My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 848 We are compatriots with the same motherland

Wang Cheng was dumbfounded when Fang Ze called him over.

He still hasn't understood what Fang Ze meant when he said that the Star Fleet sent by China to the outer galaxy has returned.

"You can watch it yourself." Fang Ze took out the remote control and turned on the TV.

"Hello." A woman who looked about 27 or 20 years old appeared on the TV screen.

"Who is this?" Wang Cheng thought it was a TV show.

"The Captain of the Centaur Starfleet of the People's Republic of China, Zhao Ke'er, would like to send you my greetings." The woman on the TV said slowly.

"Well, what's going on here." Wang Cheng couldn't understand the situation in front of him at all. He pointed to the TV and asked Fang Ze, "Is this a video call or a TV series?"

"This is a video call." Zhao Ke'er continued on TV, "Although our main fleet has not yet arrived on the earth, we have sent a small communication aircraft to the sky above the earth, so that even if we are far away from the centaur Galaxies can also make normal calls."

"Then why do you say that you are the captain of the Huaxia Star Fleet?" Wang Cheng asked Zhao Ke'er, "As far as I know, China does not currently have such a Star Fleet."

"Not now, doesn't mean there won't be in the future." Zhao Ke'er looked at Wang Cheng and said, "Actually, we come from the future. Although we are not on the same timeline, we are still compatriots with the same motherland. "

"Yes, yes, we are compatriots!" Although Wang Cheng was still a little dizzy, he was not stupid.

Whether what this woman said is true or not.

A huge fleet capable of interstellar voyages will completely rewrite the current power situation on Earth once it arrives on Earth.

Since people have said that they are compatriots with themselves, and they also admit that China is their motherland, then Wang Cheng will not deny it unless he is crazy.

"This is the image map of our current position and all the warships we will view." Zhao Ke'er in the TV waved his hand, and the TV screen suddenly appeared and changed into something that Fang Ze and Wang Cheng could not understand Star maps and hundreds of outline drawings of large and small interstellar warships.

The size of the battleships was also indicated next to the outline drawings of these battleships. The Centaur, the largest flagship of the fleet, was six kilometers long and could be called a city in the sky.

"Because some larger warships are not easy to land, we can only let them float in the air. For some small warships, we hope to land in the city immediately after arriving on the earth. Because many people in our fleet were born in the centaur galaxy , we may not be able to return to our home planet Earth in this life. So we hope you will allow some of us to take a short tour on Earth.

In return, we will unconditionally hand over all the technologies we have mastered to our motherland, and we will also leave some ships and robots that are not very important. "

"I agree, I agree." Wang Cheng made his own decision for the first time in his life, without saying anything to report to the higher-ups, and then let the higher-ups make the decision.

If he doesn't seize this opportunity, he feels that he will be labeled as a national criminal in the future history.

After discussing some details with Zhao Ke'er, Wang Chengcheng left in a hurry.

He wants to notify the bosses about this matter as soon as possible, and let the bosses make the final decision.

And things were just as he thought. After listening to Wang Cheng's report and confirming that what Wang Cheng said was true, after a brief discussion, the big bosses also approved of Wang Cheng's decision and agreed to help Centaur Interstellar The fleet landed in Huaxia.

Although one or two people questioned whether this was a trap, the doubts were quickly overruled by examples.

A fleet that can form a huge interstellar fleet and conduct interstellar voyages, what benefits can they bring to them by deceiving China. The gap between the current China and this civilization that also claims to be China is far greater than the gap between the United States and some uncivilized savage tribes in Africa.

Maybe the energy consumed by a main battleship in one day is equal to the combined energy consumption of the earth now.

What are you worthy of being lied to?

If they really have any ideas about the earth, the warships land directly above the earth, and some countries act as dogs for them to plunder the resources of the earth or other planets in the solar system.

On Monday morning, the United Nations General Assembly was held. The theme of this conference was whether China's possession of nuclear fusion reactor technology has caused harm to human civilization.

At the conference, although Huaxia's representatives tried their best to say that these materials belong to Huaxia, they are willing to share them with other countries after they have thoroughly researched the data, so as to jointly promote the development of earth civilization.

But where do these countries want to see Huaxia become the first country to complete the energy revolution in the new era.

Because of the start of the industrial revolution, the small island country of Britain has not only stood on top of the world for hundreds of years, but is still enjoying the blessings of the year.

If China starts a new era of energy revolution, then who knows how many years the earth will be dominated by China.

These countries are still white supremacist in their bones.

As for the two Asian countries, South Korea and Nihong, although they intend to reach some secret deals with China, these two countries have American troops stationed in their own countries, and they have evil intentions but no courage.

Just when everyone was arguing and Huaxia's representative was trying to find an ally, a Huaxia diplomat suddenly walked into the venue and whispered something in the Huaxia representative's ear.

"Ambassadors." Huaxia's representative suddenly stood on the stage and said to the representatives of all the countries present, "I regret that the differences between us and you have become so great that we cannot resolve them only by negotiation. So, starting today, Huaxia will not communicate and discuss this issue with any country. Goodbye everyone!"

The representative of Huaxia walked out of the venue with his head held high after speaking. People outside who were not qualified to enter the venue saw the expression of the representative of Huaxia, and almost thought that other countries had softened towards Huaxia.

There is a price to be paid for arrogance, unless you have the ability to make others submit to your arrogance.

Obviously, in the eyes of other developed countries, China does not have this ability.

Therefore, after Huaxia announced that it would not conduct exchanges, discussions and negotiations with other countries on the issue of nuclear fusion reactors, various countries announced the beginning of military deterrence and encirclement of China, as well as economic sanctions and punishments.

Vowed to change Huaxia back to the time when the country was just founded.

Faced with the embarrassing practices of various countries, Huaxia's diplomatic spokesperson calmly announced at the evening press conference that Huaxia will hold a grand military parade and welcome ceremony tomorrow, and hopes that journalists and ambassadors from various countries will come visit.

ps: Two chapters of the new book "My Students Can Change History" have been uploaded, you can check it out. If there is no accident in the future, it will be updated twice a day during the new book period.

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