My Iron Suit

Chapter 1342: Chaos and shock!

Jack could not help but stunned, and then said with a surprised face.

"You mean your two-meter-high subminiature mecha? Are you kidding me?"

Several other people could not help but Chen Mo's black steel suit appeared.

Its size is very small even compared to level 4 monsters. Even if its speed is amazing and its combat effectiveness is strong, it is difficult to compete with monsters with huge differences in size.

Jack looked at Chen Mo with a complex face, thinking that he didn't want to grab their chance to play. He said this deliberately, but Jack naturally knew the priority of the matter. Although he was a little bit reluctant, he still looked at Chen Mo and said seriously. .

"It is up to you to drive the Avengers, it will play a bigger role in your hands! Remember to help us kill more monsters!"

Chen Mo heard the words but couldn't help but laughed. After glancing at Jack, Chen Mo said slowly.

"Who said I only have that mech?"

At the moment when everyone was confused and puzzled, as Chen Mo's voice fell, a huge burst of sound like a meteorite falling suddenly came from the sky above them.

Everyone could not help but looked up, and then his eyes widened in shock, Jack opened his mouth directly, looking at the sky with a dumb face.

I saw a huge black figure falling rapidly in the sky above them, like a black giant sword piercing the clouds and falling straight towards the base!

"what is that?!"

"Alien spaceship?"

"Is it a pioneer warship? The aliens are coming!"


Men Asako and others and many base staff on the square saw this amazing scene. In the face of this huge spaceship that is clearly not part of the earth, many people could not help but associate it with the pioneers.

And when its huge figure completely emerged from the clouds, Moriko turned to Chen Mo with a shocked look.

The huge figure like a cross blade falling towards them in the sky is not the dark elf warship she saw from the holographic projection before!

Although I have believed the dark elves in Chen Mo's mouth for a long time, but I really saw this huge dark elf warship, Morimako's heart could not help but feel a huge impact.

This battleship appeared at this moment, and Moriko obviously would not be like everyone else, thinking that it was an alien.

But she never thought that this powerful and advanced alien battleship was captured by Chen Mo!

With the help of this alien battleship, the chances of them defeating those monsters are much greater. Is this Chen Mo's confidence?

Under the hope of everyone in the base, the dark elf warship hurried down towards the ground like a falling sword.

During the process of falling, a blue electric light suddenly emerged from the battleship, completely enclosing its huge body, and its shape like a giant sword also changed!

However, as the blue electric lights became more and more dazzling, the figure of the cross warship was quickly submerged by the electric lights, and turned into a giant lightning that fell rapidly. It was amazing that it could not see the changes that occurred in it. .

The huge sound of breaking the sky accompanied by the clang of the mechanical collision quickly approached violently, swept down from the sky, like the wind and thunder, the thunder angered, so that everyone in the base could not help changing their faces, the entire base also followed It fell into a panic.

But this chaos did not last long. The huge figure enveloped by lightning fell quickly, and in a blink of an eye came to the base. In the eyes of countless people in fright and despair, it crashed down on the square.

"Boom !!!"

Like a meteorite falling on the ground, the whole ground was shaken violently with a tremendous noise, and a violent airflow swept close to the surroundings.

Under the action of violent vibration and strong airflow, the people in the square stood unsteady, their bodies shook involuntarily, and some people could not stand and fell directly to the ground.

Even inside the dome fortress, the vibration is also very strong. The ground shakes and the lights flicker, causing the chaos in the fort.

In front of the gate of the dome fortress, Mori Machiko and General Kwon bowed and tried to stand firm, raised their hands to block the oncoming wind, and squinted towards the huge figure that fell to the ground in front.

Has been dissipated most of the electro-optical light, revealing the huge figure standing inside, full of strong oppression.

Mr. Asako and others were shocked and surprised that the shape of this figure seemed to have changed a lot from when it was in the air.

Soon, the strong wind that set off when the battleship fell calmed down, the electric light wrapped around the surface of the battleship gradually dissipated, and the huge steel body of the dark elf battleship was fully exposed in front of everyone.

But at this time it can no longer be called a warship!

Standing in front of everyone at this time ~ ~ is simply a giant steel giant!

The huge body that is more than 100 meters tall is a lot taller than the six hunter mechs lined up not far away. The body surface is covered with heavy armor and the cold cold light is reflected in the sun.

In addition to the dazzling red light of the eyes and chest, its entire body is integrated, and every part of the body is covered with dark armor. There is no huge gaps and exposed mechanical structures on the hunter ’s mech body.

Compared to the slightly rough and bulky hunter mech, the steel figure in front of him is more like a giant wearing a delicate body armor!

The people on the square were all staring at this steel giant from the sky, and the shock in their hearts was beyond words.

If it had not been that it had fallen from the sky in the shape of a cross warship and was wrapped in dazzling blue electro-optics, they might think it was a seventh-generation, eighth-generation or even ninth-generation new hunter mecha!

It's just that although the appearance is somewhat similar, the difference between them is also very huge.

Not far from the six hunter mechs, the tallest revenge wanderer is only 80 meters, the shortest Phoenix guerrilla is just 70 meters.

In front of this huge steel giant over 100 meters, they are shorter than more than one!

Feels like a few primary and middle school students with a height of only one meter four to one six meters, standing in front of a big man with a height of more than two meters.

The original mighty Phoenix guerrilla was like a short fat man in front of him, and even his chest was not reached!

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