My Iron Suit

Chapter 1307: All human heroes!

Even the Japanese swordsman who taught her is far worse than Chen Mo!

With that sword alone, Chen Mo's swordsmanship has reached the level of the Grand Master that they can only look up to, and may even be higher. As for the specific level reached, it is not something she can understand.

And that short scene once again exposed another superpower of Chen Mo, moving instantly!

No wonder Chen Mo was able to accomplish so many great deeds they could not believe at all.

With so many magical superpowers, powerful and terrible combat skills and physical fitness, coupled with that obviously unusual exoskeleton armor, even the powerful Dark Elf leader was hit with a sword in front of the cursed warrior. Kill, the things he said before must not be too difficult for him.

Until this moment, Moriko was considered to have a more realistic understanding of Chen Mo's strength.

That dazzling sword can beheaded the Dark Elf leader instantly. Presumably among the Dark Elves, no one is his opponent except the most powerful cursed warrior.

Even though the strength of the cursed warrior is more powerful, but after killing the leader of the dark elves, Chen Mo relied on the magical teleport ability to leave safely under the attack of the cursed warrior. It can be seen that the cursed warrior with great strength should have no way to take him.

And the final result was indeed their victory. Even the cursed warrior who was so powerful and terrifying that he had an undead body was swallowed up by a tiny black hole.

A powerful alien race with an extremely advanced space battleship capable of destroying the earth was defeated in the hands of Chen Mo and the SHIELD behind him.

What Chen Mo said before to protect the earth is not just a slogan. They really have the ability to defeat the alien forces that invade the earth and protect the earth!

If Mori's attitude towards Chen Mo was merely changed from gratitude to awe, then Shao Liwen's attitude changed 180 °.

She also suspected that Chen Mo was a nonsense liar, but at this time she was completely shocked and convinced by the facts revealed in the holographic projection.

The advanced and powerful Dark Elf battleship, the sorrow and power of the cursing warrior, the strangeness and weirdness of the dark red material suspended in the air, and the splendor and horror of the cursing warrior when swallowed by a miniature black hole, all shocked her heart.

The sword that Chen Mo beheaded Malekis, although she could not see it clearly, but felt the strength and mystery of Chen Mo more strongly.

When she looked at Chen Mo again, she had no doubt in her eyes any longer. Instead, she was full of reverence and curiosity. Her eyes were almost full of light. It seemed that she could not wait to study Chen Mo from head to toe, and then guard him for so many years. All the heroic deeds of the earth were given to her just as before, so that she could understand Chen Mo and the mysterious Aegis Bureau he belonged to more clearly.

Due to the short battle scene in the projected picture, Shao Liwen's face even had a hint of emotion. Thinking of the exciting and fantastic picture that she just saw, she couldn't help looking at Chen Mo curiously and asked excitedly.

"What happened then? Did you beat them away?"

Chen Mo heard a glance at the 180-degree turn, and no longer had the previous high cold, and even Shao Liwen, who was trending towards Xiaomimei, said quietly.

"Killed up."

Chen Mo's frivolous words were heard in the ears of the two, but they could not help feeling a chill in their hearts.

The significance of Chen Mo's words is obvious. Just three words mean the extinction of a race!

Chen Mo said before that the Dark Elves had only this warship after the war five thousand years ago.

Now that their leader, the cursed warrior and the remaining soldiers have been killed, the dark elves are completely gone!

The disappearance of a legendary and powerful race complicates them.

But Chen Mo said very clearly that these dark elves want to destroy the world. If they don't destroy them, then it will be the humans on the earth.

From this point, although Chen Mo extinct a race, she is still a hero worthy of their appreciation and admiration.

He saved the earth from the alien invaders and is a hero of all humanity!

And he and his organization have saved the earth more than once. For thousands of years, they have been hiding behind the scenes, silently guarding the earth and human beings. If Chen Mo hadn't taken the initiative to tell them, no one knew their great contribution to the earth. .

Even for them, when Chen Mo first began to tell them the truth, they also had strong doubts, which made them feel guilty.

For Chen Mo, the guardian who silently fights for humanity, they even doubt him!

This is simply ingratitude, an insult to the hero!

Feeling the complexity and guilt in the eyes of the two, Chen Mo didn't care about the doubts of the two before. He has now achieved his purpose and gained the trust of the two, so he didn't waste any time and directly talked about the business.

"The threat of the Dark Elves has been removed, but the monsters and pioneers still threaten the safety of the earth, and according to the information we have, the pioneers are setting up a conspiracy on the earth, and a new round of attacks will come soon!"

Shao Liwen, who heard the news for the first time, said with a look of surprise.

"What? Haven't the wormholes been destroyed? All the monsters that invaded the earth have also been killed. How can they fiddle on the earth?"

When Shao Liwen wanted to come, the pioneer would not give up invading the earth, and she also firmly believed that the monster's attack would finally come again.

But in her expectation ~ ~ Pioneer will build a wormhole again and send a more powerful monster to attack the earth. She has also been monitoring the energy fluctuations on the earth at any time through the detection device. When it appears, it will be found and alarmed as soon as possible.

But at least until the wormhole reappears, the earth should be safe!

Mori Asako, who was already aware of it, thinks about the other side.

The conspiracy of the pioneers to control monster admirers is obviously not just beginning, it is likely that they have been brewing since they bombed the wormhole ten years ago.

But they have been unaware for so long, and Chen Mo has just returned and investigates a pioneer plot, rescues her, and directly proposes an initiative.

Although I still do n’t know about the SHIELD, Moriko feels its power, not just its combat effectiveness. This mysterious organization, which may have existed for hundreds of thousands of years, is also very powerful in intelligence investigation and other aspects. By contrast, their Pacific Rim defense forces are too weak.

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