My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My female ghost is super fierce Chapter 788

The blood and soul of monks are much more powerful than ordinary people.

The energy contained in the blood and soul of any ordinary monk can equal the energy of five or six ordinary people. It is definitely no joke that one person can equal the energy of five or six ordinary people.

"How much do you know about their plan? Those two ghosts pretended to be you, maybe they wanted to use your identities to set a trap."

"We don't know the details. When we were first caught, there were more than a dozen level eight ghost kings here. Otherwise, we wouldn't have suffered such a big mistake."

"It seems I can only find friends." Gao Yang said with a smile.

"Looking for a friend?" Fang Tiancheng was a little confused. According to Gao Yang's usual method of operation, shouldn't he be looking for his wife to support the scene?

"Go find the kid who ran away."

Gao Yang took Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu out of the room, walked in the alley and hummed a song: "Look and look for friends, find a child, first cut off the head, then chop off the hands, and kick a ball with the head."


Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu looked at each other and felt that this scene seemed familiar.

Although Gao Yang's voice was not loud, it floated far and clear. In the restriction, Gao Yang's voice could reach every place without any blind spots.

The headless ghost was about to collapse. He tried several escape routes, but was bounced back by the restrictions. He was unable to escape the restrictions left by Gao Yang.

The headless ghost hiding in a dark room huddled his body in the corner, trying to be more hidden.

The scary children's song drifted into the heart of the headless ghost, and sang directly in the heart of the headless ghost.

After listening to the terrifying children's song, the headless ghost felt extremely weak and helpless.

Who the hell is the ghost!

I am already an eighth-level ghost king, why am I still being bullied so miserably.

The headless ghost wanted to shout loudly, but his head was gone and he couldn't make a sound at all.

The footsteps outside became clearer and clearer. The headless ghost was filled with fear and his body was shaking more and more violently.

In the past, ghosts scared people, but now ghosts are scared to death.

The footsteps stopped, the scary children's songs disappeared, and the surroundings returned to silence. The deathly silence made the headless ghost even more frightened.

What happened?

Why did the terrifying footsteps stop? That person was right outside the door, but why didn't he come in?

The headless ghost was full of doubts and wanted to see what was going on outside, but his head was blown open by a ball and his eyes were gone. He couldn't see anything.

The heartbeat became faster and faster, and (babb) the headless ghost spewed out streams of thick green juice from its split neck.

Bending down and putting his limbs on the ground, the headless ghost slowly crawled towards the door.


The door was opened a crack, and the headless ghost lying on the ground stayed stiff in place, with the hairs all over his body standing on end.

Back away, the headless ghost quickly backed away, trying to leave the house quickly.

But when the headless ghost's feet touched the wall, a power grid suddenly bloomed in front of it, causing the headless ghost's whole body to twitch with electricity.

His hands and feet were twitching and waving wildly, and the headless ghost had ten thousand MMPs in his heart that he wanted to shout out crazily.

"The boss's thunder method has become more controllable."

"We need to learn a lot from the big guys."

Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu cheered. They were still very weak and could not help except shouting 666.

After seeing the headless ghost's body being scorched black by the electricity, Gao Yang put away the power grid.

"Are you still running?"

Headless Ghost: ""

"If you don't speak, it seems you haven't taught me enough."

Headless Ghost: "???"

If the head was still there, the headless ghost would shout loudly, but at this moment the headless ghost could only raise his trembling hands and write quickly on the ground.

"Hey, he's writing?" Fang Tiancheng realized at this moment that the ghost in front of him had no head, how could he speak, unless it could ventriloquism.

"Boss, this guy has no head, how can he speak? You were just teasing him."

Gao Yang smiled and nodded. He was indeed teasing the headless ghost just now.

The headless ghost's heart has collapsed. What kind of god has he provoked? He simply mistook a ghost for a ghost.

"Let me see what he wrote." Taoist Yuxu walked to the headless ghost and read the words written by the headless ghost: "I was wrong, I repent, I am a disabled ghost without a head, please Let it go.”

"Boss, where's his head? This monster's head is very powerful. It can fly out from its neck and kill people thousands of miles away."

"He asked me to use his head as a ball and I kicked it."

Kicked, kicked, kicked.

Gao Yang's words were recalled in the minds of Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu. Both of them felt a little dazed and couldn't figure out how the gap between people could be so big.

"The boss is really a boss. He is proficient in all kinds of skills."

"Eighteen kinds of kung fu are nothing. I have practiced all 108 yoga poses." Gao Yang lowered his head and looked at the headless ghost: "Tell me about your plan to arrest the monks."

The headless ghost trembled all over, and wrote quickly with his fingers: "There are restrictions, you can't say it, you can't write it, you will die if it is leaked."

"There are also restricted controls. Are these ghosts controlled by the Yins?" Taoist Yuxu said with a frown, feeling that things were a little strange.

Gao Yang smiled and said: "It's funny, the restriction in your body can be easily solved."_

Chapter 616: The answers were all so wrong

A stream of true energy was released by Gao Yang, and the true energy penetrated into the body of the headless ghost.

The headless ghost instantly felt like he was going cold, because the feeling of real energy entering his body was so similar to the feeling of being about to lose his soul.

Just as the headless ghost complained about the injustice of his fate, Gao Yang's true energy was wrapped in a green restriction and flew out of the headless ghost's body.

Feeling that something was missing from his body, the headless ghost was stunned for a moment, and then he was extremely shocked.

The restriction left by the Yins in the body suddenly disappeared!

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