My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 90: Goodbye

Lucas took out a butterfly knife and threw the complicated fancy in his hand. Suddenly, he stopped, and the sharp blade pointed at Luqiu Hanyan. It seemed that there was a cold ice block against Luqiu Hanyan’s neck. She didn't dare to move, tears filled her eyes.

"You are brave this afternoon! You dare to kick me?"

Lucas saw her teary eyes, and felt that this Xia country girl was really a stunner, so he couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The tip of his sword slid down and swept across the straight chest. The tip of the sword stayed on the button. The tip of his sword gently sent in a little bit. Lu Qiu Hanyan closed her eyes, put her face away, and a big drop of tears slid down.

Lucas pressed his hand slightly, slapped softly, and the buttonhole was cut.

"Cracking!" The manhole cover of the sewer suddenly bounced off.

The street light suddenly dimmed, and a tall figure jumped out of the sewer well.

Lucas turned his head and stared at the tall figure dumbfounded:

"What the **** is this?"

After the chief jumped into the Stanting River, he instinctively dived into the city's sewer system, and finally got a little breathing time, and the wound recovered a little bit, but there were only rats and cockroaches in the sewer. He was so hungry that he came out again. I just saw a blond man threatening a girl with braids with a knife.

"Ah..." ("Ya...")

The image of the girl coincides with the dear daughter in the memory.

Lucas was so frightened that his hands and feet were numb, turned around, dancing with a butterfly knife in his hand, for fear that this weird man who came out of the sewer would be against him.

"The enemy?" The chief saw the weapon in his hand, was angry, roared, and rushed up.

Lucas stabbed forward indiscriminately, seeming to pierce something tough and thick. He opened his eyes for a year, and it was the belly of the weirdo!

He smiled frantically: "Monster! Go to hell! Hahaha!"

The chief grabbed him on the head and lifted him up.

Lucas was struggling with his hands and feet, and felt a sharp pain on the top of his head, but in mid-air, where can he borrow?

He stretched out his hand hard to grasp the chief's wrist to relieve the pressure of his own weight on the cervical spine: "Rao..."

Suddenly, there was a huge squeezing sensation, he screamed for a while, his head hurt, and his eyes went dark.

Lu Qiu Hanyan screamed, and she watched the weird lift Lucas up and squeezed his head! Blood and brain tissue shoot out from between the fingers of the weirdo! Lucas twitched his hands and feet, and the nervous system could no longer control his body, and a yellow liquid dripped down.

The roar of helicopters came from the sky, and a sharp beam of light shot over.

From the helicopter: "I found him! The target is in the direction of Block 3 in Telman, heading south and approaching Block 1."

"Watch him, don't let him hide again."

"Received, the target is suspected of launching an attack on civilians, one of whom is dead... he hijacked the other and is fleeing the scene!"

"Follow up! The ground troops have moved to the bearing provided to you. Please report the target location at any time."

"Roger that!"

"If the other party wants to get into the sewer again, you are allowed to attack freely."

"Is the use of heavy weapons authorized?"

"Heavy weapons cannot be used in the city!"

"What about the civilians he kidnapped?"

"Allow free attack."

"Roger that."

The helicopter pilot controlled the searchlight to lock the position of the chief. The hostage of the suspected young woman was caught under his ribs, and he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

Bai Yu looked up at the helicopter in the sky, slowly lowered his head, trying to distinguish the direction of the ghost.


"Zheng!" He drew his long sword and rushed forward along the alleyway. A tall figure rushed towards him, with a searchlight locked on his helicopter.

The chief roared and put Lu Qiu Hanyan down: "Ah!"

The voice was bleak and far away.

Lu Qiu Hanyan was so dizzy that she finally recovered, seeing the familiar figure, covering her mouth, tears finally flowed out.

"Headquarters, I found a man stopped the target. Is it ours?"

"There is no one of us nearby, and the ground troops still have one kilometer to reach."

"He attacked him, oh! God! He actually used cold weapons!"

Bai Yu swung a sword at the chief, and a sword energy drew an arc from the tip of the sword and slashed towards the chief.

The chief has average agility, and has expended a lot of energy this day to recover from the injury, his movements are stuck, and seeing that he can't avoid it, he has to clenched his fists into an X shape.

The chief let out a scream, and his right forearm was chopped in half.

Bai Yu murmured: "What a thick skin!"

"Kehuh..." In the extreme pain, the chief's eyes were blood red, and he let out a roar of battle.

"Yes! That's it!" Bai Yu's eyes lit up, and he felt a strong Yin Ling Qi!

A shaky, almost completely transparent human figure appeared.

Bai Yu sneered: "Expelling demons and evil spirits! Tiangang Town Demons! Seal!"

A piece of paper talisman suddenly appeared in his hand, like a huge funnel, centered on the talisman paper in Bai Yu's hand, which produced a strong suction to the phantom.

Void shadow’s original face seemed to be horrified, and he wanted to return to the chief, but he was locked by the magic seal. In addition, the ancestor spirit lacked the shaman sacrifices in the clan, and he was already weak, and the chief many times. Call it, come and go, how can you withstand the suction of the magic seal in Bai Yu's hand at this time?

The magic sealing talisman shone slightly, and Kechina was included in the magic sealing talisman.

The chief crashed to the ground.

"Listen to the people below, you have been surrounded by the National Guard! Put down your weapons and surrender immediately!" There was a shout from the helicopter. It was obvious that he saw that the cruel and vicious chief was actually The person holding the cold weapon is uniform, so naturally he can't let this person leave casually.

Bai Yu frowned. He came here illegally, and he could think of the benefits of meeting with the local government.

"Don't move! Put down the weapon! Move again, we will attack!"

"DaDaDa!" A few bullets landed not too far from Bai Yu, stone chips splashed everywhere, Lu Qiu Hanyan let out an exclamation, the snow-white beam of light cast on him, shining his eyes a little dazzling.

Bai Yu was angry, raised his hand and drew out a sword, a sword aura that resembled a crescent moon, and flew towards the helicopter.

"What the hell!" The helicopter pilot hurriedly wanted to get up, but where did he have time?

He only felt that the fuselage shook, the instruments and indicator lights in the entire helicopter began to flash randomly, and the abdomen of the aircraft became damaged red.

The helicopter turned and landed on the ground, and finally, there was no such annoying beam of light.

"Bai Xiaoyu! Run!"

Bai Yu was startled and turned to look. The girl's thigh was dripping with blood, she was injured either by the ricochet just now or by the splashed stone chips.

The question is, what is the situation? Why would anyone know me?

He took a step, and the girl raised her face, and with the faint light, that face with a pale face...

Isn't it the girl who came to me with Xiaopang last time? Why is she here?

"Listen inside! Put down your weapons immediately! Otherwise we will take extreme measures!"

The exit of the street had been sealed, Bai Yu slashed on a nearby door with a sword, and was about to get in.

"Bai Xiaoyu!" the girl hissed.

He hesitated for a moment, turned back, and hugged the girl's slender waist, and the girl hugged his neck.

"Don't leave me!" Lu Qiu Hanyan was hugged by his powerful arms, as if even the sharp pain in her legs had alleviated, and murmured.

For some reason, Bai Yu felt sour: "I won't leave you behind."

"Can you stand firm?"


"I am carrying you."

"it is good!"

Bai Yu was short, put Lu Qiu Hanyan on his back, and rushed into the broken door.

"Bai Yu, have you forgotten all? Do you remember me?" Lu Qiu Hanyan asked in a low voice in Bai Yu's ear.

"What forgot? Are you Xiaopang's friend?" Bai Yu cut holes in the wall of the room one after another, passing through the houses of several family members.

When I came out again, it was already another street.

In the distance, the soldiers can be seen rushing to the previous position.

"How is your injury?"

"You really forgot about me? That cow! Do you remember that river? When you were seven?"

"Hi..." Bai Yu stopped abruptly.

"you are…"

"Do you remember?"

"Are you the girl who clears the nose?"


"Just remember this?"

"That's it? What else? What else should I remember?" Bai Yu murmured, his heart was very irritable, but his feet kept going.

"My legs don't feel anymore, Bai Yu, I'm so cold." Lu Qiu Hanyan murmured.

"That's right! Why am I so stupid!" Bai Yu patted his forehead, just broke the wall and passed a bedroom, put Lu Qiu Hanyan on the bed, and lifted her skirt.

Lu Qiu Hanyan let out a soft cry, pressing the skirt of the skirt, and begged in a low voice: "Bai...Bai Xiaoyu, no, it's not possible."

Bai Yu ignored her, and when he pointed out, Lu Qiu Han fainted with a cry.

Bai Yu checked her wound and was close to the inner thigh. It really bounced and bounced back in that very undesirable position, but fortunately, the bullet was very long and there was a small tail outside.

Bai Yu reached out and grabbed the bullet's tail, and pulled out forcefully.

He stretched out his hand and took out a small rejuvenation talisman. The talisman did not burn spontaneously. The white feather and the fire talisman patted the wound. Lu Qiuhan awakened with pain. Only feeling that the legs seemed to regain consciousness, it hurts and itchy, opened his eyes. Seeing Bai Yu's hand on the base of his thigh.

"Bai, you can't do this!"

Hearing her pleading, Bai Yu quickly removed her hand and stammered: "I...I will help you heal your injuries!"

He put down Luqiu Hanyan's skirt easily, and kindly smoothed the wrinkles on it.

There was a faint noisy voice in the distance, breaking the delicate, charming and embarrassing atmosphere between the two.

"I have to go!" Bai Yu blurted out.

"Take me away!" Lu Qiu Hanyan begged, grabbing his sleeve.

"Are you stupid? You are my hostage. It is inconvenient for me to take you away, so I threw you here! If you follow me, your trouble will be big!"

"I don't care, if you leave like this, I don't know how long it will take to see you again! I don't want to miss you!" Lu Qiu Hanyan's tone suddenly became tough.

"Come up!" Bai Yu lowered his body short.

Lu Qiu Hanyan let out a low cheer and threw herself on Bai Yu's back.

"First, don't move around. Later, if the author describes something soft, he will be shut down in a small black room again!" Bai Yu warned.

"You bastard!" Lu Qiuhan was so embarrassed that he quickly moved a little away and reached out and patted Bai Yu's head.

Bai Yu didn't feel strange at all. It seemed that the two of them should be so intimate, and they seemed to be used to fighting each other. He carried her on his back and broke out. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (see you again in Chapter 90) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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