Don't look at Mala Tang, it's just blanching it in a pot.

Once there is a difference in the time of serving, the food is soft and hard and has a layered taste, pour it in a specific soup and match it with your own ingredients, it will be a different kind of delicacy from hot pot.

For example, the lady boss likes to use spicy bone soup.

Bones are huge bones that are boiled for an unknown number of hours a day. The very thin minced meat remaining on it will be boiled until it is soft and scattered and completely melted into the soup.

The spicy flavor is spiced.

Pepper is heavy, and there are also pepper and chili.

As for other spices, they are the unique secrets of the proprietress, and they won't be easily said.

Meng Xiaoni boiled her spicy spicy soup and brought it out.

The fragrance is overflowing.

She divided two bowls, one for Guifeng and the other for herself.

When the guests saw the ghost and phoenix on her head, they couldn't help but look frequently.

Guifeng ignored the gazes of others, and flew down with an elegant posture, and scorched his mouth on the night when he folded his wings and aimed at him.

The spicy oil covers the heat of Mala Tang, causing the whole bowl of Mala Tang to be much hotter than expected, and the heat dissipation is slower. However, Guifeng has no worries in this regard, and no one knows things like high temperatures better than it.

On the top of his bowl of Mala Tang is the love egg made by Meng Xiaoni.

Egg maturity depends on the time, accurate to the second.

If it is a sterile egg, you can eat it raw. If it is a normal egg, it should be cooked for more than three minutes, but not more than 15 minutes. Eggs that are more than fifteen minutes will taste very dry and have a little less nutrition.

The love egg in the ghost and phoenix bowl, the yolk is slightly condensed, but it is not over solidified. The most central place is faintly tender, but not liquid.

It carefully pecked the egg into its stomach, feeling a little complicated.

I don't know whether it was complicated to live for so many years when it first ate a loving egg specially boiled for it by others, or it was complicated because of the power contained in the egg.

Meng Xiaoni was also very happy to eat.

Mala Tang is so delicious.

Everyone has different tastes. Meng Xiaoni especially likes baby cabbage, winter melon, and potatoes that are cooked until they are cooked, and they are paired with starchy **** and crab sticks that have almost no meat.

The shrimp dumplings are absolutely delicious.

The best shrimp dumplings are the long shrimp dumplings with the skin on Haibawang. Unlike the shrimp dumplings in Cantonese dim sum, which have a real shrimp, the shrimp dumplings in Mala Tang have basically no shrimp, and the content is less than the shrimp in the shrimp paste.

But I don’t know how that manufacturer did it. The quantity of one box is quite large, and the wholesale price is about six yuan, which is not enough.

Not enough to eat!

Meng Xiaoni quietly gave only one to the ghost and phoenix, and left the rest to herself.

The two guys who had strange thoughts in their minds did not converge at all, so they finished their meal like this.

Pay the bill and go home.

Workers also have to rest at noon.

There is a time requirement for decoration. Different places have different requirements, and they are basically concentrated in the morning and afternoon. Overtime work occasionally at noon. But decoration is absolutely not allowed at night.

Once a construction unit is working at night, it is a real nuisance to the people, and one report is one per report.

Meng Xiaoni didn't know this until she went to university.

No one works, and staying at home will be less irritable.

Meng Xiaoni greeted people quickly, and took advantage of Lao Lu's free time to talk to him about the store modification after the water and electricity lines were installed.

Lao Lu threw the newly revised design drawings to Meng Xiaoni while grilling rice.

Meng's father and Mengmu were discussing in a low voice over there, whether to take advantage of the renovation at home and go out for a trip. Not far away, just go out and come back for a couple of days.

Meng Xiaoni flipped through the drawing and found that there was a phone number on the last page.

She clicked on the phone number and asked Lao Lu: "Uncle Lu, whose call is this?"

Old Lu swallowed the food in his mouth: "A very talented student. The apprentice of my old classmate, please come and help me. He said that your subject of the underworld sounds a bit interesting, so I can paint for you for free. But painting For copyright issues, if you want to buy out, bargain separately."

Meng Xiaoni was puzzled: "Huh?"

"He paints for you, which is considered as exempting you from the right to use his paintings. But if you want to use his paintings for other purposes, and not let others use them, even if they are bought out, they will be expensive," Lao Lu explained. "From a long-term perspective, if you want to open a branch in this store, it is cost-effective to buy out. In the short term, this is not necessary."

Meng Xiaoni understood: "How much does it cost to buy out?"

Old Lu looked at Meng Xiaoni: "Even if he is still a student, he needs tens of thousands of dollars."

The poor Meng Xiaoni made a confession: "Okay, I have no money."

Lao Lu guessed it and laughed: "My old classmate is very particular about accepting apprentices, and this student's character must be good. Although you haven't bought out now, but you want to buy out in the future, there will definitely not be too many things. When you have the money, buy it out early."

Meng Xiaoni hurriedly responded.

After talking here, Meng's father and Mengmother came to Meng Xiaoni and asked Meng Xiaoni: "Little Nizi. Your mother and I are thinking, taking advantage of the decoration of the house and going out for three days and two nights."

Meng Xiaoni smiled happily: "It's pretty good. I just look at it at home. If you retire, you should be aged. If you want to open a shop, you can open a shop. If you want to go out to play, go out and play."

The two laughed happily: "I want to ask you to go together. It's only three days, it's really impossible to ask the aunt next door to help see the store."

Meng Xiaoni thought for a while and decided to decline.

Recently, there have been a lot of ghosts around the store, making her always feel that something is wrong. After Guifeng's physical examination is over, she has to integrate the information and submit it to the Forestry Bureau.

Too many things, no time to play.

"No, no. If I go out, what will Guifeng do? It can't get on the high-speed rail, and the cars don't seem to be for animals?"

It seems that public facilities do not allow animals to be brought up casually.

Father Meng looked at Guifeng: "It's okay. Just let the aunt next door watch it. It's really impossible to hand it over to the Forestry Bureau."

"Don't worry." Meng Xiaoni directly refused.

Give this to the aunt next door or the Forestry Bureau, I'm afraid Guifeng will stage a parrot escape from prison again.

Meng Xiaoni turned her head to persuade her parents: "Look, I am so big, you two have few chances to travel. Nowadays, two people are popular, and my three-person room is not fixed."

She is very reasonable, one sentence after another.

From the number of beds in the room, when it comes to eating poorly, then talk about the relationship between husband and wife.

Meng's father and Mengmu hesitated for a long time, but finally looked at each other and agreed to Meng Xiaoni's arrangement. If you are a couple, Xiao Nizi really doesn't want to go out.

So the matter of going out to travel was finalized for the time being.

Isn't Meng's father and Mengm rest assured that Meng Xiaoni will stay at home alone. They talked to Lao Lu about the situation again, hoping that Lao Lu would take care of Meng Xiaoni, and they went to the next door to find the owner next door together, hoping that the owner next door would also take care of Meng Xiaoni.

After such a tossing, Meng Xiaoni was finally able to stay and visit her house.

Guifeng ate and drank enough, now his temper has improved a lot. It squatted firmly on Meng Xiaoni's head, waiting lazily for the **** medical examination.

There will be no feces in the stool, and there will never be in this life.

What **** habit is this human being, and he likes to study feces.

People near the Forestry Bureau came, Meng Xiaoni searched all the places in the house, and finally found no trace of the ghost and phoenix going to the toilet. She couldn't make Guifeng pull one on the spot, so she decided to wait and play stupid.

The staff of the Forestry Bureau arrived at Meng Xiaoni's door on time at two o'clock in the afternoon.

That Zhao Ke was among them.

He brought gloves and a camera, but he didn't expect Meng Xiaoni's house to be renovated.

The two staff members can only pull a table casually and give Guifeng a physical examination package on the spot.

Guifeng knows that humans have physical examinations, but it does not know how birds do physical examinations.

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