My Empire

Chapter 690: Ruins One

On the west coast of the Pan-Continent of the Devil, in the landing field of the Ailan Hill Expeditionary Force, a huge floating castle is slowly sitting on the address that has been chosen.

Ailan Hill didn't have time to waste on things like building a port. They directly found a city, expropriated the land, and then transformed the whole into a floating castle, which sank in the place where they wanted to build the port.

After the castle sinks, the engineering team will fill in enough cement nearby to transform it into a breakwater and eventually form a huge artificial port.

All construction is proceeding in an orderly manner, and Ailan Hill's follow-up troops are also orderly on the beach.

Countless materials have been transported to the corresponding locations, and Ailan Hill's ground forces have begun to expand and advance, and the surrounding land has been assigned to Ailan Hill's great rule.

In order to prove himself, Heidi Cannon had personally led the 1st Panzer Division to advance 400 kilometers eastward. In the process, his troops only found villages destroyed by bombers, and some demon ruins that had long been abandoned.

The Air Force’s report shows that demonic civilians are also constantly retreating. As long as the ground forces advance faster, they may catch up with the chaotic eastward retreat teams.

The troops advancing north found some dens of devil dogs. The subsequent attacks destroyed these hidden dangers, and their advancement became smoother.

At the same time, the Ailan Hill troops expanding southward were like no one. In four days, they only found some demon villages. The demons in them had no combat effectiveness. They only resisted symbolically. Was completely annihilated.

In the core area of ​​the entire occupied area, seven or eight airports are being built together, and the airport is also under construction. This makes the battlefield more like a large construction site, rather than a real battle area.

Even some hard-to-do scientific expedition teams have arrived. They are wandering through the crevices of the army, with the purpose of exploring the entire Demon Realm, whether there are any good things worthy of their investment. Computer::/

Now Ailan Hill controls a semi-circular landing field with a radius of about 400 kilometers. Around this landing field, there is no suspicious sign of the demon's counterattack.

All kinds of news have confirmed that the devil seems to have no power to fight back. They are shrinking their forces, even giving up a large area for this.

Hastily pushed his headquarters from Angshire to the just-named Demon World Pan-Continent Port "Stofer". General Medias was staring at the less detailed map in front of him, thinking about the direction of the subsequent offensive.

In fact, because of the detection radius, the b-52 reconnaissance function of the forward airport has not yet reached the search limit, and it is almost the area currently controlled by Ailan Hill.

Beyond this edge, Ailan Hill's combat troops didn't even have a decent combat map, let alone come up with a feasible combat plan.

Many troops can only rely on rough hand-drawn maps provided by reconnaissance troops to draw up temporary combat plans. The whole process is about the same as the troops during World War II.

Losing the advantage in information and lack of effective air support, Ailan Hill's ground forces also had to slow down the pace of advancement, and fight as steadily as possible.

After all, they are also worried that the demon forces will suddenly counterattack, and fierce fighting that exceeds the ammunition carried in local areas will break out.

"At the very edge of the map, we have determined the location of the demon city we destroyed before. Here." A staff officer pointed his finger on a detailed map drawn earlier.

This location is the location detected by the previous b-52 reconnaissance aircraft, with detailed markings, as well as photos as an aid to judgment.

"Do you know what this place is called?" Midas looked at the demon city that basically ceased to exist, and asked his adjutant.

The adjutant shook his head: "What the devil is called here, we don't know yet... Under normal circumstances, when we are drawing up a battle plan, we call the ruins of the city No. 1 Ruins."

This is the first demon city they found after they came to the devil world. It was also the first city in the Demon World destroyed by Ailan Hill using nuclear weapons.

"The devil's corpse nearby has decomposed into a disastrous state, and the radiation dose has been reduced to a safe threshold. However, we are worried about the plague and malaria, so we did not allow the combat troops to enter." The adjutant drew a rough outline around the huge destroyed city. In the area, the opening report.

Judging from the scale of this city alone, it is almost the size of a medium-sized Ailan Hill city. If it is placed in a backward place, it is also a large-scale giant city.

But now it was in ruins, and there were corpses everywhere inside and outside, rotting and stinking corpses. The devil doesn't have the energy and time to clean up these broken walls, so here is more shocking than Bellevue.

Thousands of corpses of devil dogs fell on the burning plains, carnivorous birds of the devil circling everywhere, and the howling of unknown creatures everywhere.

On the collapsed magic tower, you can also vaguely see some devil's inscriptions, and the corpse burned to black coal still looks like it was when it was struggling.

Wearing protective clothing all over, the Ailan Hill three-defense engineering unit with a camera in his hand had just entered this deadly land, when the apocalyptic **** in front of him was so disgusting that his stomach was surging.

They saw an abandoned tent area on the edge of the city. Inside were the wounded who did not die immediately from the nuclear explosion. They were abandoned in these tents and waited to die. Some people tried to climb out of the tent, but they were only half-length before they died. Exposed outside the tent.

The armors of some demon soldiers were glued to the rotting corpses, and some demon civilians were even more horrible than the beggars of Ailan Hill in ragged clothes.

The cameras and camcorders carried by the three defense engineers faithfully recorded all this. A few dozen days ago, this was a prosperous demon city, but now it is like a ghost domain, leaving only countless corpses.

"Our engineers dare not take off their protective clothing, otherwise it is estimated that the smell will kill them there. The whole city can no longer be used, maybe it is more appropriate to let it fend for itself." After the adjutant said, he looked towards Medias, waiting for the old general to say something.

The old general looked at the photos sent back from the scene, and his face was full of disgust. He is a general, but he is not a person who can smile at the sea of ​​blood and the devil, he must be mentally abnormal.

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