My Iron Suit

Chapter 925: Craftsmanship!

Just a few times, several small vans and off-road vehicles suddenly came over and quietly stopped several cars next to the "Lord" car parked in the area.

Then, these cars stopped there, there was no movement, no one got off the train and did not move.

When Jarvis looked through the surveillance camera in the parking lot, he found that all the people sitting in the car were wearing hoods!

And through the gap in the seat, he even found the shadow of the rifle in the back row!

This is obviously a group of gunmen with a certain purpose!

According to their performance, Jarvis can conclude that they are coming to Chen Mo!

Jarvis did not rush to report Chen Mo, but quickly began a comprehensive investigation!

While all the viewers who watched the game on the field at this time, as well as the information of the staff and the team of the participating teams, searched for suspicious targets, Jarvis followed the group of gangsters.

Invasion of urban traffic monitoring and vehicle management systems, finding their way through monitoring records and vehicle information, invading the mobile phone of people in the car through wireless networks, checking call records and information, and finding relevant clues.

Under Jarvis' powerful computational analysis and intrusion capabilities, the investigation quickly yielded results!

The final messenger behind the investigation is pointing to an "old friend"!

Chen Mo came to Lundun this time. Although he did not show up in front of the media, he did not hide his identity too deliberately.

When the car arrived this morning, Chen Mo also showed up in front of the team members, and naturally it was seen by other team members in the process.

Contacting the Aegis team, everyone, including the team manager and the driver, respected Chen Mo, and the only supersonic private jet in the world that belongs to the owner of the Aegis company arrived in Lundun. People are still very easy. Guess his identity!

Although the photo was not taken by the reporter, the news that the owner of the Aegis team arrived at Lundun was still gone, and the owner of the Ferrari team, Bernie Todd, also got the news for the first time!

He used to come to Lundun to watch his own team's game, and after the accident that the owner of the Aegis industry also flew from the country, Bernie Todd could not help but start thinking!

Bernie Todd is not only the owner of the Ferrari team, but also the helm of the entire Ferrari Group!

As a big capitalist who wants to be a strong local, Bernie Todd and the Mafia have a very close relationship!

Last time, in order to get the cutting-edge technology mastered by Aegis, he sent the Mafia to kidnap Chen Mo. As a result, the entire Mafia of Los Angeles was subjected to a **** wash of the mysterious "dead servant" who did not know where it came from.

The timing of such a coincidence made Bernie Todd believe that the "dead servant" was the killer sent by Chen Mo, which made him very scared for a while.

To this end, he also specifically strengthened his security forces, no matter where you go, with a group of guns and bodyguards, the place where you usually live is even more defensive!

He even spent a few tens of millions of dollars on ordering several "Lord" cars and "Knight" off-road vehicles. As a guard car for his car and bodyguards, it can be said that the security work has been done to the extreme!

However, after a long period of no movement, Bernie Todd, who was slowed down from the fear of the "Desperate" **** Los Angeles-based Mafia, once again overturned the original speculation.

He thinks that all this is just a coincidence. The "dead waiter" has nothing to do with Chen Mo. It just happened to clean the mafia when he sent people to kidnap Chen Mo. It was a coincidence that Chen Mo escaped.

Otherwise, it is impossible to let him be behind the scenes of the murderous posture of the Los Angeles-based Mafia.

So Bernie Todd had already pressed the mind and could not help again!

Originally, he also thought about Chen Mo from the time, but did not expect Chen Mo to send himself to the door!

Although his base camp cares about it, there is also a lot of power in Britain. At least, kidnapping a person is not difficult for him!

Only because he learned that Chen Mo was riding a "Lord" car produced by Aegis, Bernie Todd, who knew the safety of Aegis, had to give up the way of intercepting in the middle of the road and instead sent people to ambush directly. In the parking lot, the scene that Jarvis discovered before happened.

Under Jarvis's investigation, Bernie Todd's plan quickly surfaced, and Jarvis also found that Bernie Todd himself was at the racetrack!

I just don't know if he is going to watch the game, or he wants to see Chen Mo being taken by his men.

Just as Jarvis was going to tell Chen Mo about this, he suddenly found out that a mobile phone under his supervision that had been a gangster in the car had just sent out a message!

“The repair station personnel are in place, waiting for the racer to enter the station!”

Obviously, they used the terminology of the f1 game as a slang to contact.

The phone that this message was ultimately sent to is not Bernie Todd's personal mobile phone, but according to Jarvis's positioning, this mobile phone with an unnamed phone card should be on Bernie Todd!

Obviously, the boss of the Ferrari company, who is acting in a hot style, does not know whether he is seeking excitement or other psychology, and intends to personally direct this action!

He is not worried that he will expose himself.

There are tens of thousands of viewers at the If necessary, he only needs to wipe out the fingerprint of this mobile phone, and throw it anywhere, no one can get from this one without any identity information. Track him on the phone!

Just as Bernie Todd pulled out his mobile phone and looked down at the text message, Chen Mo also received a report from Jarvis.

"The boss, Ferrari boss Bernie Todd arranged the manpower and prepared to launch an attack in the parking lot after the game ended tonight and kidnap you!"

At the same time, the situation on the parking lot and the location of Bernie Todd were all displayed in detail on Chen Mo's mobile phone.

Looking at the vehicles on the screen of the phone that were labeled by Jarvis, and the analysis of the weapons in the car, Chen Mo’s eyes could not help but flash a cool color!

This time, Chen Mo is really moving to kill!

He couldn't help but think of the group of gangsters who rushed into the manor last time. The Ferrari boss had the same style of action. He sent a group of gunmen to his house to kidnap him. This time he came to Europe and he sent it directly again. Ready to prepare for the trick!


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