My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 17: Heiwu Village

Bai Yu took out the phone and looked at it. After a while, her mother should have gone home. According to her habit, she woke up around 6 o'clock, and she still had more than four hours.

This is the outskirts of the city. Most of the cities are built in the gaps between the ground veins, because most of the ground veins are located in the place where the earth veins are rich in earth air, and the earth air is yin, and most of them are the yang hiding the yin phase, that is to say, the landform is not suitable for building a city. , The earth qi is also bad for the living, and the crypt where the earth veins intersect is the most yin in the earth qi. The crypt is located. It is a good place to build a yin house for the dead, and it is not conducive to the long-term life of the living. Therefore, to find the veins, you can only go outside the city.

Several large cemeteries in the outer suburbs of the city may be located in crypts. Although Taizu has cleaned up these residual dross theories after the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, these inheritances will always not be cut off. The location of places like cemeteries, of course, It can't be done by patting your head to transform an area, and it has to be determined by Mr. Ge Yu. Don't you see that there are stone lions guarding the door of many government agencies?

Bai Yu used the technique of seeking pulse to the extreme, and even the exposed skin seemed to feel the earth's qi gradually strengthened.

"Let's be here today, if it is more rich, I guess the meridians will not be able to bear it."

It seems that the pressure and concentration in physics can also be used in practice.

In fact, the process of cultivation is to allow the auras of various attributes to pass through the meridians, and let the meridians gradually adapt to these auras. While adapting to these auras, the meridians will gradually become tougher. Only the more tough meridians can pass. More auras can pass auras faster. The meridians of the human body are like a filter, intercepting the purest parts of these auras and leaving them in the human body. The bad places are naturally thrown away. The auras are rich. Before the Zhoutian transport was completed, it was already blocked by the spiritual energy in the meridians and became a nest of porridge. Naturally, it would not serve the purpose of cultivation, and even more harmful.

The Five Aggregate Secret Art that Bai Yu cultivates is completely different from Du Ziqiang’s Gourmet Saint Martial. One is to transform oneself from the inside and outside and strive for the completion of the Five Elements. It only needs to absorb the aura of the Five Elements from the outside world into the body for refining, but Gourmet Saint Martial is It is similar to the physical training method, but the method of improvement is not the violent method of recovering from various injuries for the purpose of increasing physical strength, but by ingesting the essence of food and coordinating with the special practice framework, from the outside to the inside. It can be regarded as a first-class practice method, but because this practice method is too expensive, few sects dare to really raise a few big stomach kings—according to the records in the ancient books, there is really a whole sect that is unable to provide for the cultivation of gluttony. The record of Shengwu's disciples, the whole sect was eventually eaten up.

Bai Yu stopped his bicycle. This is a planned area. One side is a wall surrounded by colored steel, with various words, construction announcements and various psoriasis advertisements posted on it. The other side is These low-rise buildings with black stocks in the mid-winter are no more than two or three stories tall, which are the characteristics of the suburbs.

There seemed to be a small grocery store not far away. Bai Yu was about to jump over the colored steel wall with the cart, but saw a few people rushing out from the opposite side.

The few people saw Bai Yu overjoyed by the moonlight, and rushed towards him.

In this inaccessible place, a few people suddenly ran out and came at you. What else could be good.

"Go! Go! There's a ghost!" the few people shouted hoarsely.

"Ghost?" Bai Yu originally wanted to ride away, but when he saw them saying this, he stopped instead.

Although he has gone through several decades in dreams, he is still an out-and-out young man in the real world. He will naturally not be old-fashioned when dealing with things, and he will speak of ghosts and gods, although he will not believe it in Zhiguai novels. They are omnipotent and powerful, but they know that they cannot be trusted or superstitious, and they should maintain an attitude of staying away.

Those few people ran out of breath, and when they arrived in front of Bai Yu, Bai Yu used the moonlight to see clearly that it was a few young people, two men and two women.

"Little, little brother, run away, we have encountered a ghost!" At last these people have a conscience, and they don't want to drag people into the water blindly.

"Ghosts? Where are ghosts?" Bai Yu frowned and looked at these people. He was still searching for his veins. Although he hadn't seen any so-called ghosts, these people were serious but genuine.

"Huh? Did we come out?" The man came back to his senses, looked at the sky and then around, crying with joy.

"What's wrong with you?" Bai Yu curiously asked.

"We are a webcaster who specializes in alien spirits..." The young man who seemed to have the best physique slowly took his breath, and then came together with Bai Yu.

It turns out that these guys are members of a live broadcast studio, and they mainly promote supernatural beings, but this world seems to be filled with news of various supernatural events, but when they really want to find it, it is difficult to actually hammer them. Guys, they searched the strange stories of the entire city and followed them on live broadcasts. They searched for strange stories like "one more person apartment", "ghost eating", and "suicide community", but there was no obvious gain, although for local viewers. A certain degree of adhesion, but there is no real magical event, who is the foreign viewer who will pay for you?

Therefore, the three of them increased their collection and selection of urban strange stories, and finally chose the theme of this time: "Black Mist Village".

The strange story of Heiwu Village is about the last century, about forty years BC. At that time, the warlords in the country were separatist, and the people lived extremely hard. In this village formerly called Huangshikanzi, a young couple came to this village. This pair of young people had some financial resources. After they settled down, they built a primary school to teach the children in the village to literate and hyphenate. The villagers did well with them, but later, the Taoist priest from You Fang came to the village. After recognizing that they were actually a pair of shemales, they were ready to kill him. They were too impatient to learn skills, so they had to flee in embarrassment. The man persuaded his white raccoon wife to leave. After repelling the Taoist, he was pregnant. The raccoon dog is about to give birth. The people in the village listened to the words of the Taoist priest and piled up firewood when the couple was unable to resist, and they burned the couple alive.

Perhaps it was the curse of the white raccoon dying. The villagers in Huangshi Kanzi gradually became perverted and acted absurdly, like madness. The village was also shrouded in black mist that did not know where it was born. It is said that the black mist will disperse in the early years, and some people still Seeing that there seemed to be people coming and going and some people living in the village, later, the black fog slowly disappeared, and this village called Huangshikanzi also gradually lost its trace.

A knowledgeable old man said that this is the white raccoon resentment that covers the entire village. This white raccoon has never harmed people, and even has a lot of blessings to the village. Who knows that the family died in the village. It is also a spiritual monster. , A bit of real spirit, wanting to find the Taoist priest to seek revenge, but it seems that something has been holding it, making it unable to get out of the area of ​​Huangshi Kanzi Heiwu Village, so it has been unable to revenge.

When the black fog arises, it is to repeat the scene when it was killed. At that time, when a stranger encounters it, he can hide as far as he can hide. Don't join in the fun. If you are trapped by the black fog, just wait for death! Do you still expect a grieving and angry demon repair spirit to make friends with you?

The working group that originally collected this strange story didn’t take these materials seriously, but later, it slowly published old newspapers (photocopies of cultural relics newspapers, some of which can be found), old materials, and city chronicles in the library. In the old map, they really found the old site of Huangshi Kanzi!

This made them immediately feel that they have made a staged progress, and they are very happy for a few days, so they follow the picture, step by step, and really find the place where Huangshi Kanzi is.

I don’t know whether to say that they are lucky or not. When they wander around Huangshi Kanzi but have no way of entering, the black mist really slowly rises. They look at the moonlight from a distance, In the large fields along the river, the black mist slowly tossed and expanded like a swelling monster, becoming thinner and thinner. You can vaguely see low thatched houses and narrow dirt roads. The old man driving the donkey is walking on the road, carrying it. The bearer of the merchandise, the children chasing and frolicking, can still vaguely hear the dialect-flavored conversation drifting in the wind.

These people were so frightened that they were hesitating to leave or stay. These people are indeed lucky. If their location happens to be within the range of Heiwu Village, it is estimated that they will be assimilated by Heiwu Village and never again. Opportunity to leave, but at this time there is still a chance.

But it's so immortal, one of the members tremblingly picked up the phone and took a picture in the direction of Heiwu Village. The flash flashed across like lightning, and the locked range of the camera was bright as daylight for a moment.

The villagers in the village who had been ordinary people stopped, slowly turned around, and looked at the direction of the live broadcast team.

At this time, no matter how stupid these people were, they knew it was bad: "Flee!"

I don't know who roared wildly, and the four of them ran away in the opposite direction of Heiwu Village.

After running for a long time, I discovered that there was a village in front of me. The shadows were shaking. Several people were overjoyed. They were about to rush over. One of the girls screamed: "Let’s come back, run away!"

With this cry, the other girl almost scared to pee.

He muttered: "Ghost hit the wall, this is the ghost hit the wall, we can't escape! We can't escape, mother, I don't want to die!"

At the juncture of life and death, although the other three saw her facing collapse, they couldn't bear to leave her alone here, so they dragged her away and continued to escape.

But no matter how they run, after being hit by a ghost and hitting a wall, how can they escape the black mist village controlled by the white raccoon spirit? The four of them didn't even know that every time they saw Heiwu Village, which was like a roadblock in front of them, they were already one step closer to Heiwu Village.

Seeing that they are about to be swallowed up by the strange talk of this city, there will be four more missing persons in the world.

They encountered Bai Yu who was using the technique of seeking pulse to explore the direction of earth energy. When Bai Yu used the technique of seeking pulse, it would inevitably affect the movement of earth energy. This weak influence actually tore the illusion formed by the ghost hitting the wall. The trivial opening, these four people can be regarded as God's pity, and they are confused and don't know what is going on, they accidentally break out of the illusion from the small gap! The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 17 Heiwu Village) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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