My Iron Suit

Chapter 1316: do what you want to do!

However, the two didn't pick up, and they couldn't help but look strange. In the puzzled eyes of the two technicians, Jack raised his finger to Chen Mo and said to the technicians in front of him.

"Find him a suitable combat suit."

The technical staff looked at Chen Mo along Jack's eyes, and found that they did not know the "Mecha Warrior". They couldn't help but look at General Quan and Moriko who stood aside. They both nodded at the same time, although full of doubt, He still honestly fetched Chen Mo a set of the largest combat suit.

Chen Mo's height and body shape are taller and more sturdy than most of the current mech fighters. Fortunately, this new type of inner combat suit is more flexible, otherwise Chen Mo can't really wear it.

When Chen Mo changed into a black tight-fitting combat suit for mech hunters and stood alone in the assembly area, the two groups of technicians waiting there couldn't help but be shocked.

Especially the empty group, look at Chen Mo standing aside, and look at the empty assembly position in front of them, and finally looked at Jack and Knight a little at a loss, as if asking, you two are not coming. One?

Jack and Knight pretended not to see it, and looked at Chen Mo seriously. The group of technicians had to look at General Quan and saw that he waved his hands, and then put down the equipment and instruments in his hands. , Stood aside, looking at Chen Mo, who was assembling, his face was full of doubts.

The revenge wanderer must be two people to drive, and what is the situation in which the individual is equipped with a combat suit, and only he can get on?

This is simply impossible to succeed! The strong nerve load will directly hurt him or even kill him!

Chen Mo ignored the horrified eyes of the people around him. He stood in the assembly area like an uncle, leaving several technicians to install protective armor on him piece by piece like a robot on a steel suit dressing platform.

It's just that compared to fully automated mechanical platforms and advanced steel armors, both their assembly methods and protective armor are obviously far behind.

However, the two are not the same thing. The main role of this set of armor and transmission is to provide protection to the driver during the battle, at the same time collect the body's movement data, and control the mech to fight through the feedback cradle connected to the mech.

And after years of technological innovation, today's combat uniforms are lighter in weight, have better protection, and can be assembled faster.

After several senior technicians installed him with protective armor and spine transmission, Chen Mo reached out to take over the helmet that was passed to him by a person in front and smiled slightly at Moriko.

Moriko looked at Chen Mo with a confident look and couldn't help talking.

"Don't force it, if something goes wrong, we will cut the connection directly!"

Chen Mo nodded towards her, and then led by a technician towards the passage to the cockpit.

Walking through a corridor that was not too long, a heavy hatch appeared on the wall ahead.

A staff member who waited there looked at Chen Mo wearing a combat uniform with a look of amazement, accompanied by a technician, and couldn't help but hold back until Chen Mo's tall figure walked in front of him. Suddenly, he turned around and opened the hatch behind Chen Mo.

As the hatch opened, a shaft-like space about thousands of square meters appeared in front of Chen Mo.

Surrounded by gray concrete walls and huge steel-framed tracks, in the middle of this space, the huge head of the Avengers, the mech's cockpit, is being fixed in the air by several huge heavy steel locking devices. It's not more than ten meters away from Chen Mo.

This was actually requested by Chen Mo from the beginning.

At present, only the Revenge Wanderer who uses the built-in nuclear reactor power core still maintains a separate cockpit separate from the main body of the mech.

Because it is stored near the core of a nuclear power reactor for a long time, the cockpit will continuously accumulate radiation under long-term exposure to radiation, causing harm to the pilot.

Therefore, before deployment, the cockpit of a nuclear-powered mech is usually separated.

However, as the sixth-generation mech, the radiation protection of the nuclear power core is more perfect than the previous mech, and the degree of radiation leakage is relatively weak, so unless it is parked in the hangar for a long time, it is generally It is not necessary to separate the cockpit from the mech.

Most of the time, the Vengeful Wanderer is parked in the hangar as a whole, and the driver enters the cabin through the passageway in the lower wall and the telescopic gangway through the hatch behind the head of the mech.

However, the cockpit separation and connection device is still retained and ready for use.

Chen Mo was very impressed by this cool way of boarding when he watched "Rim Pacific". Now that he has the opportunity to experience it for himself, Chen Mo naturally chose this more exciting way.

In addition to the powerful fighting power of the mech, Chen Mo is more of a sentiment. The ritual sense is very important. What is the difference between directly entering the cockpit and driving a fighter?

It's like the dress of a steel suit and the transformation of Transformers. If you don't have this process, you will almost feel like something.

However, from another perspective, Chen Mo's mentality is constantly changing.

From the very careful planning after entering the film world ~ ~ Every effort has been devoted to finding ways to improve strength, and now, with the continuous improvement of strength, Chen Mo's ability to control the new world is getting stronger and stronger, and finally No longer occupied with all the energy and attention by the promotion of strength.

Now that Chen Mo can easily plan a new world, he can pay more attention to his own experience and feelings, make up for the regrets in some movies, realize some childhood dreams and obsessions, obey his own heart, and do what he wants to do Thing!

Rescued a few people of good character in the prison in the "Resident Evil" world, and killed Alaska and Dr. Wesker and Isaacs with Alice, eliminated the T virus, saved the world, and established at the submarine base for all survivors who survived A secure new home.

In the world of "Iron Man 3", she rescued Maya Hanson, who would have been killed by Kirian to save Tony Stark. She had a bit of fun to study the Extremis virus with Tony Stark. Looking at the two men clamoring, Chen Mo felt very fulfilled.

In Asgard, he rescued Saul's mother, Friega, from the cursed fighters, and avoided Saul and Rocky's life-long regret. Later, she was fortunate to conquer the flame dragon, and Chen Mo used the Zitarians directly. Biotechnology transformed it into a Shenlong, fulfilling the childhood wish of riding the wind to control the dragon.

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