My Iron Suit

Chapter 891: Surprise!

This discovery made Optimus Prime have a new understanding of Chen Mo's strength, and also understand why Chen Mo did not let them shoot!

On the one hand, Chen Mo's strength is sufficient to deal with it. On the other hand, Chen Mo can also hone his strength by fighting with them. Naturally, they do not need these aliens to intervene!

Therefore, even if their enemies, Megatron, arrived, Optimus Prime still did not rush.

From Chen Mo's easy killing of the former Decepticons, and the strength of the show when playing against the noisy and dizzy, Chen Mo's strength is definitely not on the top of Optimus Prime. In fact, he saw Chen Mo's fighting style and strong strength. Optimus Prime has no bottom in defeating Chen Mo’s heart.

Therefore, as long as there is Chen Mo, even if there is no way to kill Megatron, at least to keep the source of the fire should be no problem!

However, this matter is of great importance. It is related to the life and death of the whole earth. Optimus Prime does not want to have an accident. Therefore, it is decided to shorten the distance with the team so that it can be shot in time in the event of an accident.

Megatron didn't know that the old rival Optimus Prime was right next to him. At this moment, his attention was all on the front of the team!

Feeling the clear source of the fire source from the team's position, Megatron was so excited that he immediately accelerated again and rushed toward the team!

Chen Mo, who has been calculating the time in his heart, has long expected that Megatron should have completely thawed. It is almost time to catch up, so he always pays attention to the situation behind him. He discovered his first time at the time of Megatron. Figure.

Seeing that this space fighter approached from the rear, and began to lower the height, and rushed toward them, Chen Mo immediately stepped on the gas!

The engine engine roared and the hornet's speed increased sharply, quickly opening the distance to the four military off-road vehicles.

With the strength of Megatron, these soldiers are too close to being killed as ants!

Captain William Reynolds on the back buggy took a look at Chen Mo's reaction, immediately knew that there were enemies, and quickly searched around, and soon found the space fighter that swiftly swooped into the air!

Although the distance is still far away, it is not particularly clear, but the shape, color, and amazing speed that are obviously different from the Earth's fighters all show the identity of the other party!

In the face of air power, these four cars are simply a living target!

Captain William Reynolds instantly understood that Chen Mo suddenly accelerated, and they opened the distance, immediately rushed to order.

"Air strike! Disperse! Go down the road!"

The four military off-road vehicles immediately spread out on both sides and quickly rushed into the wilderness.

Then, as the four cars continued to move forward at full speed, the soldiers in the car set up their weapons and aimed at the space fighters that rushed to the rear!

Megatron's goal was very clear, went straight to the bumblebee, did not care about the four off-road vehicles that were left behind, plundering directly from their heads.

Just as he flew in the middle of the team, the soldiers on the four off-road vehicles all pulled the trigger together and launched an attack on him.

However, the speed of the space warplane's Megatron is too fast, and their attacks are not even wiped by the sides of Megatron, all empty!

Megatron simply did not pay attention to these attacks. At this time, his eyes only had the yellow Chevrolet in front of the panic!

In a twinkling of an eye, Megatron chased behind the Hornet, and an energy cannon in front of the space fighter quickly lit up, and a bumblebee flying fast toward the front ground shot a blue energy beam.

At this time, Chen Mo's reaction speed advantage is reflected. Under the control of Chen Mo, the Bumblebee body quickly twisted and flexibly flashed this attack.

The massive energy beam bombarded the road and directly blasted a huge deep pit, which directly damaged most of the road surface and could not continue to pass!

Fortunately, the four off-road vehicles in the back have already spread out in advance and rushed down the road. Otherwise, there will be no response at close range. It is very likely that they will directly crash into the pit and the car will be destroyed!

After a hit, the space fighter did not continue to attack, but swooped directly toward the bumblebee on the ground!

The speed of the bumblebee has already been mentioned as the highest, but it is still quickly caught up by the space fighter. Seeing that the space fighter diving in front of the bumblebee is about to hit the ground, it quickly began to deform. In the blink of an eye, a height of more than ten One meter, the giant robot with armor and spikes under the mountain fell to the ground in front of the bumblebee!

The biggest BOSS in the movie world, Megatron finally debut!

Sitting in the driving position of the Hornet, Chen Mo looked calmly at the biggest Transformer he had seen so far, and he couldn't help but flash a little excitement and anticipation.

The people on the four off-road vehicles that rushed down the road also recognized the identity of this huge steel giant. They had just seen him in the NBE-1 hangar in the seventh district. However, he was covered in heavy ice and was in a frozen dormant state.

After the rapid completion of the deformation, Megatron's body was facing the hornet and fell heavily on the road.

Under the huge inertia, Megatron's feet slid on the road at a rapid speed, plowing the road directly to smash and his body is always balanced, his knees are slightly curved, and his feet are rubbing. It quickly reduces the speed of the body.

While sliding backwards, Megatron's orange-red eyes stared excitedly at the source of the fire on the front of the bumblebee's co-pilot's seat, slamming over and facing the bumblebee in front of him!

When Chen Mo saw it, he stepped on the brakes violently. The braking ability of the car was much faster than that of Megatron's feet.

After quickly opening a distance with Megatron, Chen Mo stood up from his seat and jumped up and picked out the car from the open ceiling.

In the air, the dress of the steel shirt was quickly completed. Chen Mo directly started the propeller under his feet and rushed toward Megatron!

After rushing to Megatron, Chen Mo was surprised to find that Megatron’s attack speed was far above the other Transformers he had encountered before!

Facing the oncoming Chen Mo, Megatron, who has gradually stopped, angered and directly opened the slender and sharp steel claws, and grabbed the past toward Chen Mo, the speed is very fast!

But this can also explain the pass, after all, the second form of Megatron is a space fighter!

The speed of space warplanes is extremely high, and the requirements for response speed are naturally very high, far from being comparable to those of tanks, helicopters and ordinary raptors!


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