My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 801 Helps you immigrate

The United States is a country of immigrants, so for Americans, the talents they can poach from other countries are their own talents.

Although Guardians of Civilization should be classified as strategic talents if they really want to be classified, it doesn't matter, as long as the hoe is swung well, no one can be dug out.

The United States has no history, no guardians of civilization, it doesn't matter, we can dig other countries.

Whether it is from an old European country, or from an ancient civilization that has declined such as Egypt and Greece, or from a country that is a competitor like China and Russia, as long as you can establish a good relationship with the guardian of the civilization of the other party, then there will be attacks like Baron Nash again in the future. In an event like New York, at least the government knew who to go to at the beginning.

As soon as the American soldiers with guns appeared, the manager of the Chinese restaurant greeted them.

Baron Nash was eliminated not long ago, and many American soldiers are still stranded in New York City at this time, so it is normal for a small group of American soldiers to appear here, but it is not normal for a small group of American soldiers with guns.

What's more, the rank of the US military officer who walked in the front was unexpectedly a bit high.

"Don't be nervous, we are here to find someone." American soldiers don't want to leave a bad image in front of so many people. In this information age, everything will be filmed.

"Looking for someone?" After the manager was stunned for a moment, the officer had already seen the person he was looking for, so he led his soldiers towards Fang Ze.

"What trouble are you in?" The officer asked Fang Ze respectfully.

Before Fang Ze, Fang Ze and the Queen of Blades ran away behind their backs, but the officer didn't mind it at all.

It is not terrible for the guardians of civilization to leave, but what is terrible is that these guardians of civilization do not need their help at all.

"I had a meal here, but I didn't bring any money. Could you settle the bill for me?" Fang Ze said in Chinese.

Of course, the American officer didn't understand Chinese, but he didn't ask Fang Ze if he could use English. Instead, he turned to ask the waiter surnamed Qiao what Fang Ze meant.

"This gentleman means can you help them pay for their meal just now." The man surnamed Qiao stammered in reply to the officer.

He never dreamed that the compatriot in front of him who he despises and suspected of being a smuggler could actually call a small group of American soldiers, and even ask these soldiers to pay him for his meal!

"no problem.

The officer made a no-problem gesture to Fang Ze, and then without hesitation took out his credit card and asked the waiter in the restaurant to use it.

"By the way." Fang Ze glanced at the waiter surnamed Joe, and then said to the officer, "This waiter has very good personal character and I like him very much, but he has not yet obtained the status of a U.S. citizen. I hope you can help him."

After Fang Ze finished speaking, the waiter surnamed Qiao was stunned.

What's the meaning? !

what's the situation? !

I scolded you just now, it's fine if you don't take the opportunity to hurt me, but you actually helped me stay here. Is there something wrong with your brain!

"What is he talking about?" The officer couldn't help asking himself when he saw that the waiter surnamed Qiao hadn't translated Fang Ze's words.

So the waiter had no choice but to translate everything Fang Ze said just now.

The officer was a little confused when he heard this.

Where is this?

Why did this guardian of civilization come to New York for the first time, that is to say, it was the first time he saw this waiter, so why did he suddenly ask the US government to help this person obtain American citizenship? !

The officer was worried that he was deceived by the translator, so he asked several waiters around, and all the answers were the same.

Could it be that this is a trial?

The officer believes that just because the Guardians of Civilization are remote doesn't mean they're fools.

No one would be nice to someone they met suddenly for no reason. The only possibility was that he wanted to use this waiter to test him out.

What to explore.

Could it be that this guardian of civilization actually had the idea of ​​changing his nationality long ago, but he was not sure about the US government's attitude towards him, so he used this waiter to test the US government.

If the U.S. government accepts a waiter to become a U.S. citizen, then naturally he can too!

It should be right.

Thinking of this, the officer's heart skipped a few beats, and then he responded, "Although this matter is out of our control, I will try my best to help him."

"Well, then I'll leave it to you." Seeing that the officer had already paid for them, Fang Ze left here with the Queen of Blades.

At this time, the waiter who was still working in the restaurant didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

Happily, because the officer's hint was tantamount to telling him that he had finally achieved his dream and obtained American citizenship. What worries him is that he doesn't understand what Fang Ze means by doing this.

"You are a very interesting person." The Queen of Blades said after watching Fang Ze's performance just now, "Why do you help that person stay in the United States."

"Because if he can't stay in the United States, he will definitely return to China. When I think that people with such thoughts can only stay in China, I feel it is a pity. So I helped him stay in the United States to fulfill his dream.

"I believe he will regret it after many years." The Queen of Blades said seriously.

If what Fang Ze told her before was true. She, Queen of Blades, Master of the Zerg, will be the Creator. Then Fang Ze, who obtained nuclear fusion-related technology from him, will definitely hand over this technology to his country. Then in a very short time, his homeland will become the first country on earth capable of interstellar travel.

The sea of ​​stars is not just talk. On countless planets in countless galaxies, there are resources that humans cannot imagine at this stage. Any country that is the first to go to the sea of ​​stars will definitely become the overlord of this galaxy in the future.

This is a sure thing.

Therefore, in the future, this guy who came to the United States simply because he thought the United States was powerful, might grit his teeth and hate Huaxia for not accepting him again.

The Queen of Blades played in New York for four and a half days, re-experienced the human society, and then she finally confirmed that although she still had a little memory of the human society, he is now the master of the Zerg, and he is carrying a powerful race. Whether it can get rid of Amon's control and protect the universe from being destroyed.

Children's affection, etc., can only be considered after becoming a god, as Fang Ze said.

After sending the Queen of Blades away in the afternoon, Fang Ze waited for Big Meow for a while. If Big Meow doesn't come in time, he plans to go back to the Demon Management Bureau first and wait for Big Meow.

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