My Iron Suit

Chapter 1336: variation!

As for what the pioneer's conspiracy was, everyone still had no clue, and soon dispersed.

Although Amara and others trespassed on furious obsidian, they did find important intelligence, and General Quan temporarily relieved them of the punishment.

Rao is so, the four people still look a little trance when they leave the laboratory.

Originally thought that he would be severely punished for breaking into the furious obsidian without permission. Unexpectedly, Amara's unexpected discovery helped them to waive the punishment temporarily. It must be said that it was a fluke, but the hearts of several people were still afraid.

And in the laboratory, they heard a lot of amazing secrets beyond imagination, and until now it is still a bit slow, and few people know how to return to the dormitory.

After leaving the laboratory, the people quickly left each other, but Moriko walked to Chen Mo and confirmed that there were no other people around. He immediately looked up at Chen Mo and asked seriously.

"Is the pioneer's conspiracy related to drone armor."

Looking at this clever woman, Chen Mo did not deny it, but directly nodded and admitted.


His speculation was confirmed, but Moriko could not help but frowned, looking at Chen Mo and asked.

"So why not directly prevent the deployment of drone armor?"

Chen Mo greeted Moriko's gaze without shrinking, Shen Sheng said.

"Remember what I told you before? Our purpose is not just to stop this conspiracy of the pioneer, but to completely destroy the pioneer and eliminate the threat of monsters!"

Moriko remembered what Chen Mo said when she rescued her, and suddenly realized.

"So you plan to count it!"


Afterwards, Moriko did not struggle with this issue any more, and apparently he already agreed with Chen Mo's plan.

After that, everything seemed to be calm, there was no attack, no unknown armor, and no monsters. It seems that the so-called pioneer's conspiracy did not exist at all.

But some people in the base seemed to be covered with a shadow. An uneasy emotion was brewing in their hearts, and it became stronger as the deployment time of the mech approached.

However, Chen Mo has always been very relaxed, and even looked forward to it.

Because the Mech Hunter Polar Base itself is the hunter mech manufacturing center, the base's main server stores complete mech technical information.

In addition to military aspects such as mechs and weapons, other technologies in the Pacific Rim World are not much advanced than the earth, and artificial intelligence has not developed much. Jarvis had easily invaded the server of the Mo Yulan base before All mecha technologies, including various mecha designs, ion sword, gravity slingshot, plasma cannon, arc whip and other weapon technologies.

Chen Mo's main purpose of coming to this world has been mostly completed, so he can do as he pleases.

Before he had driven a vengeful wanderer against the furious obsidian in the Arctic Circle, experienced a fierce battle between a mech, then it was his turn to fight monsters!

Only a mech without monsters is not perfect!

However, Chen Mo is not just playing for himself. As he said to him, while satisfying his desire to play mechs in monsters, Chen Mo will also help the world completely eliminate the threat of pioneers and monsters!

So in the afternoon of the next day, when the emergency meeting of the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force was about to reach forty-eight hours, when the UAV A deployment plan officially began, Chen Mo finally took action.

After confirming with Shao Liwen that all the drone armors had left Shaw Industries and shipped to the 19-seater mech hunter base, Chen Mo immediately asked Moriko to notify all bases to prepare, all the mechs all entered combat status Raise the alert level and be ready to respond to possible changes.

Jack and Knight also entered the Ranger Ranger, and guarded the Mo Yulan Base Square with five other mechs.

With the powerful combat capabilities of these six hunter mechas, mainly the sixth-generation mechas, even if three, four, four, or even five monsters are attacking at the same time, they can also resist it!

Chen Mo, Shensen Asako and General Quan stood in the command center, waiting for the arrival of UAV A.

The console of the command center shows the location of a drone A to be deployed at Mo Yulan base.

Because of the 48-hour deployment time limit in the previous emergency meeting in Sydney, the UAVs dispatched to the 19 bases departed in order from far to near, plus Newt ’s special arrangement, all Drone A will eventually arrive at the nineteen mech hunter bases at the same time when the forty-eight hour time limit arrives, in order to launch attacks on the nineteen bases at the same time.

The heavy transport helicopter that transports the mech is very fast, and soon entered the sight of Mo Yulan base.

Pilots of six mechas, including the revenge wanderer guarding the square, have been able to clearly see six heavy transport helicopters flying in the distance and the white drone armor hanging below.

As the UAV is getting closer and closer to the base, the white UAV can also be seen through the glass of the control center.

Just before the transport plane was about to reach the square, a red alarm suddenly lit up on the holographic projection screen of the console.

The female officer's face changed behind the console and quickly reported.

"The drone armor outside is out of order and we must stop dispatching immediately!"

As the voice of the female officer fell, the drone armor in the air suddenly twitched, and his hands and feet swayed uncontrollably.

Immediately afterwards, a shocking scene appeared.

As the same monster came alive in the drone plus ~ ~ As a blue light spread rapidly on the drone plus, a bone spur suddenly appeared from under the armor, some Stabbed through the gap of the armor, some punctured the top of the armor directly!

Many small pieces of armor on the arms and palms were even jumped directly, revealing the ugly tentacles glowing blue light that quickly spread and grow below!

Drone armor is changing towards monster armor!

"Order the helicopter to immediately release the drone armor!"

General Quan looked at the mutated drone outside and quickly ordered.

Soon the six heavy-duty transport helicopters that drove UAV armor simultaneously loosened the hooks of the steel cables, and the mutating UAV armor fell directly into the sea below.

However, in the process of falling, it also completely mutated, stopped the random convulsions and swings, the body fell straight into the sea, splashed a huge wave, but stood steadily in the sea and did not fall .

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