My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 424 I, Lin Jingxuan, Die Immediately

As a large city with a population of tens of millions, the imperial capital adds up to an astonishing number of materials consumed by the people in the city every day.

For the sake of convenience, storage centers have been established in some places around the imperial capital to serve as a transit for the materials transported to the imperial capital. Boss Xu was originally engaged in this kind of business, and he also had several warehouses under his control, so he got acquainted with many business leaders in the imperial capital.

With such contacts, it is natural not to let these contacts idle, and they have to use them to do some business. However, as Boss Xu, who is not highly educated and has worked hard to the present level with only a little bit of hard work and experience, he has no experience in other industries at all.

Fighting in the business circles of big cities is not something a small boss like him can handle. As far as his little capital is concerned, even if he has connections, if he is careless, the money thrown in will be gone without even a splash.

So after much deliberation, Boss Xu decided to play the most risk-free empty-glove white wolf.

The extremely wide network of contacts not only allows Boss Xu to know many small studios that need investment, but also allows Boss Xu to find sellers to resell these studios to make money when they show a little value.

Because of the guidance of the policy, hundreds of start-up companies open in the imperial capital every day, and of course hundreds of start-up companies go bankrupt.

After the big waves, only a small number of lucky ones can stand out. The others either died at the beginning or died halfway. Companies like Fanke, which were once famous but are now half-dead, are not bad. Most of them are like Lin Jingxuan There is a small problem, and there is an urgent need to invest in a studio to continue life.

Therefore, Boss Xu can easily use a contract to take away part of the most valuable things of a small start-up company, and then wait and see whether the start-up company can survive the Jedi or close its doors.

Of course, it cannot be said that a young boy like Lin Jingxuan who has just entered the society is easy to be deceived, but that there are too many start-up companies that urgently need investment. Imagine if the other party is not a liar.

Not to mention a game studio like Lin Jingxuan with only a small achievement, even a studio that produced well-known domestic stand-alone games such as Will Wonderful World can only choose to disband after earning enough fame.

Rather than leaving the place where you once fought for your dreams, betting that the other party is not a liar might still succeed.

But for those businessmen who already have some capital, like Boss Xu, who only have money in their eyes, their dreams are probably like shit, don't try to impress them.

So after Lin Jingxuan made a rationale with emotion, Boss Xu still said, "If you want to terminate or change the contract, there is no way."

To be honest, when I heard this sentence for the tenth time, if Yu Xiao who was at the side stopped him, Lin Jingxuan would have stabbed Boss Xu to death with his exclusive unicorn finger for programmers who had been single for more than 20 years.

But just when Boss Xu was about to let his men drive Lin Jingxuan away, a warehouse in the storage center suddenly exploded, and then the fire burned the inflammables stored in the warehouse, and the entire storage center was burned .

Lin Jingxuan and Boss Xu happened to be surrounded in the middle of the fire.

"Damn." Boss Xu looked at his subordinates who had already seen that it was not easy to slip away, and his hands were shaking with anger, but it was of no avail.

As soon as the fire started, his subordinates, including his secretary, ran away. He was worried that his warehouse would also be burned, so he went back to take a look, but he was grabbed by Lin Jingxuan who was following him, and they were trapped in the fire.

"Give me the contract." Lin Jingxuan stretched out his hand stubbornly, and said to Boss Xu.

"Are you crazy?" Boss Xu shouted, pointing at the ever-expanding flames around him, "We're going to die, we're going to die soon!"

"Give me the contract." Lin Jingxuan grabbed Boss Xu firmly, preventing him from leaving the center of the fire.

In fact, if Boss Xu ran away just now, there was still time,

Now there are tongues of flames in all directions. If you force your way through, you will probably be burned into briquettes even if you don't die.

"Here, here you are." Boss Xu casually took out a stack of contracts from his briefcase, and threw it on Lin Jingxuan's face, "You lunatic, I'll sue you for murder later."

"Just sue." Lin Jingxuan took the contract and found that the contract was not signed by Boss Xu and his studio, but with another small start-up company.

Of course, the content inside is similar, and they all promise investment but do not specify the time.

"It's not mine." Lin Jingxuan hurriedly grabbed Boss Xu who was looking for a place where the fire was small and was about to force his way out to escape.

"My God, can you wait until we go out before I look for your contract."

"No." Lin Jingxuan glanced at the surrounding fire, and knew that unless the fire brigade showed up right now, the two of them would not be able to get out alive today.

The fire-fighting facilities in the storage center are generally decorations. Those bosses would rather wait until they are found out by the fire department and fined for unqualified firefighting than to buy an extra fire extinguisher and keep it in the warehouse.

"It's all for you." Boss Xu threw the briefcase on Lin Jingxuan's face, which contained all the contracts he signed with other start-up companies, but at this moment he couldn't care about these anymore.

Lin Jingxuan ignored the flames that were about to burn around him, and sat on the ground to start looking for his own contract. Boss Xu saw that all escape routes were blocked, and his teeth almost bit his upper lip.

There are still such crazy people in this world who would give up their lives just for a few pieces of paper.

Just when Boss Xu was desperately preparing to die, suddenly there was a dragon roar in the sky.

This is about to die, auditory hallucinations in the ears?

Boss Xu felt that he had vaguely heard the cry of a beast just now, and it was still coming from the sky.

Lin Jingxuan also found his own contract at this moment, glanced at the surrounding flames, and was about to wait for death with the contract, when he also heard the roar of the beast.

Before he had time to figure out what kind of animal's call it was, the phone rang, and it belonged to Fang Ze.

"Brother-in-law." Lin Jingxuan picked up the phone, didn't care what Fang Ze wanted to say, and said on his own, "I got the contract, but I think I'm going to hang up soon. You took care of it, although I'm gone, but she still has six older brothers, so you are not allowed to bully her. Oh, by the way, you don't need to translate the text for me, I won't need it in the future."

Before Lin Jingxuan finished his last words, Fang Ze yelled, "Your last words are stinky and long. If you are really dying, there is absolutely no time to finish them. You should say, 'I, Lin Jingxuan, die immediately. I have a younger sister.'”

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