My Iron Suit

Chapter 488: Who is going to work for?

The mutants were hard to come by. The special team of Chen Mo’s team appeared three times at a time. This made the US GAV-SOG troops in the advisory headquarters of the United States in a few people’s eyes a mysterious color.

Many of their variants are awakened in extreme situations. In their view, MACV-SOG, especially the first team of the special warfare, can have three mutants at once. It must be extremely dangerous in the operational environment. Every moment is between life and death, in order to be able to give birth to three mutants in a short time.

With the previous strong performance of Chen Mo, the people of Victor and James did not dare to take a nap.

While everyone looked at the two with jealous eyes, William Stricker continued to introduce.

"Their variants are claws, bone spurs, physical strengthening and self-healing abilities. Their physical injuries can heal quickly in a very short period of time, and most attacks can't pose a threat to them."

Can you ignore the self-healing ability of most attacks?

In the minds of the people, two magnificent figures could be seen on the battlefield, and the damage caused by the surrounding attacks on them quickly healed back to the original, without affecting their combat power.

Although they did not see the ability of Victor and James, but from the introduction of William Strick, they can also imagine the power of the two, the strength of the two is at least similar to Fred, and Wade and Agent No. 0 were more acute than others, and they felt a huge threat from both of them.

As for Chen Mo, after a hundred years of precipitation, his edge has already been freely closed. If it is not deliberate, the outsiders simply can’t feel his momentum. It’s not as sharp as Vicker and James. Wade and others simply can’t see it. Through his depth.

If he completely releases the momentum, it is estimated that no one has the courage to fight him again.

William Stricker saw the X-team's jealousy against Victor and James, and smiled aloud, and continued to speak.

"They will join the X team and fight with you. At the same time, the entire first team of the special warfare has also been applied for by the military, and will be responsible for the overall defense of the base and lead the team to perform. Some routine tasks that don't require the X team to shoot."

William Stricker’s words made the X team’s eyes look at Chen Mo’s eyes more complicated.

The current X team has only a total of five people, and one is a logistics support staff with no attack capabilities.

And Chen Mo not only crushed all of them by their own strength, but also directly brought two men who seemed to be inferior to them, and became the commander of the X team. It can be said that they firmly controlled the whole X. Squad.

Moreover, the MACV-SOG unit of the US Missionary Commander, which was originally led by him, the elite special warrior of the first team of the special warfare also took over the defense of the base. This also shows that Chen Mo’s rights are not limited to X. The squad, but radiated to the entire "X Weapons Program" base, although still nominally William Stryker, but directly became the first person under William Stryker, and fully grasped the base Important, it is also the strongest X squad and the entire armed forces of the guard base.

Chen Mo’s position in the “X Weapons Program” is far above them. It’s not good to say that they are just a group of beaters. If they are compared to soldiers, then Chen Mo is the leading general, even though they are as charged as they are. And rights are completely incomparable.

Under the help of William Stricker, Chen Mo took advantage of this opportunity to defend the owner of the X team and successfully established his own prestige. After Chen Mo and Victor and James joined, The X team was officially established.

The addition of all the special squad led by Chen Mo directly changed the internal strength of the X squad and the "X Weapons Program".

The right that was originally firmly grasped by William Stricker was taken away by Chen Mo or Ming or Dark, but William Strick did not realize this. In his opinion, Chen Mo is his men. A small captain, this right he can give back can be recovered, the soldiers of the special warfare team are now no longer managed by Chen Mo, but become his direct staff, there is a military backing, William Stryker does not Worried that Chen Mo and the special warriors will dare to betray him, which is equivalent to the military, or even the entire United States.

In William Strick's view, the mutants are no longer powerful, and they are not the opponents of the army. In fact, Wade and Agent No. 0 think so, so they will agree to join the X team. Their strength is though Very strong But they don't think they can be enemies with the whole country, they are not arrogant to this extent.

This is also the reason why William Stricker dared to give power to Chen Mo boldly. Some unruly variants may still be ignorant and take risks, but Chen Mo, the top special warrior and team commander of the secret forces, will know more about these. It is even more impossible to betray.

Therefore, although Chen Mo is more powerful, it is better for William Stricker and more reliable.

In this way, Chen Mo took a lot of effort and was finally "recruited" by William Stricker, joined the "X Weapons Program", and became the commander of the X team, and also passed the special soldiers of the team. Full control of the armed forces of the base can be said to have substantially controlled the entire base.

Coupled with the power of Chen Mo in the military, especially the military chief of the "X Weapons Program", General Manson, Chen Mo can be said to control the base from the inside out.

Although Chen Mo has done a lot of trouble, it is much safer than directly controlling the overall situation through the military airborne. William Stryker can accept himself as a helper, but he can’t sit on his own blood and be considered by the military. Send another person to take away.

Direct seizure of power will only cause his rebound. Chen Mo will not take the risk to stimulate William Stricker when the mutant research team has not yet been formed and the mutant ability reproduction technology has no eyebrows.

Although this is a little troublesome, the result is the same. Chen Mo successfully entered the "X Weapons Plan" and mastered the actual control.

William Stricker thought that he was promoting and reusing Chen Mo, but he did not know that he was actually working for Chen Mo.

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