My Iron Suit

Chapter 868: You're dead!

The attitude of the flight has not changed. At the same time as the spider's pen rushes straight, an armor on the shoulder opens quickly, revealing the micro-automatic tracking missile neatly arranged inside!

Three miniature automatic tracking missiles, only pistol bullets, were fired from the shoulder magazine and flew up against the three missiles coming in front!

When it comes to tracking and changing the ability, the micro-automatic tracking missile is far more flexible than the ordinary missile. The three micro-automatic tracking missiles hit the three-shot missiles almost exactly at the same time!


The violent explosion broke out in the air, and the huge fire group completely engulfed Chen Mo!

The red spider smiled coldly and was about to turn around and continue to destroy the power system. A black figure suddenly burst out of the huge fire group formed by the explosion in the air!

The red eye of Scarlet Scarlett couldn't help but blink, but Chen Mo's speed is too fast. Before he reacts, Chen Mo has already rushed to him!

Just before the moment when the two were about to come into contact, Chen Mo suddenly turned his body and put his feet forward, slamming on the face of Starscream!

A large spark of sparks came out with a lot of metal fragments, and the ugly face of Red Spider was completely broken!

At the same time, under the murder of Chen Mo, the body of Starscream is also involuntarily backwards.

However, he is now in the position of the bridge at the top of the dam. This retreat is a direct stepping down and falling down the dam!

If it is someone else, it will inevitably fall directly into the water below, but the second form of Starscream is an F-22 Raptor!

When it was about to fall into the water, Starscream finally slowed down from Chen Mo’s heavy blow and quickly began to deform. Finally, it was changed back to the form of the Raptor before it fell into the water.

The two engines propelled at full power, and the fuselage slid across the water and crossed an arc. Then it flew upwards and came over the dam again!

After landing at a distance of tens of meters from Chen Mo and returning to the robot form, the red spider's eyes flashed red and stared at Chen Mo, Shen Sheng said.

"You're dead!"

Starscream was angry at the fact that he had suffered a big loss in the hands of a weak cannon fodder "car man".

When the voice just fell, he directly lifted his right hand and quickly transformed into a gun-gun. He began to shoot continuously toward Chen Mo who fell to the ground after he took the dam down!

Said to be a ray gun, in fact, the caliber can be regarded as a cannon, although the rate of fire is far less than a small-caliber weapon such as a machine gun, but it is also much stronger than the missile, and the power is huge!

Not to mention a small transformer with a height of only two meters and a weak defense. Even a five-meter-high guy like a roadblock has to suffer serious injuries!

As for Chen Mo, in the eyes of Starscream, he can be broken into pieces in one shot!

A hot orange ray came out from the muzzle and shot toward Chen Mo. Chen Mo did not back down, and his body shape rushed toward the Red Spider directly against the fierce attack!

On the ground, Chen Mo's flexibility is stronger than in the air, and Superman's reaction speed allows him to clearly capture the trajectory of each attack.

Even without the use of the pre-judgment of the guns, Chen Mo only relied on the agile reaction, the shape of the flexible left and right flashing, and easily escaped all the attacks, the speed of the red spider!

Seeing Chen Mo's flexible escape from all the attacks rushed to the near, the attack of Red Spider suddenly paused.

I saw him sullenly moving down the muzzle, pointing to Chen Mo, ready to come close to the attack, a shot to kill Chen Mo!

Chen Mo naturally discovered the intention of Starscream, but how could his speed exceed Chen Mo!

At the same time as the spider's muzzle moves down, Chen Mo, who has come to the front, directly pushes his legs and slams from the ground.

The red spider sees Chen Mo jumping, the scarlet electronic eye can't help but flash. If Chen Mo is dodging on the ground, he is really not very good at aiming. The flexibility and speed of the small Transformers is the most annoying!

But now Chen Mo took the initiative to jump up, unable to escape in the air, is not his target!

Just waiting for him to be happy for a long time, he suddenly found that Chen Mo jumped faster than his muzzle!

And Chen Mo did not meet his gun, but flew toward his arm!

Without waiting for the spider's muzzle to point to Chen Mo, Chen Mo's hands have already grabbed the ray gun in his arm!

At the same time, Chen Mo's body continued to rush forward, and the whole body ran across, and his feet stepped on the elbow's elbow.

The next moment, Chen Mo grabbed the arms and waist of the ray gun and slammed hard. He only heard a squeaky metal break, and the large-caliber ray gun that the red spider's arm deformed was actually cut off from the roots by Chen Mo!

Red Spider stunned and slammed his broken arm back and forth, and opened the distance with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo steadily landed in midair, and did not win the battle. After glanced at the large-caliber ray gun that he was holding in his hand, he directly took it into the space.

Once again, in the hands of Chen Mo, the "cannon car car man", he suffered a big loss. The red spider finally dared not to look at it again. His eyes fixed on Chen Mo, and the scarlet electronic eyes flashed, revealing a strong killing!

As the deputy commander of the Decepticons, the second person under the leader Megatron, in the years of Megatron’s disappearance, has been commanding all the Decepticons. It can be said that he is in power.

In the past few years, I don’t know how many car people died in his hands, and he has suffered such a big loss!

Trying to change the broken right arm back to the original arm shape, Starscream found that only half of his right arm was left, and the break was sparked. The first half of the arm and the entire right hand disappeared. !

Looking at Chen Mo, the heart of Red Spider’s heart is tumbling.

"Damn bug! I will tear you into pieces!"

When Starscream finished, he no longer changed other weapons, but directly rushed toward Chen Mo.

He didn't think that Chen Mo's strength was stronger than him. Whether he had kicked him off the dam before, or just broke his ray gun, he relied on flexible speed and unexpected attacks.

So he simply rushed up and planned to use his powerful power to directly crush this small "autobot"!

However, this is exactly what Chen Mo’s mind is!

Chen Mo immediately did not back down, the face under the helmet was full of excitement, directly rushed up against the red spider!

The next moment, two large and one small steel bodies directly hit the front!

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