"Are you suddenly resurrected from your own graveyard?" Fang Ze stayed in the room talking with Abraham after sending away the others.

"Yes." Abraham spread his hands and said, "I don't know what happened, but I woke up suddenly from the coffin. It stands to reason that I have been dead for so many years, and my bones should be rotten, but I didn't expect it to be can be resurrected."

"Maybe it's because God thinks that you should take a look at what the United States is like today, so I resurrected you." Fang Ze joked, "Do you want me to arrange for you to meet with the current President of the United States so that you can understand it intuitively? What happened to the country you laid down for them back then?"

"Forget it, I can see for myself." Abraham, who had come back from the dead, was very restrained, but he was not lacking in wisdom.

He felt that his appearance might not be a good thing for the current President of the United States and the entire United States.

Although he is the first person in the history of the Republican Party to serve as the president of the United States, he is logically an old-timer of Donald.

But for things like the resurrection of ancestors, most people should be Ye Gong who loves dragons.

Usually, we offer flowers and pray for you to defend America, just to encourage more people to identify with this country, not to make you jump out of the dead body and really fulfill the task of protecting America.

Ordinary people talk about feelings, while bigwigs only talk about benefits. Even if you are an ancestor and dare to block our way after resurrection, we don't mind sending you back to the coffin again.

It is conceivable that if he announces his identity, the entire United States will definitely usher in a major political earthquake.

Although it is very likely that he will become a spiritual representative of the Americans, equivalent to Captain America in the comics.

But before that, he must first coordinate the interests of all parties.

If he could extend his stay here tenfold, Abraham still had the confidence to do a good job in all aspects. But now there are only five days, probably not enough time for Congress to hold a meeting.

So he said to Fang Ze, "What I wanted to accomplish back then has now been accomplished, although I did not expect that the black people now are not only liberated, but their status has also risen significantly."

"Well, you can take advantage of these few days to see for yourself what the United States is like today." Fang Ze said, "The fact that you came out of the cemetery should have been known to the US government. I don't know how long it will take for them to find you."

"It's okay." Abraham said, "I only have five days. For me, I'm just here for vacation. I don't want to deal with the media government, because I believe that even after so many years, the United States is still being used by some people. It is ruled secretly, so there is no need to have anything to do with the government."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Fang Ze nodded to Abraham, and then left the room.

"Why are you still here?" Fang Ze walked out of the room reserved for Abraham, only to find Hannah standing at the door waiting for Fang Ze to come out.

This girl shouldn't start to suspect that Abraham is the historical President Lincoln.

After all, under Xiao Hei's reminder, Hannah also found that Abraham and President Lincoln on the five-dollar bill looked almost exactly the same.

But Fang Ze obviously misunderstood.

No matter how much Hannah dared to think about it, she would never think of going to such a place.

Although she had opened up a little brain hole, but the brain hole was not big, and it sounded more real.

In short, Hannah thinks that Abraham is likely to be the heir to a mysterious family of incomparable wealth. Because of the strife within the family, his life was threatened, so he had to disguise himself as a homeless man and escape.

And Fang Ze is a friend Abraham met abroad, who helped Abraham when he was in trouble.

If this is the case, then a Hollywood blockbuster in the style of Revenge of the Prince will only have a poor but kind-hearted heroine left out.

As the person who helped Abraham find Fang Ze, Hannah felt that the heroine must be her own.

So she came to find Fang Ze, and wanted to stay with Abraham under the pretext that she was a local and could take them out to play and would not be deceived.

"Then where are you going to live tonight?" Fang Ze knew that Hannah was just an unemployed vagrant carrying a travel bag and eating and living everywhere. But these days they really need a local to act as a tour guide for Abraham.

Hannah originally wanted to make do with sleeping in the living room in Abraham's suite, but Fang Ze gave Hannah an ordinary room alone.

After all, no matter how courageous Fang Ze is, it is impossible for him to pimp the former president of the United States.

However, if Lincoln has a need and asks Fang Ze to help him, Fang Ze will definitely call a whole company's peripheral girls to come and accompany Lincoln for a whole day.

The next morning, Abraham got up very early, and after the meeting when everyone was about to go out, Hannah came in a hurry.

"Sorry." Hannah said to Abraham, "I was delayed by something just now."

"It's okay." Lincoln graciously forgave Hannah, and then asked Hannah to take him to some special places.

"Is there any special place you want to go?" Hannah took out her mobile phone and began to check the map, and came to Abraham to ask.

"I've seen a good side of the United States before coming here." Abraham said, "So next, I hope you can take me to some poorer places."

"Slums?" Abraham's words made Hannah flinch a little. After all, although she wandered around with her luggage, she seldom had the guts to enter the slums.

There are slums in many countries, but the image of the slums in the United States has been demonized by various media. Although the actual slums are dangerous, they are not to the point where you will lose your life if you walk on the road.

However, ordinary people rarely dare to go to slums when they have nothing to do. Robbery is the most common crime in slums.

After all, gang members in the slums can easily identify which people are from outside, and even if you have money or not, they will try to grab it.

However, Fang Ze did not ask Hannah to lead them in vain. After getting a large sum of money, Hannah confirmed that the Lincoln in front of him was probably a rich kid who was living outside because of property problems. With the help of alien allies, sneak into the slums to find people or things.

Thinking of this, Hannah became more certain about her heroine's status, so she agreed to the matter after getting the money.

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