My Iron Suit

Chapter 1324: I'm late!

The orange flames sprayed from behind the feet, pushing its huge body forward, and the thruster was closed until it leapt above the ice, and the body of the furious obsidian fell accordingly, and at the same time, changed its posture and leapt quickly Changed to a half-kneeling position and landed firmly.

However, the forward momentum was still under the influence of huge inertia, and the furious obsidian slid forward hundreds of meters in a kneeling position before stopping slowly.

Just as it stood up and was about to walk towards the power core factory, a tall figure strode toward it in the snow and snow in front of it!

Although the attack in Sydney achieved the purpose of the drone deployment plan, the furious obsidian was also exposed.

Furious Obsidian came here non-stop across the Pacific Ocean, in order to destroy the mech power core production plant before the people around the Pacific Rim Defense Forces found it, eliminating the traces left inside And evidence.

But now, it seems a bit late!

The mech hunter of the Pacific Rim Defense Forces arrived before it.

However, Rage Obsidian did not give up the original plan and turned around to evacuate, but rushed directly towards the mech walking towards it in the snowstorm opposite!

Now that you have encountered it, let's kill this mech first!

The thick ice layer made a loud noise under the heavy steps of the furious obsidian, and the opposite mech almost ran with it at the same time. With the roar of two huge footsteps, the distance between the two mechas pulled quickly. It soon entered the range of the AKM missile.

Furious Obsidian suddenly stopped running, his legs separated to stand in shape, then opened his shoulders armor, revealing the two missile launchers inside.

A series of missiles ejected flames from the shoulders of Furious Obsidian, forming a long dragon in the air, quickly breaking through the snowy sky, and shooting towards the opposite side!

The power of AKM missiles is very strong, and the number of missiles loaded in Furious Obsidian is sufficient. The distance is now the time to take advantage of its missile advantages.

Although with the armor strength of the main mech, as long as it is not directly hitting the point, even if it is hit by one or two missiles, it will not cause much damage. However, under the covert missile firing of Fury Obsidian, as long as it is accidentally shot When the missile hits, the action of the mech is bound to be affected, and it is difficult to avoid the many missiles coming from behind.

Under the repeated bombardment of more than a dozen AKM missiles, even the heavy mech, which is mainly defense-based, will at least be seriously injured.

More than a dozen missiles quickly disappeared in the snowy sky, and only their yellow tail flames could be seen faintly. What made the furious obsidian unexpected was that none of these missiles hit the target, all of them were flashed by the opponent flexibly. Come on.

All the missiles hit a hill on the back, and a dazzling flame of fire exploded in the sound of a series of explosions, but it appeared much dim under the cover of snow and snow.

Furious obsidian did not give up when he saw this, but continued to stand in place, firing missiles continuously, hoping to use firepower to hit the other side.

However, the final result was still disappointing. Another dozen or so missiles were shot in the sky, but they were hidden by the running figure one by one.

As the opponent approached quickly, Furious Obsidian finally saw the other person's appearance.

To his great surprise, this mech with its extremely flexible stance that escaped its two rounds of missile attacks in succession turned out to be the revenge rover who had been suppressed by Sydney in its entirety and completely pressed in Sydney. !!

Then it relaxed.

The defeat of the men, even if they dodged its missile attack by flexible dodge, after a while approaching it, they would not let it go!

Immediately, the furious obsidian stopped the useless missile attack and stood there waiting for the revenge rover to rush forward.

However, when the Vengeful Rover rushed in front of it for less than two hundred meters, the furious obsidian who had been standing there waiting for a while suddenly took a step back, straightened his chest, and at the same time opened the protective armor on his chest.

The fast-spinning turbine engine was revealed, and a hot and dazzling heat ray was instantaneously sprayed out, like a thick yellow laser, shot at the oncoming vengeance wanderer.

For other people, it is difficult to completely hide from the sudden and powerful attack of Furious Obsidian at the current distance of both sides and the speed of the vengeful wanderer.

But Chen Mo is obviously different from them.

With Chen Mo's powerful brain power and reaction speed, it is very easy to control the revenge wanderer. The reaction speed and flexibility of the mech are much stronger than when Jack and Knight are driving. It can be said that the performance and speed of the revenge wanderer are maximized. The combat effectiveness has risen a huge step compared to before.

Moreover, Chen Mo's own combat experience and grasp of the battlefield far exceeded those of the so-called ace mech warriors.

Although the heat-ray attack of the furious obsidian was sudden, Chen Mo discovered the clue as soon as he suddenly withdrew. When the chest armor was turned on, Chen Mo quickly responded.

When the heat ray was emitted, the Vengeful Wanderer had already flickered aside, and took advantage of the furious obsidian to launch a ray attack to move inconveniently, quickly rushing for a few steps, and in the blink of an eye, crossed the two less than two hundred meters Distance, came to the side of Furious Obsidian.

Furious Obsidian saw Chen Mo rushing away from the rays ~ ~, and quickly turned around, trying to use the heat rays to sweep the revenge wanderers.

However, the speed of the vengeful wanderer is much faster than that. The offset heat rays have not even touched the vengeful wanderer's side, but Chen Mo has rushed to his side and raised his right arm by the rush. An elbow hit the head of Furious Obsidian fiercely!


A loud noise rang immediately over the ice field, and the movement of the furious obsidian became instantaneously rigid. The entire body flew backwards directly under the heavy elbow of Chen Mo with an impulse, and fell heavily to the field, hard. The armour slammed heavily on the ice, and a large number of cracked **** fell and flew out towards the surroundings.

Fortunately, the thickness of the ice layer is sufficient, and the power of the rage obsidian is mainly backward. Therefore, the ice layer did not completely break due to this, but it also creaked and groaned, and groaned. Will break directly.

The body of the furious obsidian is even closer to the ice surface, and it slides back a few hundred meters away until it reaches out its hands and grabs it downward. The sharp steel fingers like ten claws leave ten tracks on the ice surface. The deep scratch finally stopped.

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