The dean of the Chess Academy told Jiang Liu'er that the sai's previous IP address had always been in Neon, but these days it has become the imperial capital.

That is to say, it is very likely that Sai is a neon chess player. He came to the imperial capital these few days and saw Jiang Liuer's ancient chess skills, so he went online and wanted to play chess with Jiang Liuer.

Judging from the fact that he sent Jiang Liuer an appointment message as soon as he went online, this sai really wanted to fight Jiang Liuer. Sai and Jiang Liuer's online time just happened to be staggered.

Then it can be concluded that this chess player named Sai cannot be online all day long.

And more importantly, this sai's offline time was 5:30 for three consecutive days!

From Neon, there is no way to be online all day, and the offline time is 5:30.

"I seem to have caught you." Fang Ze squinted his eyes and opened the browser, and checked the daily closing time of the Imperial Capital Library.

It's also half past five!

Then this chess player named Sai was probably killed by using the computer network in the library. Not only does he not have a computer, but he also has no way to go to the Internet cafe.

Hikari Shinto!

A name immediately popped up in Fang Ze's mind!

That little shogi player Hikari Shindo from Neon fits all the criteria for a sai!

It's just that the kid who looks younger than Jiang Liu'er is so strong in chess?

How about being a small chess player? Come to China to play Go in the junior group. With this level of chess ability, he should have been able to become a world-renowned super-class chess player long ago.

Fang Ze rubbed the center of his brows, although there is no way to explain these doubts, but now he can't guess other possibilities.

After telling Jiang Liu'er this guess, the two went straight to the Chess Academy early the next morning.

After declining the invitations of many bigwigs in the Chess Academy, Fang Ze took Jiang Liuer to the place where the chess academy sent the young chess players sent by Nihong to rest and play chess.

"Look for Shindo Hikaru." Fang Ze said to the leader of the neon team in proficient neon language.

After hearing Fang Ze's non-accented neon language, the team leader thought that Fang Ze was from Neon who lived in China and was related to Hikari Kondo, so he went in and called Hikari Kondo out without asking any questions.

"It's you, Mr. Fang Ze." Shindo Hikaru was surprised to see Fang Ze coming to him. "Did you come to see me for something?"

"Can I take a step to talk?" Fang Ze looked at Jin Tengguang and said, "There is an empty lounge over there. I have something to say to you."

"Yes." Shinto Hikaru thought for a while, thinking that in the chess academy, he should not encounter any danger, so he and Fang Ze came to a nearby lounge.

Open the door and go in.

Shindo Hikari saw Jiang Liuer who had been waiting for him in the lounge at first sight.

"I remember you." Shindo Hikaru looked at Jiang Liu'er and said in broken Chinese, "The guiding chess you played with a professional seven-dan chess player that day was very good."

"In fact, everyone is about the same age, so don't use honorifics." Fang Ze looked at Shinto Hikaru and said, "I invite you to come here today, but I actually want to ask something."

"whats the matter?"

"The most powerful chess player on the Internet recently, sai, is it you?"

"Sai?" Shindo Hikaru looked at Fang Ze suspiciously and said, "I don't know this person, you must be mistaken."

"Too proficient." Fang Ze said, looking at Shindo Hikaru.

"What?" Shindo Hikaru didn't understand Fang Ze's meaning.

"I mean you answered too proficiently without thinking at all. This only proves that you have prepared this answer a long time ago." Fang Ze looked at Shinto Hikaru and said, "I learned it by heart, so this You can't fool me at all."

Of course Fang Ze doesn't know much about psychology, but he has the vision of Athena that can cheat.

Athena's vision judged that Hikari Shinto was lying, so even if he is not Sai himself, he at least knows him.

But Fang Ze is very sure that this Shinto Hikari is the Sai on the Internet.

So he went on to say, "Although you denied it, you asked me where you can go online before, and I pointed you to a library. Now I just need to go to the computer in the library, check the background records, and then compare and monitor , you can know exactly whether you are sai!"

Shinto Hikaru looked at Fang Ze, still struggling in his eyes, wanting to refute something.

But just when Fang Ze was about to let him go if Hikari Shinto refused to admit it life and death, Hikari Shinto suddenly seemed to be a different person, and an inexplicable elegance gradually appeared in him.

"You are the noble son of Go." Jin Tengguang turned his head to look at Jiang Liu'er and said, "The other day I watched you play the guide chess, and found that the method you used was the ancient Chinese chess method."

"Yes." Jiang Liuer nodded.

Although Shinto Hikaru's Chinese was terrible, Jiang Liu'er could roughly understand what he was saying.

"I'm Sai." Shindo Hikaru sat opposite Jiang Liu'er and said, "At the same time, I also have a name called Fujiwara Sakai."

Fujiwara Sakai?

When Fang Ze heard this name, he always felt very familiar.

But I still can't remember where I heard this name before.

It was as if someone had cut the name hard and deeply from his memory.

Of course, people's feelings are sometimes not necessarily right. Eyes can deceive people, ears can deceive people, and memory is of course the same.

For example, many people, when they see a picture, always feel that they have dreamed about it and experienced the same picture in their own lives.

Most people think that this is a prediction, but in fact it is just a deception of memory for people themselves.

Fang Ze lied to Tengguang before that he was studying psychology. This is true, he did not study psychology, but he has read a lot of books related to psychology, and he also said this when talking with Hannibal before.

So he quickly adjusted his mentality, thinking that the sense of familiarity just now was just another deception by the brain.

But what's going on with Shinto Hikari claiming to be Fujiwara Sakumi now, Jingfen?

Fang Ze hadn't decided what to ask, Jiang Liuer and Fujiwara Zuowei, two people who couldn't even have a normal conversation, had already ended the conversation, took out Go and started playing Go!

Looking at Jiang Liuer's face, which looked more serious than when he played chess with ai Jueyi online, Fang Ze knew that Jiang Liuer attached great importance to the chess player in front of him.

The two really don't need to have too much verbal conversation. For chess players, the chess pieces they play are their real language.

Jiang Liu'er and Shindo Hikari, who claimed to be Fujiwara Sakai at the moment, did not choose to play chess with modern Go rules, but ancient chess rules.

In addition, the level of both of them is not low, so every step needs to be considered a lot of time.

After watching from the sidelines for two hours, Fang Ze was really bored, so he walked out of the door temporarily and leaned on the pillar outside the room to get some air. As soon as he took out his phone, he heard footsteps behind him.

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