She was used to smiling at the group of ghosts, skipping the group of ghosts, and doing her own thing.

She opened the door and went straight to the kitchen area of ​​the hot pot restaurant.

The ghosts guarding the underground hot pot restaurant saw Meng Xiaoni coming. One by one, they knew that they had work to do, and they started to spread out. Some went to mash up the ingredients, and some helped Meng Xiaoni set up the pot.

The small gray body all started to groan.

Meng Xiaoni walked to the kitchen door, stopped, and looked at the ghost sitting in the kitchen door.

The ghost raised his head, and of course he also noticed Meng Xiaoni.

He gave Meng Xiaoni a short smile, and said hello to Meng Xiaoni: "Hello little boss, I'm your clerk, Qi Yaqiu."

Qi Yaqiu looked at a bookish, short black hair that was very supple. He was wearing a simple plain-colored upper and lower sleeves, with more obvious shackles on his feet.

There is no metal chain connected between the shackles, which will not hinder Qi Yaqiu's walking at all.

Meng Xiaoni looked at Qi Yaqiu and greeted her kindly: "Hello."

Qi Yaqiu stood up, introduced herself and explained her arrival: "I was a researcher before my death, good at chemical medicine. I should have been bored in the pot of the Eighth Hall for a while, and the king of the city took pity on me and asked me to work here. It is common in hot pot restaurants. I know the spices and so on properly."

Meng Xiaoni nodded.

Qi Yaqiu smiled and said, "I need to do whatever I need to do."

Meng Xiaoni is still very friendly to this future ghost.

On the way to the hot pot restaurant, she always thought of Guifeng’s supper: "I want to make rabbit hot pot and spicy rabbit head."

Qi Yaqiu nodded: "I used to be in the laboratory, and the most commonly used were white mice and rabbits."

Meng Xiaoni thought to herself that the white rats and rabbits in the laboratory cannot be eaten.

Qi Yaqiu stepped aside and opened the door of the kitchen: "The little boss prepares the ingredients first, and I will let the ghost go to catch the rabbit in the underworld."

Meng Xiaoni answered and went to the kitchen to fetch spices.

Young girls always feel that Tutu is so cute that you can't eat Tutu. With the development of information nowadays, ducks and ducks are also very cute, but also very cute, bamboo rats are also very cute, really care about it, vegetables are also very cute!

Meng Xiaoni can completely lose her girlish feelings for a bite.

First make spicy rabbit hot pot.

Rabbit meat is fresh and tender, chewy and rich in nutritional value. There are countless rabbit meat hot pot restaurants throughout Sichuan and Chongqing, not to mention spicy rabbit head. One pot of spicy hot pot can eat more than just rabbit meat.

Ginger, spring onion, chili, salt, star anise, sanna, cinnamon, cumin, grass fruit, clove, pepper, cardamom, bay leaf, peanut...

She picked out the spices and piled them on the stove like no money.

Red yeast rice and oil are indispensable.

While she was humming and carrying the condiments, the nether ghost had returned with the netherworld rabbit one after another.

The rabbits in the underworld and the rabbits in the world are not big, just a lot fatter. I don't know if it was selected by the Nether ghost or the rabbits in the underworld.

"I want the rabbit head, rabbit waist, and rabbit belly. Don't clean it up." Meng Xiaoni reminded her quickly.

The ghosts nodded.

Qi Yaqiu watched Meng Xiaoni's hands.

Meng Xiaoni first made the hot pot bottom. This hot pot bottom was similar to the spicy pot bottom she originally made at home. She didn't plan to make it too spicy for the midnight supper. Of course, hemp must be hemp.

Add the ingredients one by one, stir-fry, add chili, add spices, and cook.

Qi Yaqiu: "Do you need my help?"

Meng Xiaoni replied: "It's no good here, I can only do the hot pot. You can do everything else."

Qi Yaqiu responded and expressed his understanding.

Meng Xiaoni took advantage of the hot pot to boil, and hurriedly made the spicy rabbit head beside her.

The Nether Imp presented the processed rabbits one by one.

Meng Xiaoni marinated the rabbit head first: "The spicy rabbit head must be marinated in salt, ginger, spring onion, and cooking wine for an hour or two to get rid of the smell."

Qi Yaqiu looked at the original appearance of the spicy rabbit head: "It sounds a bit scary."

Meng Xiaoni smiled: "It will be delicious. Guifeng told me earlier that I haven't made it."

Qi Yaqiu thoughtfully: "Master Guifeng, Phoenix."

"Yeah." Meng Xiaoni thought of Guifeng's hard work recently, and couldn't help but want to add strength to her food.

How to instill the power in your soul?

As Meng Xiaoni started her hands, she couldn't help thinking: to make a lot of rabbit meat, very tonic, it is best to make Guifeng very powerful.

Thinking desperately, after thinking too much, Meng Xiaoni was stunned and had a meal. Something faintly flowed out of her hand just now.

She raised her hand and looked at her hand, her face full of doubts.

Qi Yaqiu didn't know what Meng Xiaoni was watching. He is not yet a ghost, but now is just an ordinary ghost: "What's wrong? Did he hurt his hand?"

Meng Xiaoni put down her hand and shook her head: "No."

Seeing Meng Xiaoni's continued busyness, Qi Yaqiu asked herself curious questions one after another: "How did the little boss and Master Guifeng meet?"

Meng Xiaoni continued to try to instill strength in the rabbit's head: "He came by himself suddenly."

"Then little boss and Master Guifeng, are they good friends now?" Qi Yaqiu asked Meng Xiaoni.

Meng Xiaoni put the rabbit head on the side to marinate, then turned around and stirred the hot pot.

She did not turn her head to look at Qi Yaqiu, but still seriously responded to Qi Yaqiu's question: "In my heart, yes."

Seeing Meng Xiaoni's expression serious and serious, Qi Yaqiu put aside the problems in her heart for the time being and stopped disturbing Meng Xiaoni.

At the Difu Hot Pot Restaurant, as long as Meng Xiaoni thinks, she can do it.

Speed ​​up the stirring to quickly let the flavor of the spices in the hot pot into the soup.

Put the rabbit meat in cubes, set aside the rabbit waist and belly, and add them at any time.

When the fire was almost over, Meng Xiaoni went to deal with the rabbit head again.

Accelerate the marinating, then boil it in water for ten minutes, then turn out a wok and add rapeseed oil. After the oil is cooked, Meng Xiaoni adds chili noodles, sesame seeds, sugar, salt, and peanuts and fry them directly.

Stir-fry for a while, and when the aroma gradually comes up, Meng Xiaoni threw it into the rabbit's head.

Continue to fry for a while, the meat and seasoning aromas mixed together, Meng Xiaoni also scooped a spoonful of the soup from the spicy rabbit hot pot next door and burned it for a while.

After success, take out the pot and add red oil.

The strong fragrance spreads over the surface, and the domineering invades from the hair to the soles of the feet, giving people and ghosts no space to escape.

The hot pot is also ready, and the rabbit head is also ready.

A smile appeared on Meng Xiaoni's face: "You can eat it."

Qi Yaqiu stared at the spicy rabbit's head, only feeling that his tongue was producing fluid: "...Can I apply for a taste?"

Meng Xiaoni scratched her face: "The ghost is going to reincarnate after eating it, you are not a ghost."

Qi Yaqiu paused to live. He knew that he knew this. He thought that the clerk would have benefits, but he didn't expect to be treated like other ghosts.

A trace of unwillingness and regret gradually appeared on his face: "Good food is in front. It would be a bit miserable not to eat."

Meng Xiaoni laughed as she listened: "It's okay, I can't eat it either. These are for Guifeng. If you want to taste it, you can do it in the order I just made it, and by the way send ten copies to King Ten Hades."

Qi Yaqiu was surprised: "Can't you eat these Ten Hades?"

Meng Xiaoni looked at the plate with few rabbit heads in total, and of course nodded: "Ten are not enough. Hot pot only has rabbit meat. These are the supper I promised Guifeng."

In total, one person and one ghost didn't talk much, and almost half of the ten sentences could not escape the existence of ghost and phoenix.

Qi Yaqiu was a wise man before his death, and a wise ghost after death.

He intended to smile at Meng Xiaoni: "Then I will make rabbit hot pot and rabbit head, and give myself and the kings a taste."

He really didn't even think about giving food to his sweetheart.

The top ten Hades are not qualified to get involved.

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