My Iron Suit

Chapter 906: Light pole commander!

However, Simmons responded and looked at Chen Mo with a look of surprise.

"Deputy Director?"


Chen Mo nodded and looked at Simmons slowly.

"I have other things to do, and I will leave after a while. This base will be handed over to you later. I will leave all the car people to help you. During this time, I will be fully authorized by you." Be responsible for!"

When he heard Chen Mo say that he was leaving, Simmons’s heart could not help but mention that when Chen Mo would leave all the auto people to help him, Simmons could not help but turn his head and glanced at the group of mighty steels not far away. The giant, the heart is finally settled down.

The Decepticons are not so good to deal with. If you don't have the strength to support the powerful fighters who are facing them and rely on ordinary human soldiers, it will be very difficult to deal with them!

With the help of the car people, it is different. Simmons believes that under the command of his own coordinator, plus a team of elite soldiers to help, they will be able to easily eliminate the small-scale Decepticons, will hide in The Decepticons in all corners of the earth are all destroyed!

Moreover, the identity of the Deputy Director of SHIELD also made Simmons happy.

Although he is not an official fan, but is able to have a higher status and rights, Simmons is also very happy.

Although still the number two, the Deputy Director of the SHIELD and the head of the Field Service in the 7th District are not a concept at all!

Not to mention the huge gap between the forces mastered by the two organizations, Simmons’s identity in the seventh district of the seventh district was actually hydrated.

As a small secret organization with the main task of researching the source of fire and Megatron, the seventh district, the head of the research department and the head of the research department, Tom Benachek, is undoubtedly the most powerful.

And Simons and other directors of intelligence, logistics and other departments, in terms of duties, is actually a level.

However, because the field department he is responsible for is a strong department, he has the strongest rights and strength, and his own tough style, which is the pressure on other departments to become the second person in the seventh district.

But in the end, when the seventh district was disbanded, only Tom Benachek got a new arrangement. His second character, like all other underlying staff, was swept away without mercy.

Now, Simmons is the real deputy director of the SHIELD. The second person under Chen Mo is responsible for the entire SHIELD when Chen Mo is absent!

He no longer has to worry, he will be swept away by the people!

Just as Simmons thought about the future, he commanded the many combatants and car people under his command to encircle the Decepticons, and when they were all turned into scrap irons, Chen Mo’s words once again brought him back to reality.

"But except for the autobots, SHIELD does not have a formed armed force. Other operations and logistics personnel need to recruit yourself and start your team from scratch."

Simmons realized that he turned out to be a polished commander!

Not right, once again glanced at the Optimus Prime and other car people standing tall and not far away, Simmons' heart fell back.

They are the most important force to deal with the Decepticons!

As long as they are there, other problems are solved, isn't it human?

At other times, it is really not easy for him to secretly summon so many people, but now the seventh district is dissolved. His old subordinates and old colleagues are all kicked out by the government like him. Their situation is no better than Simmons. How many.

Suddenly there was no work, no insurance, no pension. For the people of the country who didn’t have any deposits, the pressure from real life made them breathless overnight.

This is why Simmons almost went back to the old mother and went back to the restaurant as a chef.

When they have work and stable income, they can be casual and can devote themselves to their work and give full play to their patriotic feelings. Without work and income, survival becomes the first problem they face!

Therefore, when Simmons officially joined the SHIELD and began to secretly convene personnel, his former subordinates became the first objects to be recruited.

Originally, as a secret organization, recruiting members must have high requirements and need to conduct a rigorous review to prevent secrets from being leaked. It is definitely not something that anyone can join.

However, the people recruited by Simmons were originally members of the secret organization of the seventh district. They have already been strictly screened in terms of thought, ability, and confidentiality. After being ruthlessly abandoned by the government of the country, they have a deep understanding of the government. Resentment and dissatisfaction, the possibility of betraying the SHIELD to the US government is obviously not big.

However, just in case, Jarvis still carried out strict surveillance and review of the personnel, and the final result was satisfactory, and there was no bad situation.

After the dissolution of the seventh district, these original elites were in a state of grief, confusion, helplessness, and no one hesitated to face the recruitment of Simmons. They chose to join the SHIELD.

Compared with strange and ordinary life, the work of SHIELD is more suitable for them, especially when it is learned that there are still many Decepticons being hidden on the earth. The ambitions and lofty beliefs that have been extinguished are again. It ignited and was pushed to a higher height than ever!

Like The idea of ​​guarding the earth makes each of them feel the tide of the heart, and while their shoulders have a heavy responsibility, their hearts have become very fulfilling and full of motivation. !

After the abandonment of this group of people, the government of the United States did not waste manpower and resources to supervise them, but completely let it go, let it go its own way, which also reduced the recruitment of Simmons.

With the help of Jarvis and the Autobots, just a few days later, dozens of agents and various logisticians gathered in this secret base on the ground floor of the abandoned factory.

In addition to this, in addition to the original seventh district staff, there are many familiar figures.

Captain William Reynolds and his elite special squad, as well as talented female analyst Maggie Madsen, the world's top hacker Glenn Whitman, and Sam and Michela were all recruited into Aegis. Bureau.

Others don't have to say that they are all top talents with outstanding ability, and they can play a huge role in SHIELD, and Sam and Michela, two high school students who have not graduated, are all coming together.


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