"Although there are few people in the subtitle group of the Concentration Camp, they are said to be of a very high level." Lin Jingxuan obviously had other thoughts on Fang Ze, but it's just that he just met at this moment, so it's inconvenient to say.

"It's okay, I'm the best one." Fang Ze said modestly.

He has not been in the subtitle group for a long time. Most of the time, other members are too busy to send some difficult-to-translate sentences to Fang Ze, asking Fang Ze to help translate.

"Be humble, brother." Lin Jingxuan wanted to say something, but the high-speed train had already arrived at the station.

"Ah! This is the place?!" The middle-aged woman next to Fang Ze was stunned. She really didn't expect that the high-speed rail would arrive so soon, and her bowl of noodles had just been soaked.

"Auntie, I'll help you carry the suitcase. You can carry the noodles and eat outside." Fang Ze said, looking at the middle-aged woman who didn't know what to do.

"That's fine, that's fine." The middle-aged woman had no choice but to let Fang Ze carry her several large bags for the time being, and she walked out with instant noodles. "

Fang Ze put his backpack on his back, and carried the middle-aged woman's large bags outside for her. The middle-aged woman squatted outside the platform, and left after eating a bowl of noodles in embarrassment.

At this time Fang Ze was almost leaving the station, he called Lin Xiaoxin, Lin Xiaoxin said that because of the traffic jam, she still had a while to come.

Lin Xiaoxin's hometown is said to be in the countryside, but in fact, because it is relatively close to the imperial capital, there are many small factories. The prosperity level is similar to that of suburban areas in ordinary cities, and traffic jams are normal.

"Hey, buddy." Fang Ze was standing when he heard someone calling him.

Turning his head, he saw two brothers, Lin Jingxuan and Lin Jingwen, whom he met on the high-speed rail before.

"Are you a local, you come here to play." Lin Jingxuan walked up enthusiastically, making Fang Ze even more convinced that this guy wanted something from him.

"I came here to play, my friend will come and pick me up later." Fang Ze saw that this brother had a kind face, so he didn't reject him thousands of miles away.

"Oh, can you add a WeChat account?" Lin Jingxuan said, "I'm a local here. If you want to go somewhere these few days, I can take you there."

"Brother, there is nothing to be courteous to. You can either rape or steal." Fang Ze said to Lin Jingxuan in a slightly joking tone, "If you have anything to say, please tell me in detail. I know him well, so it's fine."

"What can be the matter." Lin Jingxuan touched his neck and said to him, "I just want to make friends with you because you are comfortable."

"Yes." The younger brother Lin Jingwen on the side also said, "I have a feeling that we are like brothers who served together in the army in the previous life. It is really unreasonable that we have been separated for so long in this life."

"Where is this going?" Fang Ze looked at the two live treasures in front of him, and his guard was gone.

This kind of duress is not a bad person at first glance.

"Then treat us as brothers in the previous life." Fang Ze pointed to the Kaifeng vegetable shop beside him and said to the two, "Aren't you in a hurry to leave now? If you are not in a hurry, let's go and buy something to drink."

"No hurry!" Lin Jingxuan said, "In the past, I treated guests to whatever I wanted to eat, and I was the brother at that time, doing my best as the landlord."

These two are interesting.

Fang Ze and the pair of brothers came to the Kaifeng dish shop, ordered French fries and Coke, and sat down.

"My girlfriend will come to pick me up soon." Fang Ze said, "Just tell me if you have anything to do."

"Hey." Lin Jingxuan saw that Fang Ze was not a hypocrite, so he stopped pretending now, and said, "My brother, your Japanese level is so high, and you are also a member of the subtitle team, so there is no problem in translating some Japanese." Yes."

"No problem." Fang Ze said, "I have also translated Neon animations before, whether it is translating Chinese into Neon language or Neon language into Chinese, there is no problem."

"That's right." Lin Jingxuan said, "I'm a computer student. I graduated from university for a few years and worked as a code farmer in a big company.

The work I do feels similar to moving bricks. "

"Brother, don't pretend to be a brick mover, you are not as tired as a brick mover." Lin Jingwen interjected, "When it gets dark when people move bricks, they get off work as soon as it gets dark. Do you think you get off work earlier than eight o'clock?" , I often go to bed at ten o'clock before you come back."

"Uh." Lin Jingxuan was stunned for a moment, and then he yelled at his younger brother, "Who said that I am not earlier than eight o'clock, there is an implicit rule within the company that no overtime work is required on Wednesday, and I can be back at six o'clock on Wednesday. "

"Oh, then you work six days a week, and one day you have the same off-duty time as the brick mover. It's not bad."

"So isn't this resignation?" Lin Jingxuan said to his younger brother, "And you shut up quickly, I'm talking about business."

"Oh." Lin Jingwen took the initiative to shut up after hearing what his brother said.

"My younger brother is stupid even after studying in graduate school, brother, don't worry about it." Lin Jingxuan said to Fang Ze.

"I don't care, I don't care." Fang Ze waved his hand and said, "Go on."

"I used to be very interested in games. I took a game-related major when I was in college. I wanted to join a game company when I graduated, but the game companies that are easy to enter in our country now are all making mobile games. I am not very If you are interested, you will not be engaged in this industry. Recently, it is not because I can’t stand the life of being a code farmer, and I feel that it is not interesting, so I resigned.”

"Then?" Fang Ze roughly guessed that Lin Jingxuan was so attentive and wanted to do something with him.

"After I resigned, I made one myself and wanted to sell it. It has already been launched on Steam, and the reviews are good, but the problem we encounter now is that our international market is too small, and there are few genuine players, so it is difficult to return. Ben. So I want to add two languages, Japanese and English, and push it abroad, maybe it will become popular.”

The Chinese name of the game is the beautiful girl game. In fact, this kind of game should be called, or in other words, the beautiful girl love game.

This kind of game is more popular in Neon, and many of the games played in China are also made by Neon, and Neon people are famous for their poor English, so girl has become hard and deeply in their pronunciation. Now this error has been formed, so everyone calls it that.

Compared with other games, it is easy to make and has a good audience among otaku, so some small studios that are entering the game industry for the first time will first make a few games to test the waters.

One hundred days of love in the domestic college entrance examination is relatively well-known, and the quality of the three-color painted love is good. But this kind of game piracy is too easy, so unless it has a particularly good reputation, it basically doesn't make much money.

Lin Jingxuan is now facing such a problem.

Applauded but not well-received, word-of-mouth has gained, but the soft girl paper has not come along.

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