My Empire War Game

Chapter 248 Ecosystem

In the central castle of the secret realm, Su Lun was lying comfortably on the sofa watching movies, bah, not watching movies, but watching video materials.

A large amount of knowledge about the secret realm is stored in Taring No. 1. These are the system backups left by those arcanists. It can be said that it is timely rain for Suren to restore the secret realm.

A 3D virtual image appeared in front of you. The 3D movies in the previous life were slag compared to this one. Think about the 3D movies you watched in the previous life. Except for the 3D fonts, the other pictures are basically the same as 2D, and there are various various disadvantages.

Let's look at the 3D imaging technology of the arcanists now. It's like being in the scene. This technology is only used to broadcast data. It's a bit overkill. Fortunately, Su Lun is a serious person. Watch movies every day.

"It's incredible!"

Su Lun looked at the three-dimensional images played by Taring 1, and exclaimed again and again. Although he has overestimated the power of those arcanists, he was still shocked by what he saw in front of him.

In the final rendering of the ecological transformation technique, one by one, two-legged flying dragons, pterosaurs, and birds are flying in the sky. On the ground, saber-toothed tigers, mammoths, storm-raging tigers, flaming wildebeests and other beasts and beasts are walking leisurely. The beast walked past him as if alive.

A mammoth passed directly through Su Lun, and the long trunk easily pulled out a small tree and brought it to his mouth. The mammoth took a few bites, which probably didn't taste good. The trunk was thrown and lost again. go out. The saber-toothed tiger had been lying on the ground on the grassland, moved forward quietly for a certain distance, and then jumped out in an instant. The herd of bison who were drinking water was frightened and fled in all directions. The saber-toothed tiger moved very fast. The terrifying fangs snapped the neck of the struggling bison.

All kinds of animals in the video come alive, not only the video but also the dubbing, the roar of the beast, the rustling of the wind blowing the leaves, which is vivid. In addition to the creatures that Suren knew, there were many creatures that Suren had never seen before, and those creatures were probably extinct now. The scene in front of me looked like a lush virgin forest.

"Tailing No. 1, do you have the technical data for this virtual three-dimensional imaging technology?" Su Lun asked directly.

"Sorry master, the virtual three-dimensional imaging technology is not in the technical backup, so there is no information about it." The voice of Taring No. 1 sounded.

"What a pity!" Su Lun said regretfully.

"However, although there is no information about virtual three-dimensional imaging technology in the data, this technology is an improved version of the spell image recording technique and sound storage technique, and the master can study in this direction."

"I see." Su Lun nodded. The photo-taking spell is a fourth-level spell. It requires a crystal stone to cast the spell. However, the stored image is very blurry.

But since he knows the spell, he can slowly improve it. If the improvement is successful at that time, he also plans to make a movie in another world, elves, lycanthropes, centaurs, wingmen, so many fantasy races. Make money for sure. I'm talking about regular movies!

36D, bah, crossed out, it is a 3D stereoscopic surround image, it is exciting to think about it!

In this way, it has also supplemented a lot of spiritual food for the otherworldly people. There is simply too little entertainment in this world. The reason why bards are popular is because they can perform, sing, and tell stories. In this world, a circus can make people flock to it. If Su Lun makes a movie, those people will not drop their jaws.

At that time, he may be able to set up a film and television company whose name is not hot in Tokyo.

But these are things in the future. Now Su Lun does not have these technologies at all. What he has to do now is to rebuild the ecosystem of the secret realm based on the backup data of Taring's ecosystem.

In fact, it is not easy to build an independent ecosystem in the secret realm. This experiment was done in a country in the previous life. The original Eagle sauce spent a lot of money to build a laboratory called Biosphere II, which is to build A closed space, and then plant various plants in this space, and also put some animals to form a simple ecosystem, and let several scientists enter and live in it.

In this experiment, some technology was also used to help the ecosystem to circulate. The whole plan was to live in this Biosphere-2 laboratory for five years, but this experiment was only lasted for more than a year and had to be terminated because The ecosystem inside collapsed, and all animals and plants could no longer survive.

The technology of the previous life could not be completed even by the time of Surun's crossing, but in this fantasy world, arcanists for thousands of years have solved these problems.

Suren looked at the biosphere modification technology remarked on Talling No. 1. The above technology felt tingling in the scalp just by looking at Suren: Change the terrain: Use spells to transform the ground into the shape you want (minimum seven, maximum ten ring). Change the environment: You can permanently change the environment of a space or place. The greater the change in the environment, the higher the difficulty of the spell (minimum 5th level, maximum 10th level.)

Ecological Reorganization: Permanently change the ecology of an area, which can affect the creatures in the area (the maximum creature level is no more than 15) to change according to the caster's idea. (The lowest nine rings, the highest ten rings.)

Gene Breeding: A magical spell combined with cloning, which can directly create original creatures with the genes of some creatures (note: this spell can only create ordinary creatures, magical creatures are invalid!), spell level 8.

Genetic Recombination: A powerful spell invented by arcanists, this spell can create new species by combining existing genes.

Bloodline Transformation: A bloodline transformation technology invented by the Arcanist Gate, which allows a normal creature to possess the abilities of other creatures.

Su Lun was also surprised when he saw the last two spells. This kind of spell was strictly restricted even in the Arcane Empire period. When this spell was just invented, it was all the rage, but it was very popular. Serious consequences soon followed.

The most typical examples of this kind of genetic recombination and bloodline modification are the lycanthropy and the bloodline wizard. The lycanthropes were first created by some arcanists, and Su Lun didn't know the exact reason.

Under normal circumstances, the bloodline of lycanthropes is very unstable, and various problems often occur, but lycanthropes also have talents that ordinary people do not have. Bear lycanthropes are also generally superior in strength.

Later, due to some reasons, this technology of genetic recombination was banned by the Arcane Empire. As for the bloodline modification, this technology is generally used on the Arcanist himself. Many Arcanists and their descendants have no ability to cast spells, so They invented this technology, so that the descendants of their family have the bloodline ability and become warlocks.

In addition to these technologies, there are various weather spells in these technical materials, which can change the seasonal climate in the Rift, and these spells can almost be used to transform a half-plane into a large Rift.

Of course, the manpower and material resources spent in this are far from what one or two wizards can do, not even a legendary wizard. Only a dozen legendary wizards can work together to realize the miracle of creating a world. Of course, Su Lun's current secret realm is not so exaggerated.

Although his secret realm occupies a large area, it is actually fundamentally different from the half-plane secret realm. The half-plane secret realm can exist independently and does not need to be attached to the main plane. Rifts are nothing more than the use of space magic to hide a piece of land on the Material Plane. Generally speaking, it still belongs to the material plane.

Although this kind of secret realm is not as good as the semi-planar secret realm, it has the advantage that it does not need to rebuild the terrain, and the air and gravity systems of the secret realm do not need to be re-created, nor do they need to open up space and half-planes. The difficulty of construction has been reduced in a straight line.

The energy barrier used to divide the area in the Rift has been damaged. This energy barrier can divide the Rift according to your ideas. The strength of the energy barrier can resist the attack of a legendary spell.

Many areas must be divided by this kind of spell, such as the planting area, where all kinds of high-value magical plants are planted. .

In the secret realm, an ecological park must be established. Many demonized creatures cannot be farmed like cattle and sheep. They must be given a close-to-wild environment. The ecological park is specially prepared for this kind of monster. And some magical plants also need to be cultivated in the wild environment.

Such an energy barrier that divides the secret realm area, according to the various materials given by Taling No. 1, it will add up to at least five million gold nar, even if Su Lun has now obtained all the treasures of the gray dwarves, such a large sum of money will be taken out. It is also very painful, and half of the treasure obtained by the gray dwarf will be used up in an instant.

As for the space-folding magic circle and the large protective force field shrouded in the original secret realm, the cost of rebuilding these two rune magic circles bit by bit is astronomical. In the past, Su Lun felt that he was quite rich. If he released the money in his hand, he could destroy the economy of a country. Now it seems that he wants so much money that he can't even build a secret realm.

In this way, the price of building a wizard's tower for Hathaway is 10 million gold nars, which is not too high.

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