My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 382 Last Words

Thinking of Dean Jiang's appearance after drinking with Li Yunlong last time, Fang Ze also gave up the idea of ​​explaining to this old alcoholic.

After all, after sobering up, whether Dean Jiang can still remember Fang Ze is not sure.

"I originally thought that China is now free to fall in love, but I didn't expect that there is such a thing as a blind date." Lu Xun also heard the conversation just now, and when he and Fang Ze were leaving, he said something ironic .

"Some things in modern times are progressing faster than you think, but some things are progressing slower than you think, and some things even go backwards after progress." Fang Ze said to Lu Xun, "Sometimes I don't know whether it's the bad nature of people, or there is something wrong with this society."

"for example?"

"There are too many to go into detail. Let me just give two simple examples, wedding troubles and receiving gifts." Fang Ze said, "We won't talk about wedding troubles. It is an old custom to attack the bride and groom. , Now it’s just one more person to attack the bridesmaids. The nature of the beast has not changed, but there are more tricks. The gift collection is getting more and more excessive. In the past, it was only the powerful and rich. A gift, you can bear it. But when some people are doing things now, it doesn’t matter whether they are familiar with you or not, as long as they can build a relationship, such as colleagues in a unit, let alone doing things together That's right, even if you haven't met, I will send you an invitation card and ask you to bring a gift money."

"There are also some classmates and friends who live in the same building. It doesn't matter if they haven't spoken to each other, whether they usually say hello or not, as long as they have this name, they will send you an invitation. It doesn't matter if you don't have time to go , as long as the money can be transferred.”

"This phenomenon may not disappear even after another generation." Lu Xun said, "After all, some people like to ask for face, and some people like to ask for money. You can do what you don’t do.”

When Lu Xun said this, Fang Ze remembered the last words written by Lu Xun before his death.

So he said to Lu Xun, "Would you like to listen to the last words you wrote before you died?"

"This is interesting." Lu Xun, who came to Fang Ze's place as a guest, didn't know how old he was, but it was still some time before he died from smoking too much cigarettes, so he didn't think about the will or anything.

Now that someone was going to tell him the last words he wrote before his death, he was naturally curious to hear it.

"Because I'm afraid of being blocked, I won't tell you the original sentence, but just give you a rough idea."

Fang Ze and Lu Xun took a taxi, and the two sat in the car. Fang Ze began to say to Lu Xun, "The first rule is that no one can accept a penny for funerals, except for old friends."

"You can have this." Lu Xun nodded.

There is nothing wrong with the exception of old friends. Although feelings cannot be measured by money, most of the time, the way to express feelings is money.

"The second rule is to bury and lay down as soon as you die, and don't procrastinate."

"If Guo died in midsummer, the decay of the corpse would be a big problem, so of course the sooner the better." Lu Xun said this with his usual expression, as if the corpse was not his own.

"The third is don't do anything commemorative."

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Tips for novel netizens: please pay attention to rest your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

After Fang Ze finished speaking, he added, "Although your relatives and friends did not do anything to commemorate you after your death, it is hard to believe that you were erected as a benchmark and a banner at that time, so commemorate or not Yes, not up to your family."

"Well, what they are commemorating is Lu Xun. My name is Zhou Zhangshou and Zhou Shuren, so it has nothing to do with me." Lu Xun saw this very openly.

"Fourth, forget you as soon as possible, and then concentrate on doing your own things."


"There's nothing special about this one, it's just an ordinary entrustment.

"Article 5, when the child grows up, he can choose any profession, except for an empty-headed writer or an artist." After Fang Ze finished this article, he looked at Lu Xun curiously and asked, "What is an empty-headed writer."

"Most writers can be called empty-headed writers." Lu Xun said, "Because they can only talk, but can't do it, and some writers can't even talk well."

"Well, when you put it that way, I understand a little bit why in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, why we put more emphasis on science than literature."

"In fact, not only in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China." Lu Xun said, "It was the same in our time. In universities, science students look down on liberal arts students, foreign language students look down on Chinese literature students, Chinese literature students look down on philosophy students, philosophy students Look down on students from the Department of Sociology, students from the Department of Sociology look down on students from the Department of Education, students from the Department of Education have no one to look down on them, they can only look down on the gentlemen in this department.”

"That's a good sentence." After hearing what Lu Xun said, Fang Ze quickly picked up his mobile phone to record it, "I can confirm what you said again."

"I didn't say that sentence."

"Ah, it's not who you said who said it." Fang Ze looked at Lu Xun and asked, "Isn't that what you just said?"

"If everything that comes out of my mouth is what you call what I have said, then I only need to read other people's books every day, and I can become the most talkative person in the world."

Lu Xun rarely made a serious remark, then he opened the car window, lit a cigarette and said while smoking, "This sentence was written by Qian Zhong in the besieged city. I just finished reading this book last night. It should be him in the I wrote it after I died."

"Okay." Fang Ze replied, "I also remembered a joke, saying that during the Anti-Japanese War, the economic problems of Southwest Associated University became more and more serious, and each college could only solve the problem on its own. The engineering college built a small factory, which is called a worker. The college engages in experimental farmland, which is called agriculture. The law and business school settles accounts for shops, and is called merchants. The normal students seek teaching in the school, and they are scholars. The liberal arts college makes a living by selling literature, because there were too many literati at that time, and the supply exceeded demand, so everyone They are all begging to sell their literature, and they are called "crack beggars."

"Hahaha, after all, you are a scholar who is useless." Lu Xun laughed when he heard Fang Ze's words.

The traffic jam in the imperial capital today was not as serious as yesterday, so the two finally arrived at Lin Jingxuan's studio in the afternoon.

Fang Ze originally thought that Lin Jingxuan's studio was in an office building, but when he got out of the car, he found that Fujin was a community. He called Lin Jingxuan to ask if he had gone the wrong way. Lin Jingxuan told Fang Ze to wait at the gate of the community. After a while, this guy walked over wearing slippers.

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