resisted. The head of a heavy helmet is inevitable. The left side smashed the past.

At the same time, the powerful centrifugal force acts on his body, and he feels that the blood of the whole body is rushing toward the left half of the body, and the brain is even more dizzy.

Despite this, Carlos Sainz still clenched his grip on the steering wheel and controlled the car to continue to follow his route and rush forward!

The sudden offset angle caused the black Aegis car, which was originally behind the Russell Red Ferrari's buttocks, to suddenly slam to the right, and instantly came to its right, and was originally faster than the red Ferrari. The speed also broke out again at the same time, quickly surpassing the past!

The audience in the stands suddenly boiled. A young man wearing a red t-shirt of the Ferrari team, who was dyed with a red hair, stood in the stands and shouted with excitement in his fists.

"Beyond him! More than him! You are the champion!!!"

Russell, who had already relaxed his vigilance, was surprised to see the sudden operation of Carlos Sainz. He also wanted to continue blocking, but the speed of Carlos Sainz was too fast, in a blink of an eye. It has already surpassed half, and at this time the black Aegis car has occupied the right track, Russell is forced to change direction despite the security, but there is no way to block him!

Unless he is as desperately blocked as Sato Suzuki, but at the speed of Carlos Sainz, the result of his work will only be to let the two cars smash together, both lose!

Therefore, Russell did not directly force the lane to block, but continued to cut to the left side of the outer track according to the original route!

However, Russell was not angry because of the catch-up of Carlos Sainz, because after the exit, it was the straight line before the final line. The inside line did not matter. The final competition was the car. Speed ​​performance!

And he has never lost in this regard, because he is driving the strongest f1 car produced by Ferrari!

Previously on this straight track, he didn't know how many opponents he had surpassed, how many cheers he won, and now it's time for him to fight!

At the first time when the straight line was taken out of the curve, Russell stepped the accelerator to the bottom, and the red Ferrari car snarled and suddenly rushed forward!

At this time, Carlos Sainz was only half a stop in Russell, and he wanted to come in Russell. Under his full sprint, he only needed to win the small Carlos Sainz in a blink of an eye. Super, and leave it far behind!

But what happened later made him shocked and widened his eyes, and his face was unbelievable!

Although he has already stepped on the throttle to the maximum, the red Ferrari has exploded with the greatest power to accelerate forward, but the distance between him and the black Aegis car on the right has not been zoomed in. The speed is quickly opened!

The power of the red Ferrari has reached its Russell’s formerly powerful power is dwarfed in front of Aegis, and Russell has already stepped on the throttle. The black car that looked at Carlos Sainz quickly overtook him and left him completely behind him.

Although not yet to the end, Russell knew that he lost!

The audience in the stands looked at the black Aegis racing car that exploded with amazing acceleration performance and quickly opened the red Ferrari car with unstoppable momentum. Everyone's face was full of shock and excitement!

This time, everyone was excited to stand up from the seat and cheered up for Carlos Sainz!

From the last countdown to the start of the race, and now surpassed Russell to the first place, Carlos Sainz gave them a wonderful Jedi counterattack!

However, Bernie Todd's face is a bit ugly. He thought that this time he could beat the Aegis car that participated in the competition for the first time in the f1 field that had been fighting for many years. I didn't expect it to be lost!


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