My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 83: experiment

"Because of the medicine you provided, I think your family is in danger right now. Before, people from the White Eagle Country took away a batch of medicines. Their hands and feet were very fast, and our people failed to keep them. But it also has something to do with their unconventional forces."

"Unconventional power?" Bai Yu raised his head, will the hidden things in the real world surface?

"Yes, the White Eagle Nation is a country of immigrants. Strictly speaking, there are not many natives in that country, because the natives are almost killed by them."

"You don't need to share the history of the White Eagle Country with me, I know all this."

"Very well, then I don't have to waste my tongue. The people they dispatched this time, based on the surveillance video we got afterwards and some clue analysis, they should have dispatched a special combatant who uses biochemical technology to strengthen the human body. , The organization these fighters belong to is called the'celestial group', this time it is the fourth-ranked'chief' in the Celestial group."

"Special? Can you tell me the specific situation?"

"The strengthening technology studied by the White Eagle Nation is a combination of belief and biochemical technology to make the human body extremely strengthened. However, the White Eagle Nation is a country without native gods. After all, their founding time is too short, so, None of the experiments they conducted among criminals and ordinary soldiers failed, but later, they discovered that among the native races, certain people in a race could actually withstand this kind of reformation."

"The Indians who still retain the belief in the ancestral spirit can not only successfully strengthen, but also retain their sanity...The experiments they conducted before, without exception, the strengthened people were mad, and within 24 hours after being mad The whole body organs were exhausted and died; later, they found the law. Only the Indians, who must be the ancestral warriors of the Indians, can accept this strengthening... It is ridiculous, they almost slaughtered all the Indians, this When did they actually reach a cooperation?"

"What do you need me to do?"

"I hope that you and the elite members of Longwei will retake the drugs they robbed this time. We have obtained accurate information. They will conduct pharmacological experiments and analysis in the laboratory in Da Lizhou."

"Hehe, the first mission is to cross the ocean?" Bai Yu laughed mockingly.

"This is also to let them know that they can't stretch their paws indiscriminately. When did Xia Guo become where they want to come?"

"The laboratory you mentioned, since the White Eagle Congress took the medicine there, we can get in so easily? You don't want us to attack, right?"

"Of course it can't be a storm. Our logistics is very strong. It's not a joke. If you storm, it will only cause turbulence in the world situation. Although the White Eagle country has always been at odds with us and likes to dictate, they dare not dare to have some rules Destruction, after all, the Xia country is now one of the bipolar states. The White Eagle country can no longer use the attitude of sending small countries to rudely handle its relationship with us. The White Eagle country sends the Celestial Group to the country, and we can also send dragons. When Wei arrived in the White Eagle Nation, what happened? They won't admit the affairs of the Celestial Group, and we won't admit the affairs of Longwei."

"In other words, on the face of it, the government is not aware of this matter? These are all the unknown armed forces doing?"

"Well, you still use this official language well!"

"Please, many spy films say that!"

"Okay, then you can handle the matter as soon as possible, and prepare to go with Longwei's people!"

"The safety of my family?"

"Don't worry, we will let Huawu come forward and put your family in the red zone. The security measures there are. Even if the people of the Celestial group come, we are sure to stop them and win the evacuation of the people in the red zone. time."

"Red zone?"

"Haha, on behalf of, on behalf of, the place where some old people live in seclusion, the safety is absolutely guaranteed!"

"Okay, I believe you once. This is the first cooperation. I hope you don't hold my hind legs." Bai Yu nodded.

Suddenly, he looked at the desk and said, "Why are the government always doing some face-saving projects, but the yamen are so luxurious and magnificent. When you look inside, everything is not good."

There is a scratch on the table top, which is very conspicuous on the aluminum alloy table top.

Gu Feng looked at him with a weird face. There are some scratches on the smooth aluminum alloy. Isn't it normal?

Bai Yu shook his head and stretched out his hand, lightly swiping:

"Oh! Who purchased this? The quality is too bad, right?"

With this light stroke, it was like an eraser to erase pencil marks. Wherever the palm passed, the aluminum alloy leather was erased, revealing the wooden core below, Bai Yu moved his palm away, revealing the powder mixed with aluminum alloy and sawdust.

Gu Feng's pupils shrank: Is this a demonstration coming?

Bai Yu patted the powder on his hands: "There are also scum in the revolutionary team. When you encounter this scum, you can't keep your hands."

Gu Feng nodded: "That said, your family is already on the protection list. In China, people on the protection list will never be able to take them away except for normal birth, old age, and illness. s life."


"Are you going away for a while?"

Han Lin frowned, her own son was becoming more and more invisible.

"Yes, the government has some cooperation with me. I want to go to them to study for a while." Bai Yu nodded.

"Just study?" Han Lin looked at him suspiciously.

"Brother Xiaoyu, why did you suddenly say you want to leave?" Wu Zhiqing was also very surprised, and Bai Ling even pulled his sleeves and didn't let go.

"Well, there are confidentiality regulations, I can't say."

"Why are you talking about confidentiality regulations? What are you doing?"

"It is said that it is a confidentiality regulation, can I still say? It's you, mom, and when will the matter between you and Uncle Wu be handled?"

Bai Yu turned the topic to Han Lin very cleverly.

Han Lin answered nonchalantly, but the blush on her ears showed that she was not so calm: "What are your children doing so much about adults?"

"Auntie, you use this to prevaricate us again. I'm still waiting to change my name to your mother, Bai Ling, when Dad and Auntie get married, you will call my sister!" Wu Zhiqing said to Han Lin in the first half and the second half. But he said to Bai Ling.

Bai Ling shook his head resolutely.

"Why? I am older than you, and I am my sister."

"Auntie, have you chosen your wedding dress? Which country are you going to spend your honeymoon? Can Xiao Ling and I follow you?"

Bai Yu successfully turned on the crooked building mode, and Wu Zhiqing's beautiful assist attracted Han Lin's attention.

Hua Wudao: "For your honeymoon, don't go to those well-known attractions. It's boring. It's better to go to some small countries in Europa..."

"Wedding dress! I really want to take a wedding photo." Wu Zhiqing's eyes beamed.

"You are so young, what kind of wedding photo!" Han Lin rubbed Wu Zhiqing's head.

"Xiao Ling, do you want to take a wedding photo?" Wu Zhiqing blocked Han Lin's hand and turned to Bai Ling and asked.

Bai Ling thought seriously.

"Look, Bai Ling thinks too." Wu Zhiqing pointed at Bai Ling.

"There is no one who took wedding photos..." Han Lin laughed.

"Let Xiaoyu brother accompany me to shoot!"

"Xiao Yu hasn't been free recently." Hua Wu said calmly, huh, is it pretty beautiful? Co-authoring so much foreshadowing, is this this sentence?

"It doesn't matter, I can wait, it doesn't matter if I wait a few more years, I'm still young." Wu Zhiqing clearly felt Hua Wu's hostility, a beautiful combo that triggered continuous damage.

"Yes, yeah, it's great to have such a big brother!" Hua Wu succeeded in countering, and Wu Zhiqing was severely hit and was dizzy.


Brisbane City, Greater Lizhou.

The Kandry Biosafety Laboratory is located in the south of Brisbane City, close to the port and convenient transportation. The most important thing is that this is a biochemical laboratory controlled by White Eagle. On the surface, it is mainly engaged in some biotechnology development. In order to prevent possible negative effects in the process, the safety laboratory has reached P4, but it has been announced to be P2 to the outside world.


"How is the status of the chief?"

"Your Excellency, we have carried out water-soluble experiments on the medicines we obtained, and the reduced medicinal solution has a reduction in efficacy of 70%. You have also seen that after receiving the injection, the Chief’s recovery is far worse than the effect of swallowing. ."

"Can the composition of the drug be restored?"

"General, pharmacological research is not what you imagine. How many milligrams of what ingredients and how many milligrams of chemical molecules can be combined to obtain finished drugs. This is the same as reorganizing these materials after dismantling the house. If we do not decipher the key Part of the data, these materials were rebuilt, not the same as the original house."

"Increase the damage to the organs by the electric current. I need specific data on the extent to which the drug is damaged."

"But this may shorten the time limit for the chief."

"Go ahead."


"Pulse pressure of 200,000, lasts three minutes."

The assistant adjusted the parameters. In the observation room, the chief with the probe inserted into his body suddenly twisted. Originally, the large dose of medicine had caused the chief to fall into a deep coma. At this time, the probe suddenly radiated a pulse electric shock inside the muscle, causing severe pain. He woke him up from a coma, his eyes suddenly opened, blood filled his eyes, his eyes became blood red, he opened his mouth, wanting to howl, but only made an unintentional **** ho, and there was a black hole in his mouth. , He didn't even have a tongue!

Super metal wires made of nano materials are woven in the straps. Although the chief burst out with great power in pain, these straps still firmly fix him on the observation bed.

The chief's forehead was trapped by the restraint belt, and he could only turn left and right. The blood vessels on his forehead raised, and the muscles under his skin arched and fell like a mouse.

Three minutes is up.

The probe stopped the release of the pulse charging current, and at this time, the area where the chief probe pierced clearly showed traces of current burning.

The pulse current caused great damage to the chief.

"If the chief only relies on his own recovery mechanism, he will have great sequelae." The chief of the experiment looked at the spectrum image, and the brain on it showed a high temperature red, and there were even several bleeding points.

"But his power will be stronger." The general said lightly.

"How their ancestor spirit blessed them, we still don't understand, but now we can try the recovery effect of that drug." The chief of the experiment looked at the printer and spit out the chief's latest body data.

"Tsk tsk, it's riddled with holes." He shook his head.

"Bring in medicine."

The chief was dying and opened his mouth wide, like a fish pushed onto the beach by the waves, trying to breathe in air hard.

The robotic arm delivered the pill into his mouth.

From the infrared spectrum, it can be seen that under the action of the drug, the color of all the red organs gradually returns to the green that represents health. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 83 Experiment), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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