My Iron Suit

Chapter 466: Are you sure he doesn't eat people?

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Vickert seemed to have nothing to do with it. He reached into the broken skull and quickly took out a flying knife with a brain.

Seeing that the flying knife was finally taken out, Vicote couldn’t help but smug his mouth with a smug smile. Two sharp and slender canines were exposed, matching his right hand, which was covered with **** brains and continually dripping down. And the corpse on the ground with a burst of his head and an unrecognizable corpse, can not tell the eerie horror, seeing everyone can not help but have some cold.

This is simply a ferocious beast!

Are you sure he doesn't eat people? !

Also, although the head of the Vietnamese soldier was shot by a flying knife and not as strong as a good skull, it was still very difficult to destroy. It was definitely not broken with a fist, but Victor was just a free kick. It doesn't seem to use too much power to blast this sturdy skull. What a tremendous amount of power can it do?

They have no doubt that Victor can punch their heads with a punch! It is really explosive!

Unlike other people who were shocked and incomparably jealous, James looked at Victor's right hand with his brain, and straightened up, lifted his right foot and stepped on the head of the body in front of him.


A slightly duller sound than before attracted the attention of the special warriors. They followed the sound and moved their eyes slightly. They found that the body at the foot of James had no head. The original head was left with only one brain. And the mixture of blood, there is a pile of broken bones that have been flattened.

James took back his right foot and looked at the mess under his eyes. He frowned and reached out and picked up a long branch from the side of the ground. "Hey! Hey!" Two broken wooden sticks of more than 20 centimeters long. Then, two wooden sticks were held in the right hand, and they were flexibly turned over in the pile of bright red under the foot. Soon they caught a pair of flying knives that Victor had taken before.

After following Chen Mo for more than 100 years, James and Victor Chopsticks used more than the average Chinese person to slip, and the beans were not smashed. At this time, the flying knife is naturally not a problem.

James sat up straight, and the "chopsticks" with the flying knife smashed around, and the smudges on the top were all smashed down, and soon the face of the knives was revealed.

This is a slender blade with a length of about 25 cm. It looks like a dagger, but it has no wooden handle with a dagger. The overall thickness from the back of the tip to the end of the handle is even. It is about five millimeters in thickness.

The blade of the flying knife is silver-white and smooth, reflecting the bright light in the sunlight, exactly the same as the two silver lights they just saw on the outside of the low wall.

The smooth and mirror-like knives, brain blood and other sputum were cleaned very easily. James pulled a piece of cloth from the body of a Vietnamese soldier who had disappeared from his head and wiped the flying knife.

Next to Victor, he also learned that James had smashed the flying knife in his hand. The blood on the flying knife was quickly cleaned, but the brain in his hand was again contaminated. Going up, I can't completely clean it up.

Victor was annoyed, and the flying knife in the angry handle was put aside. He also pulled a piece of clothes from the body of the Vietnamese soldier whose head was bursting in front of him and wiped his hands clean.

This time, I learned that James had another piece of fabric and wiped the flying knife.

The smooth flying knife surface did not contaminate too much dirt. The two quickly wiped the flying knife clean, and dropped two not only dead and tragic, but also wrecked, the head burst, and even the clothes on the body were torn. The body of the Vietnamese soldier turned and walked in the direction of the direction and walked towards the team.

The people in the team saw these two horrible beasts coming toward them, and the look in their eyes was a bit complicated, even fearful!

But soon, their eyes shifted from the two.

Because of their gaze, Victor and James handed the two flying knives in hand to Chen Mo.

After Chen Mo reached out and grabbed two flying knives, everyone knew that it was not Victor and James who just shot the flying knives, but their commanders!

After Chen Mo took the flying knife from the hands of the two people, everyone only felt a flower in front of him, and found that the two flying knives that had just been taken in the hands of Chen Mo disappeared out of thin air!

Without the time to surprise everyone, Chen Mo waved his hand directly after taking the flying knife and took a group of players to the core area of ​​the village.

Everyone stood with a rifle and followed Chen Mo's but all of them were thinking about the scene just now. Intuition told them that it was definitely not a magic!

However, at this time, the task is being carried out, and there is a possibility of fighting at any time. They have no chance to think more, quickly converge on the mind, watch the situation with caution with a rifle, and follow Chen Mo’s body and continue to move forward.

It was already outside the core area of ​​the village. They sneaked forward a bit, bypassed several whistle, and soon came to the center of the village, which is deepest in the village and bigger than other houses in the village. Some of the houses appeared in the sight of the special forces.

According to Chen Mo’s induction, there are more than a dozen people in this house, and the goal of their action should be there.

Around the house, a distance of ten or twenty meters away, there are eight houses that surround it. The house that wants to be close to the middle must pass through the houses outside.

These peripheral houses are not far apart, only a few meters wide in the middle, but the houses on both sides can clearly see the situation on these roads. If only one or two people may still be silent, no one will pay attention to it. Quickly passed, but the team of the two men who left the left-behind helicopter and the sniper group on the hillside responsible for the sniper cover, there are also ten people, and it is very difficult to pass through quietly.

Chen Mo, with the members of the special team, hid behind a corner not far from the eight houses on the periphery. Although the special team members did not have Chen Min’s keen sense, they were able to know the situation here when they were far away. But they also found a large number of Vietnamese soldiers gathered in the houses through the windows of several houses.

Combined with the terrain here, they naturally know that it is difficult to pass quietly under the eyes of these soldiers.

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