My Iron Suit

Chapter 1313: The problem is serious!

No one in the real world deserves him to shake hands.

The movie world is either completely under his control like the Avengers world, or he is completely crushed by his strength like Transformers and Resident Evil, and no one really reaches out to him like he does now.

Looking at the palm of General Quan in front of him, Chen Mo still reached out and shook it.

Chen Mo is not Shao Liwen. Although he rarely shakes hands with people in general, he is not so repulsive to those who can see.

From General Quan, Chen Mo saw the shadow of Chinese soldiers. Although it was in the movie world, he was also regarded as a compatriot of Chen Mo, which made him feel a little kind.

There was no such thing as a sneaky dog ​​blood plot often appearing during a handshake. General Quan was grateful to Chen Mozi who rescued Moriko, and Chen Mo's tough and powerful palm let him glance at Chen Mogao.

Just like a person's temperament, General Quan likes to understand each other through handshake. Just like Shao Liwen, who never shook hands with people before, General Quan's opinion just shows her inner arrogance and fragility.

And shaking hands with Chen Mo made him feel a strong confidence, atmosphere, and good strength!

General Quan has contacted many powerful fighters and ace mech drivers. Compared with them, Chen Mo did not use much power, but General Quan was able to judge his strength through the strength of Chen Mo's hand. Very strong!

Chen Mo's strong temperament that did not match his age also confirmed his feelings.

As a soldier, General Quan had a natural affection for powerful fighters. Coupled with the fact that Chen Mo rescued Mori Asako, he even paid more attention to Chen Mo.

Feeling General Quan's attitude towards himself, Chen Mo smiled and said.

"It is the same as the Human Front, and it is right to save people."

General Quan heard an unusual taste from Chen Mo's words, and couldn't help looking at Moriko, asking in doubt.

"Did you find something? You sent a message when the helicopter crashed, but the data we received was incomplete under the electromagnetic interference of Furious Obsidian."

Moriko looked at Chen Mo and saw that he had no objection before he nodded and said to General Quan.

"We suspect that the attack was linked to a pioneer!"


General Quan looked at Mori astonishment, then turned his head and looked at Chen Mo, and just now Mori looked at Chen Mo's movement.

Mori Asako valued Chen Mo so much more than simply saving her.

After listening to Asako's inferences, General Quan's expression could not help but dignified, and at the same time, he also understood why Moriko would treat Chen Mo's attitude. These things should be analyzed by the young man before him.

The situation in which the pioneers he proposed might control monster worshippers had never been considered, but there is indeed a great possibility!

If really as they speculated, then the problem is serious!

However, as a soldier, General Quan had to be more rigorous, lowered his head for a moment of contemplation, and couldn't help looking up to Moriko, and said solemnly.

"But these are only speculations, and there is no evidence to prove it."

Mori was preparing to speak, but the door of the command center behind him suddenly opened, and Jack and Knight, wearing mech combat suits, strode in.

Knight's faces were full of helplessness, and they managed to return to the base. He was going to go back to rest and rest. As a result, Jack had to pull him to the command center without even taking off his combat uniform.

However, Jack knew that Chen Mo returned to the Mo Yulan base with Sen Mazi, for fear of missing their next plan, and wanted to know Chen Mo's true identity from Sen Mazi as soon as possible, so he hurried over in a hurry.

Moriko looked at Jack and looked at General Quan before they walked up and down.

"The unidentified mech's dynamic characteristics of the attack were the same as those of the Avengers, and when fighting the Avengers, its chest armor was turned on, emitting heat rays, and also exposed the hidden turbine engine inside. The unidentified Mech uses the same core of power as the Vengeful Rover! "

When Jack and Knight came, they heard things related to them, immediately raised their ears, and Knight was completely helpless when he first came in. They stood side by side and listened to Moriko's story.

They experienced the heat ray from the rage obsidian chest in Moriko's mouth, but at that time they were being suppressed by the rage obsidian, and they were directly bombed out before they could see the attack.

Although they did not see it clearly, there was a record on the Vengeful Rover.

General Quan immediately turned around and ordered to the female officer on the console.

"Replay the battle video of Vengeance Rover and Fury Obsidian!"

"Yes, general!"

The female officer said, and her hands quickly operated on the console at the same time.

Soon, a battle picture recorded from the perspective of the Vengeful Rover was released on a holographic projection screen in front of them.

Looking at the pictures that were constantly shaking under the fierce attack of the furious obsidian, an iron fist kept slamming head to to face, the picture sometimes looked at the sky, sometimes overlooked the earth, and made close contact with buildings from time to time, Jack and Knight could not help Some blush.

During the entire battle, they were almost crushed by the opponent. At this time, the battle screen was displayed again in front of everyone, which made them feel ashamed that they were the strongest mech warriors ~ ~ But The attention of the crowd was not on them both, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the furious obsidian in the picture.

When the Vengeful Wanderer was smashed into a building again and then pulled out, the figure of the furious obsidian appeared in the picture again.

Everyone saw that the armor on its chest suddenly opened, and then without waiting for them to see clearly, a dazzling orange beam of light radiated from its chest and shot towards the Vengeful Wanderer. Became looking up at the sky.

General Jack Quan frowned in a somewhat black complexion of Jack and Knight.

"Go back!"

Under the operation of the female officer behind the console, the picture quickly regressed before the beam was launched, and began to play slowly.

In the eyes of everyone, the armor of Furious Obsidian's chest slowly opened again, revealing the turbine engine with orange and yellow light inside!

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