My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 386: miracle

The Mingguang Sect officially released the news of the fall of the quasi-saint Alan Fonda. For a time, the devout believers wept bitterly. For them, it was the loss of a relative, brother, and teacher, and it was also a major blow to Mingguang. But actually...

"What? Resurrection? What are you kidding?"

Klin was talking on the phone, his face was full of aggrieved expressions.

No one can stand it! After fighting between heaven and man for so long, he finally defeated evil thoughts and wanted to save him, but his request was rejected by other cardinals. Then, after more than four hours of rescue that night, Alan Fonda It is still due to the failure of all organs. As Alan Fonda said, as a clergyman who can summon miracles, he is actually a saint, only a canonization ceremony is needed. Such a person's death cannot be seen by ordinary people. , But they could sense that the soul was led to the Kingdom of Mingguang God, and the death of Alan Fonda was silent. Even the death of the archbishop of the province would have a strange appearance, not to mention the profound cultivation of Ai during his lifetime. Lun Fonda?

The spirit of the devout monk is determined to be introduced into the kingdom of God, and the experience of Alan Fonda really shocked Klin, but since the person is dead, the only thing to do is to settle down first, and then help the spirit back to Dharma. Klin also checked Alan Fonda again, and confirmed that the aqueous humor was often muddy, the pupils were dilated, and the photosensitivity was lost. After another two hours, corpse spots began to appear. Klin gave up only then. It seems that this Mingguangjiao The pious monk with amazing talents is really dead, I don't know if I should be happy because of losing an opponent, or sad for the loss of Mingguangjiao.

Such a stunning genius, but because of a match, he was killed, even the religion he believed in abandoned him, Klin sighed.

Then something more frightening happened to him. Early the next morning, he used to talk at the air inlet. After washing, he began to recite the Mingguangjing softly. When he was drunk, the door was knocked and listened to that. The sound, the knocker was very impatient, Avado quickly walked to the door, gently opened a gap, and after recognizing that it was the clergy who came with him, he talked in a low voice, and Avado's face changed. Very curious.

"My lord, there is a situation..." Avado walked to the desk and whispered to Klin.

Klin raised his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

Avado said: "Master Ellen... he is resurrected."

Klin was taken aback and asked: "Are you sure?"

Avado said: "It was Jones who was notified by the hospital. After Jones arrived at the hospital, he asked them to monitor the video. Should I check it first? I'll report the specific situation to you later?"

Klin stood up: "No, let's go together."

Avado said: "Okay, as you ordered."

The surveillance video of last night is playing in the hospital surveillance room.

The specific situation has been cut out:

At 19:37, the rescue was declared invalid, and Alan Fonda died;

At 19:53, Alan Fonda was sent to the morgue;

At 22:02, Klin entered the morgue and confirmed the death of Alan Fonda;

0:20 to 1:09, the monitoring probe appears abnormal and the screen is black;

At 1:40, the door of the morgue opened, and a person walked out of it, traveling in Area C, and the screen duration was 5 seconds.

It can be clearly distinguished that that person is Alan Fonda.

The people in the hospital, whether they were the security personnel or the corresponding supervisor, saw this scene with horror, but Klin was thoughtful. Although there was a record of resurrection in the Mingguang Sutra, it happened to people around him... It really feels peculiar.

"What about others?" Klin asked.

"He doesn't seem to have recovered his sanity yet. We are afraid that he... will behave badly and put him alone in a soft-packed room..." A soft-packed room is the kind of room that can prevent mental patients from harming themselves. Even the ground is covered with thick sponge pads.

Klin can only attribute the resurrection of Alan Fonda to a miracle, and even Mingguang God has not recovered his soul, indicating that he is a person destined to be resurrected.

Klin said decisively: "This is a miracle! It is a blessing from the God of Light! Your Excellency Alan is a person loved by our Lord God of Light and gave him immortal life!"

He turned his head to the on-site supervisor of the hospital and said, "Take me to see him!"

The on-site supervisor stammered: "You... are you sure, he will not be a zombie, a zombie or something?"

Klin nodded and said, "I'm sure! We can keep watching until he is sober."

The on-site supervisor was relieved that this kind of paranoid character in the movie had to think that the zombies were alive, and used love to warm the zombies, and then the zombies gnawed many, but this is the cardinal from Fadi. ! If something goes wrong here, who can bear the responsibility? As long as he doesn't rashly go in and die, it doesn't matter to see.

The group of people came to the soft-packed house and could see from the observation window: Alan Fonda was sitting on the ground leaning on the soft-packed wall, his eyes dull and muttering something in his mouth.

"Can you talk to him?" Klin asked.

Site supervisor: "Uh, no problem, you can communicate with him through this microphone."

He pointed to the switch and pickup on the wooden strip on the edge of the window.

"What is he talking about? Can we hear it?" Klin asked again.

The site supervisor nodded, and he pressed another switch next to the pickup.

"If I rely on Beelzebub to cast out demons, who do your children rely on to cast out demons? In this way, they will determine your right and wrong. If I rely on the Spirit of God to cast out demons, this is the kingdom of God coming to you. . How can one enter the home of a strong man and **** his furniture? Unless the strong man is **** first, he can **** his wealth. Whatever is not compatible with me is the enemy..."

There was a sound from the speakers on both sides of the window, and there was a strong bottom noise inside, but Alan Fonda could be heard chanting like a babble.

Avado and Jones looked at each other and whispered together: "The Gospel!"

"The Gospel Chapter 12..." Clintau.

"Does he still retain his sanity?" The scene supervisor exclaimed softly.

Klin looked at him with a weird look: "You are a professional. Do you think a person who can recite the "Gospel" should be a... zombie? Ah! Lord, please forgive me for using this filthy word."

The head of the scene embarrassed: "Sorry, Lord Bishop, we have never experienced anything like this. After all, the doctor has announced...Your Excellency Allen's death."

Klin objected: "I would rather call this "the suffering and test the Lord gave to Your Excellency Allen.""

The on-site supervisor nodded: "Well, you are right. This is the suffering and test the Lord gave to Your Excellency Allen. We are very honored to witness all this."

Klin turned his head and said to Avado: "Invite me to all the media that can be invited. We need a press conference to prove to the world the power of the Lord... I will personally report this miracle to His Majesty the Pope."

Avado: "Yes!"

Klin said to the main channel on the scene: "At the same time, I also hope that your hospital can provide rescue videos and proof of your Lord Allen's resurrection after death."

The on-site supervisor nodded again and again: "This is my honour..." But in his heart he wondered how to use this opportunity to promote the hospital? Or...Mingguang religious believers designate a medical location? Where is the miraculous hospital? Isn't it good enough?


"Bai Xiaoyu! Bai Xiaoyu!" Seeing Lu Qiu Hanyan who was coming by, Bai Yu was a little startled.

"What's your expression? Don't you watch the news?" Lu Qiu Hanyan hurriedly came from under the big sun. She hadn't entered the Taoist way yet. Naturally, she didn't have the ability to invade the cold and heat. Her small face was so hot that she added a few more. Points the style of a young girl.

"What news?" After Bai Yu received the envoy's spirit body, he was wondering how to use it, and how could he care about what news was not news.

"The guy who fought with Wu Kesu is dead!" Lu Qiu Hanyan said.

"Fighting with Wu Kesu... You mean Alan Fonda? It's normal for him to die, and he was sucked up. It is logically the matter of these two days." Bai Yu said casually.

"But he is alive again! Now everyone is saying that he is the greatest miracle since the Governor!" Lu Qiu Hanyan said, it doesn't matter to her, she doesn't know how excited she is.

"Alive? How is it possible?" Bai Yu said strangely.

"Miracle, what's the truth? Listen, isn't it making a lot of excitement outside? I heard that it was Mingguang religious believers who spontaneously marched and gathered to celebrate the miracle!" Lu Qiu Hanyan opened the window, and the voice from outside spread. When I came in, the sound of blowing, pulling, playing and singing poured in like a tide, and it was really lively.

"It's so lively! Let's go to play too? I heard that there will be a press conference in a while! Let's go and see, the dead are resurrected!" Lu Qiu Hanyan's eyes glowed, one side is the horoscope, the other is the hexagram, two The words carry flame special effects.

Bai Yu thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, it's not bad to go and have a look, but I don't know what it is."

Lu Qiu Hanyan pulled Bai Yu and ran out, almost not hitting Du Ziqiang's belly.

"Oh, I said Luqiu, what are you doing?" Du Ziqiang turned to one side.

"Let's go watch the excitement! Brother Qiang, are you going?" Lu Qiu Hanyan stuck her tongue out, as if she knew she was too reckless.

"Go! Why don't you watch it when there is fun? I'll call Isis!" Du Ziqiang was also interested. He was originally discussing this with Bai Yu, and hurriedly asked Wu Kesu to meet at the press conference. Wu Ke Su Hao defeated Alan Fonda who could summon angels. He was so embarrassed to hear that he was resurrected. He was also very worried about his resurrection, so he naturally agreed.

Bai Yu walked out with the two little assistant sisters. Lu Qiu Hanyan took Bai Yu's arm affectionately, and the two little sisters deliberately hung farther.

"Fortunately, Ms. Qiu and Ms. Hua took the two little witches out first, or else, they will be staged again today."

"No, Miss Luqiu is younger and it's normal to be jealous."

"But the boss can spoil her. I heard that he took her back to Jindu two days ago!"

"Ah... so romantic, if any boy treats me so nicely, I immediately..."

"What at once? Lie down? You have a fever, hooves!"

"You are the hoof! You just burn it!"

" two, it's almost done!" Bai Yu's voice was heard in the ear, and the two of them screamed in surprise. After a daze, their faces flushed with shame, making fun of each other, and Bai Yu sighed silently. With a sigh of relief, Lu Qiu Hanyan heard their inexplicable screams, and looked back at them, thinking that the IQ of the two assistants was a problem, and she couldn't help but feel worried for Bai Yu. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 386 Miracles), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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