My Iron Suit

Chapter 1303: I used to……

Facing the doubtful eyes of the two, Chen Mo's face flashed a trace of recollection, and the experiences of the worlds that he had traveled through before could not help but emerge in Chen Mo's mind.

"In the Middle Ages, I led the Knights to destroy the werewolves that ravaged Europe. During World War II, I led the special forces to destroy the Nazi secret base ..."

In the sluggish eyes of Moriko and Shao Liwen, Chen Mo's low voice with a hint of nostalgia, slowly sounded in their ears.

"I have captured evil symbiotes from outer space, destroyed alien mechanical life that invaded the earth, destroyed the ambitionist who tried to rule the world, and shattered the conspiracy of darkness to destroy the world ..."

Mori Aso and Shao Liwen stared at the memories of Chen Mo with wide eyes, totally unable to believe everything they had just heard.

The werewolves knew that it was a legendary powerful creature, but what the symbiote and mechanical life were, it sounded like a powerful feeling.

And they all noticed that Chen Mo said "I", not "We", that is, these things were all experienced by him!

If all he said was true, didn't he live from the Middle Ages to the present?

Instinctively, they didn't believe everything Chen Mo said, but it seemed wrong to say that Chen Mo was lying.

Even if Chen Mo is going to lie, there is no need to compose these normal people who feel absurd and bizarre when they hear it. Even if he says that they assassinated Hitler, it is more convincing than these werewolves and alien mechanical life .

And they didn't see any trace of lying from Chen Mo's face.

The two of them are the secretary-general of the Pacific Rim Defense Forces and the founder of Shaw Industries, both of which are countless readers. They have keen eyes and feelings. From their feelings, Chen Mozhen What is telling his past experience!

Although what Chen Mo said was completely beyond the scope of Moriko ’s cognition, she did n’t know whether it was because Chen Mo saved her. She instinctively believed in what he said, or her instinct or some other reason. Indifferent Chen Mo, Mori could not help but be more inclined to believe that what Chen Mo said was true!

Alien monsters have appeared, and the existence of symbiotic and alien mechanical life is entirely possible, and there is never no shortage of madmen on the earth who want to rule or destroy the world. Why do they know nothing about these things?

After all, the Pacific Rim Defense Force is just a new organization born more than two decades ago, and its main role is to fight against monsters. It is normal to not know these things.

What's more, this SHIELD is so secretive and the things it does are so incredible. It must have wiped out all traces, even the intelligence agencies of other countries are probably not aware of it.

However, Shao Liwen still felt incredible, especially Chen Mo said that he led the Knights in the Middle Ages to destroy the werewolves.

Not to mention the existence of a werewolf, if Chen Mo had actually experienced the Middle Ages, wouldn't he be hundreds or thousands of years old now?

Shao Liwen is a scientist. She firmly believes that everything can be explained by science, including the generation of wormholes and the emergence of monsters.

The limit of human life is not more than two hundred years old, it is impossible to live from the Middle Ages to the present, and still maintain such a strong and young appearance.

Based on this alone, Shao Liwen determined that Chen Mo was lying!

Looking at the flashing eyes next to him, it seems that Mori has some belief. Shao Liwen frowned. No, she must expose the liar!

Thinking of this, Shao Liwen looked at Chen Mo with a poor expression and said coldly.

"Since you are so powerful and you are protecting the earth, why didn't the monsters stand up against the monsters when they launched the attack?"

After Shao Liwen said, she stared at Chen Mo. When she wanted to come, Chen Mo must use various reasons to pretend, saying that she lacked strength and didn't want to expose crappy reasons.

The things Chen Mo said just now cannot be verified, but it is true that what he called the SHIELD did not fight against monsters.

The appearance and killing of each monster has a clear record, which he cannot deceive.

Sen Mazi could not help looking at Chen Mo when she heard what she said. Although she was inclined to believe in Chen Mo, it did not mean that she would believe all that Chen Mo said unconditionally.

What Shao Liwen said was also what she wondered. If the SHIELD in Chen Mo's mouth really existed and did many great things to protect the earth like he said, then why did n’t there be any action in the monster attack?

Chen Mo glanced at them and said lightly.

"Did I just say that, crushing the conspiracy of the dark forces to destroy the world! Before that, we have been fighting the dark elves who want to destroy the earth, and have no energy to care about these monsters."

When she heard Chen Mo's explanation, Shao Liwen couldn't help but be a little stunned. She originally thought that Chen Mo would give a more reasonable reason this time, but did not expect that he would intensify, and pulled out a more bizarre reason than those just said.

In other words, he simply took the last thing and said it again.

Looking at Chen Mo with strange eyes, Shao Liwen couldn't help thinking.

Do we look like fools? Why would he think we would be deceived by this childish reason to lie to a child!

Moriko also felt extremely absurd in his heart, the dark elf? Isn't that a creature in Western mythology?

The appearance of monsters and pioneers is enough science fiction. Is it necessary for magical creatures to appear?

If Chen Mo hadn't saved her before, and she clearly analyzed the conspiracy behind this mech attack, Moriko would definitely suspect that Chen Mo was joking.

However, although Moriko did not speak, Shao Liwen said politely to Chen Mo.

"Are you kidding us? We don't have time to listen to your story here!"

Faced with anger, Shao Liwen ~ ~ Chen Mo is not angry.

In fact, he was telling a story, but he was telling a story that happened in real life!

It's just that the place where the story happened is not this world.

Chen Mo also knows that he can hardly be convinced by just a few words in his empty mouth. Even Mori, who has saved his life, is only half-believing.

However, since Chen Mo moved out of SHIELD again in this world, she is naturally confident to make it a reality!

Chen Mo did not continue to explain, but smiled slightly, and stretched out a palm forward.

The eyes of the two could not help but fall on the palm, but saw nothing above, but the next moment, in the eyes of the two shocked, three longan-sized silver metal **** suddenly appeared in Chen Mo's palm!

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