The water curtain was poked by Meng Xiaoni's finger, rippling in circles.

The Nanyu Mountain above that existed tens of thousands of years ago is actually gone now.

When Guifeng came to the world, he actually wanted to go to Nanyu Mountain to find Meng Xiaoni, but unfortunately he was just an ordinary parrot at the time, and there is no Nanyu Mountain in the world today.

At this moment, he promised Meng Xiaoni to go to Nanyu Mountain out of trust in Meng Xiaoni.

As for how to get to Nanyu Mountain, it depends on how Meng Xiaoni takes him.

Meng Xiaoni got the letter and smiled at Guifeng around the water curtain.

Eyebrows are crooked and happy to look at.

She smiled at the corners of Guifeng's lips.

Xiao Bailong exclaimed in his position: "I pinched out a mountain!"

Meng Xiaoni and Guifeng looked at Xiao Bailong.

There is indeed a water mountain in front of the little white dragon. Under the light of the room, there is a little light, just like the light reflected by the leaves of a whole mountain tree under the sun.

This water mountain has not completely solidified, indicating that Xiao Bailong's ability to control water is not accurate.

Upon seeing this, Guifeng finally agreed with a little Bailong's control: "It's acceptable."

The little white dragon was cheering up, his tail wagging, extremely proud.

After he was proud, he threw Shuishan back into the cup and raised his paw: "I want to go to Nanyu Mountain too!"

The little white dragon is inherited and naturally knows what Nanyu Mountain is: "The easternmost mountain in the Nanshan system is full of gold and jade. There are holes in the mountains. The spring high tide enters the cave, and the summer ebb water flows out of the cave. .winter……"

Meng Xiaoni continued: "Because the mountains are full of phoenixes and gibbons in winter, there is no ice, no snow, no fluctuations in the water."

This is a sight that could only be seen in the past.

Xiao Bailong raised his claws and asked: "Then how are we going?"

Meng Xiaoni looked at Guifeng.

Guifeng's eyes were as bright as Xiaobailong.

This freshman is obviously not a father and son, but he really looks like a father and son.

Meng Xiaoni: "Go and find a map."

Little Bailong was puzzled, but Guifeng was surprised.

Guifeng explained to Xiao Bailong: "We are going to the former Nanyu Mountain. Since Nanyu Mountain no longer exists, we have to pass through the illusion. The illusion needs a medium, such as a map and painting."

Xiao Bailong seemed to understand but not: "Then we go to Nanyu Mountain, is it like a ghost coming to the world?"

Guifeng responded, "Yes, everything is immovable and irreversible. We can only be spectators."

Xiao Bailong obediently responded, and then asked again: "Is this an AR game?"

Meng Xiaoni: "...Did you secretly play games upstairs?"

You all know what AR games are.

Xiao Bailong immediately shut up, and tried to fumble to the side, intending to sneak.

No one cares about the dragon in the morning. The dragon is facing a computer and has something to do.

Meng Xiaoni couldn't guess what Xiaobailong looked like. She and Guifeng suggested: "You should leave some homework for him next morning. At this age, there is too little homework and it is easy to go out and make trouble."

The little white dragon froze, and the little white dragon was wronged.

He has to learn knowledge all day long, and occasionally playing a computer is not enough.

Meng Xiaoni looked through her pajamas to wash, and she told Guifeng before she left, "We are going to go out these two days, and my parents and I said we are going to a famous mountain. Don't remember it, you can't talk back to it."

Guifeng nodded.

Meng Xiaoni went out of the room, and Guifeng reached out and grabbed Xiao Bailong's tail.

Little Bailong fell into the air, his tail couldn't get away, and his little beard trembled with an innocent look: "I haven't been playing games all the time."

This means that the game is played, but it has not been played.

Guifeng brought the little white dragon to his eyes, with arrogance on his face: "When I was a child, I worked harder than you."

The main reason is that Guifeng didn't have to play at that time. Everyday he thought about studying desperately, desperately living, desperately trying to follow Meng Xiaoni.

Xiao Bailong felt grief, and Void grabbed his paw: "I will study hard."

Guifeng lifted his chin slightly: "You don't have to go to Nanyu Mountain if you can't take the exam at night."

Xiao Bailong: "...!"

Xiao Bailong felt that this day could not be passed, and returned to his position with a bewildered face, and continued to squeeze the water polo.

Guifeng occasionally gave pointers, but still had harsh demands on Xiao Bailong.

In the bathroom, Meng Xiaoni took a hot shower.

After taking a shower, Meng Xiaoni looked at herself in the mirror.

She turned left and right, faintly feeling that herself in the mirror seemed to have undergone a subtle change.

I don't know whether the power in the soul gradually changed her appearance, or the previous spirit gradually changed her temperament.

Little Bailong is studying hard, but her progress is a bit slow.

Meng Xiaoni was silent for a moment, and then stretched out her hand to pull her face. The self in the mirror was pulled out of an arc of laughter.

She opened her hand and smiled slightly.

After becoming a human, her mind became much naive.

Of course, the mind became naive, and this was also due to being around Guifeng.

When Hou Tu wakes up, she must hurry up to find things, just making hot pot is not enough.

She cleaned the bathroom, turned around and went back to the room.

Meng Xiaoni returned to the room, opened the door, and stepped in. The little white dragon was hung flat on a chair, with a weak tail hanging down on the ground. Ting Ting yelled there in a tender voice: "I'm going to Nanyu Mountain. I obviously fixed the water."

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Guifeng turned back into a parrot: "Opportunistically, the center has become ice."

Changing the material form makes it easier to control the last time. This is purely opportunistic.

Meng Xiaoni was a little surprised, and closed the door: "Will I be clever?"

Xiao Bailong turned his head, weakly returning to Meng Xiaoni's words: "...I didn't ask for how to fix it."

The little guy thought for a while, turned into a little child, jumped out of the chair, and opened his hand toward Meng Xiaoni excitedly: "Mom hug."

Meng Xiaoni lowered her body slightly and hugged Xiao Bailong.

Together, she saw Guifeng staring at the little white dragon in her arms, her red eyes looked strange and fierce at the moment.

Like when she used to go fishing for sea monsters with Guifeng, the sea monsters jumped out and directly smashed the head of the Guifeng, they looked exactly the same.

Little Bailong has no sense of danger at all, and he is still acting like a baby: "Aow~"

Meng Xiaoni smiled and rubbed Xiao Bailong’s head and held Xiao Bailong to the bedside: "Then fix the water again, this time let Guifeng take you to feel it. If it doesn’t happen, I’ll be here tonight. You can make the hot pot."

Xiao Bailong failed to act like a baby and had to try on the edge of hiring child labor.

He looked at Meng Xiaoni several times, and found that Meng Xiaoni really didn't mean to help him at all, so he had to shrink into Meng Xiaoni's arms and try to control the water again.

Guifeng arrogantly took the bird's foot and walked over, and directly pecked the little white dragon: "Follow me and learn again."

The outer part of the water ball in the air is wrapped with a red film, and it spreads all over the water ball little by little. The rhythm of this spread is quiet, and of course it will not cause any water waves to rippling.

When the ghost and phoenix needed to change the form of water, they also used the wrapped red membrane to change the form of water calmly.

Meng Xiaoni saw that the water ball turned into a diamond shape, a square shape, and finally a love heart.

Love unexpectedly fluctuates.

Xiao Bailong keenly noticed: "Dad's love has moved too!"

Ghost Phoenix changed the water polo into another form again.

It is a water polo that does not move like a mountain.

The little white dragon covered the iris with his own power, which was light blue like water and ice.

Meng Xiaoni saw Xiao Bailong gradually concentrate, and her gaze fell on Guifeng.

Guifeng once again guided the little white dragon, and quickly drew away his own strength, focusing on the movements of the little white dragon.

This time Xiao Bailong knew that neither Meng Xiaoni nor Guifeng would give him water in their studies. In order to be able to hang out together, they were extremely nervous and working hard.

He sank a little bit, but unexpectedly succeeded in stabilizing the water polo.

Then came the change form.

Become a square, become a diamond, become a love.

After stabilizing his love, he excitedly transformed the water polo into a simple sword.

Finally, he turned the water polo into a small water dragon.

The small water dragon is too complicated, the texture is extremely rough, almost only has an outer contour.

Little Bailong was surprised: "Look! I am!"

Meng Xiaoni rubbed Xiao Bailong's head: "Great."

The little white dragon clucked for joy.

Seeing Xiaobailong's success this time, Guifeng finally let go of Xiaobailong, flapping his wings and landing on Meng Xiaoni's head: "It's done, sleep."

Little Bailong happily returned the water polo to the cup, and asked Meng Xiaoni with anticipation: "Can I go to Nanyu Mountain now?"

Meng Xiaoni: "Yes."

Xiao Bailong was extremely happy.

He hugged Meng Xiaoni and gave a big kiss on Meng Xiaoni's cheek, and then, at the ghost phoenix on Meng Xiaoni's head, he tried hard to get over and tried to kiss him too.

In the end, he didn't kiss him, and was pecked by Guifeng on the face.

Xiao Bailong didn't mind, so he rushed back to the bed and shrank in the corner: "Sleep!"

Guifeng snorted softly.

Meng Xiaoni removed Guifeng from her head and held it in her hand.

She thought for a moment, and approached Guifeng.

Guifeng's hair was about to bloom, and she watched Meng Xiaoni's head gradually approaching with caution, "...not going to sleep?"

Meng Xiaoni didn't reply.

Guifeng spoke again: "My hair is messed up?"

He shook his wings slightly, thinking about getting out of Meng Xiaoni's palm and going to the bed to tidy up his feathers.

Phoenix's obsessive-compulsive disorder made him extremely cautious and worried, for fear that his external appearance might be imperfect.

In these long years, after thousands of years of inheritance and learning, the pickiness is almost inscribed in his bones.

"No." Meng Xiaoni quickly kissed the side face of the ghost cockatiel, and then stepped back with a smile, "I just thought, every time you peck at me, you are kissing me. I seem to be at a loss. point."

Guifeng froze.

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