My Empire War Game

Chapter 212 Upgrade

Broken back love? ? ?

In love with each other? ? ?

What the hell kind of property is this? I love your NND legs!

Su Lun saw the black line on his forehead and quickly exited the house.

"Tear down this worker's dormitory!" Su Lun said with an ugly face. If this dilapidated house is left for a while, all the workers in it will become gay, and then Jinghu City can be renamed.

A team of craftsmen immediately stepped forward and started to demolish the house with various tools. This kind of house is simple in construction, and the construction is easy to demolish.

"Burn all the wood, transport the soil out, and then re-build a worker's dormitory!" Su Lun ordered.

After rebuilding here, Su Lun went to check the attributes of the remaining staff dormitory again. The result was okay, and there were no strange attributes such as 'Love of Broken Backs' and 'Beautiful Love'.

The style of the rebuilt workers' dormitory has not changed, it is still Datongpu, but this time there are no strange attributes, [staff dormitory: Comfort +9, recovery +10, cleanliness +5]

After confirming that all the buildings were normal, Su Lun continued to arrange the affairs of Mirror Lake City. Ayton was in charge of the army affairs. Su Lun selected a well-behaved grass-roots official, Humpherson. He was one of the first batch of graduates from Zhenbeicheng Basic School, and he was one of the most diligent in his studies. His grades were very good, and several scholars admired him.

[Name: Humpherson; Loyalty: 90

Occupation: Junior Officer/Junior Scholar

Strength: 8

Agility: 7

Spirit: 7

Constitution: 8

Charisma: 8

Commander: 45

Traits (talents): disciplined, conscientious, shrewd, management, learning, observant

Skills: Quick Record, Zhenbei City Law, Basic Swordsmanship, Coaxing, Proficient in Arithmetic

Expertise: Junior Scholar

Weapon Proficiency: Sword Weapon 56, Riding 47, Bow and Arrow 61]

Suren asked Humpherson to preside over the construction work at Mirror Lake City.

After arranging the affairs of Jinghu City, Su Lun returned to Zhenbei City. In more than a month, Zhenbei City became more prosperous and lively. There are still a large number of construction sites in the city, and there are also residential areas in the commercial area. The construction has not been completed, and the central avenue of Zhenbei City, the Rising Sun Avenue, the Arc de Triomphe is still under construction.

The construction of the Arc de Triomphe has not stopped. Now a large amount of white marble has accumulated in that area. More than a thousand slaves and craftsmen are working. In a month, the foundation of the Arc de Triomphe has been completed. Month time is not possible.

Back in Zhenbei City, Su Lun went to take a dip in the hot spring first. In Jinghu City for more than a month, although the wind meal camper also went to the lake to take a bath, but there is no comfort at home here in the wild.

Angela and Anna were wearing two personal maids, both wearing tulle. The half-elf was tall and slender, with a waist as thin as a willow. The beautiful arms and legs, and even the delicate appearance are somewhat similar, they look like a pair of sister flowers, and after being irrigated by Su Lun, it adds a bit of a charming young woman's style.

At this time, the two of them were helping him massage his body, the tulle on his body was soon wetted by the hot spring, and Su Lun was lying comfortably in the pool enjoying the services of the two.

After a night of life-and-death battle, Su·God of War·Plasma Cannon·Lun walked out of the room refreshed.

The air in the early morning has brought a bit of warmth, and the breath of summer has spread over the northern wasteland.

The construction of Zhenbei City has already begun. As soon as the day dawned, the foreman in the city organized refugees and slaves to carry various tools to the construction site to work or to reclaim wasteland. Because Zhenbei City has a harvest altar, the land around the territory has been bonused, so the food production has always been good.

Many refugees and slaves in farming looked at it with enthusiasm, and they never dared to think about this kind of good land before. Now as long as they work for five years and accumulate enough work points, they can exchange for a piece of land of their own at the city hall.

Watching the city gradually get busy, Su Lun also had a sense of accomplishment in his heart. In less than a year, he built such a city from scratch in the wilderness.

Suren had a simple breakfast, and then came to the Arc de Triomphe. The marble used in this marvelous building required him to use fossils as mud to fuse. The Arc de Triomphe is made of large blocks of marble. After being transported back from the Lottas Mountains, they are polished and trimmed by stonemasons and then carved by master carvers.

These carved marbles will be marked, and then constructed and placed according to the marked serial number. The entire Arc de Triomphe has eight large reliefs, as well as various flowers, birds, angels, and monster statues. There are hundreds of statues, all the carvings in Zhenbei City. The masters have all been concentrated here, and even Su Lun paid the cooperative caravans to go to the northern provinces to invite some carving masters to work at a high price.

The Arc de Triomphe is not a simple arch. The Arc de Triomphe on the design plan has halls, stairs, showrooms, etc., where the contributors and sacrificed warriors in the previous wars of Zhenbei City will be displayed here. At the same time, the Soul Stone is also placed in this showroom.

In fact, on the architectural drawings of the wonders that Su Lun obtained, the Arc de Triomphe also has a matching Hall of Valor, but Su Lun does not have any drawings of the Hall of Valor, and the two wonder buildings complement each other.

After merging all the marbles that have been built on the Arc de Triomphe, Su Lun left here. Although most of the basic construction in Zhenbei City has been completed, there are still many places that need to be upgraded.

For example, military camps and training grounds, if you want to ensure the prosperity of Zhenbei City, you must have enough force to protect yourself, otherwise everything in front of you will be a mirror image, and it will be broken with a poke.

After expanding the army several times, the barracks in Zhenbei City are not enough. Now that Zhenbei City has been upgraded, the level of the barracks can also be improved.

The upgrade of the barracks was not too difficult. Su Lun summoned a hundred artisans and five hundred slaves, and then began to upgrade. The barracks, camps, toilets, armories, bathrooms, etc. in the military camp have all been upgraded.

On the training ground next to it, a lot of training equipment was added. Suren also built some equipment used for training in his previous life, such as balance beam, uneven bars, parallel bars, horizontal ladders, obstacle training, long gun training range, shooting range, and more. martial arts arena.

"Head, what are these things? Are they useful?" The boulder standing next to Su Lun looked at the balance beam, parallel bars, and obstacle training levels in front of him and asked with some doubts. Yeah, what are these things for?

Su Lun said with some pride: "These are good things. The balance beam can train soldiers' sense of balance. Obstacle training can help them have the correct way to pass quickly when they encounter various obstacles. The horizontal ladder is."

"Can these simple things play such a big role?" The other people next to them also looked disbelieving.

The results of decades of modern scientific training are not joking. Su Lun glanced at these people and said nothing. No matter how much he said, he would know the effect after experiencing it himself.

[Training Field: Difficulty Enhancement +20, Skilled +13, Breakthrough Limit +5, Training Effect +16, Training Addiction +15]

The newly upgraded training ground completely killed the previous training ground in seconds. The improvement effect of various attributes was also very strong. What surprised Su Lun was that there was also a limit-breaking effect. I don't know what this effect is? Can a soldier break the limit and become a hero unit? If this is the case, Su Lun has made a lot of money.

"Want to know how the effect is, you can go in and try it out?" Su Lun said to them.

"Okay." Johnson nodded, then took some soldiers into the training ground for training.

The soldiers in Zhenbei City are well supplied with food. Even the new recruits look like strong boys, not to mention these veterans. The daily consumption of all kinds of food and meat in the barracks is much higher than that in other places in Zhenbei City.

You must know that the soldiers in this world are not all rich and generous like Zhenbei City. It is not bad for ordinary soldiers in the northern provinces to have two meals a day. In many cases, except for the personal guards, other soldiers are recruited temporarily. Then enter the battlefield after a simple training. Only those elite troops would have three meals a day, and even then they would only have some meat for a few days.

For example, there is meat here in Zhenbei City every day, and only noble guards have this treatment. Most of the ordinary urban army is a part-time peasant, usually ploughing the land, and when it is needed, they convene to distribute a spear, which is cannon fodder to put it bluntly.

The soldiers from Zhenbei City are all elites, according to the game, they are elite templates, and generals are small boss templates.

After Su Lun explained the use of various equipment in the training ground, the soldiers began to train. The loud slogan sounded. Su Lun asked someone to bring a reclining chair, and then lay leisurely in the shade and watched the soldiers. to train.

These soldiers soon discovered that these seemingly simple trainings are not easy to do, and after entering the training ground, they felt a pressure here, and their bodies seemed to be a lot heavier.

Then follow the training steps in sequence, and soon these soldiers like this training mode, and then a group of people train tirelessly.

It didn't take long before those ordinary soldiers couldn't hold on anymore, they were exhausted one by one, but even so, these people actually wanted to continue training.

Seeing this situation, Su Lun also realized that something was wrong and made them stop.

"Head, why stop us, our training isn't over yet?" Johnson said excitedly.

"Look at those soldiers who can still train?" Su Lun glared at him and said, secretly muttering to himself that this training addiction attribute works so well?

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