My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 15: Zhengyang Luhua Wan exerts strength

When Bai Yu regained his power and got up, there was already a faint voice from under the hill. It was the beginning of the morning exercise. He looked up at the sky, the stars were shining, presuming that his mother hadn't gotten up yet, and quickly ran home. .

While running the stomach and intestines, I made a grunting sound, and a strong sense of hunger came. When the earthy earth-qi essence was introduced into the body, the soil spleen meridians were nourished and stimulated, and the feedback was that the spleen was healthy, and the spleen was healthy. The stomach is strong, and the spleen and stomach functions will slowly improve. In addition, when the 17-year-old is experiencing great energy consumption, Bai Yu can't help but feel hungry.

When I arrived at home, I checked the time. At 5:40, my mother would get up in 20 minutes. Bai Yu was so hungry that she just got up and made porridge.

The rice grains were tossing in the boiling rice soup. Bai Yu took out three salted duck eggs from the jar, which were pickled by Han Lin during the Chinese New Year. Bai Yu put the duck eggs in the pot, picked up the water, and put them on the fire.

There was a sound of opening the door from outside.

"Xiao Yu? Why did you get up so early?" Han Lin saw the lights in the kitchen light up and her son's bedroom door was open, and she knew that Bai Yu had gotten up.

"Can't sleep anymore, just get up and make breakfast." Bai Yu whispered.

"Are you hungry?" Han Lin covered her mouth and smiled.

Seeing that his mother's face was a little pale, but now she was slightly blue, knowing that it was caused by lack of sleep, she felt a faint pain in her heart, and involuntarily stepped forward and hugged her mother.

Han Lin, who hasn't been so affectionate with Bai Yu since joining Bai Yu in junior high school, was a little shy, and patted her son on the back lightly: "What are you doing, you still act like a baby after such a big person?"

"Mom, you have worked so hard these years, our family will definitely get better!"

"Porridge..." Han Lin said anxiously.

The rice soup that was no longer agitated swelled up, and the rice soup splashed on the stovetop, making a chuckle, and the fire was extinguished.

Bai Yu hurriedly turned off the gas.

"I also said it was easy to enjoy my son's breakfast, and it turned out... alas." Han Lin said jokingly, and started cleaning with a rag in her hand to conceal her move.

The stove was full of sticky rice soup and rice grains, Bai Yu scratched his head, alas, it was nothing to refine the medicine, but he made a mess when he cooked a gruel, and he was really drunk.

"What's in this pot?" Han Lin looked at another pot on the stove and turned to ask Bai Yu.

"I have cooked three salted duck eggs, this guarantee will not be a problem!" Bai Yu vowed.

"Well, if you know you can do it, let's watch TV. The porridge will be cooked for a while."

"Mom, I'll be with you."

"Mom wants you to accompany you? How's your homework?" Speaking of her son's homework, Han Lin also had a headache. She knew very well about the problem of Baiyu's partial subject, but the family conditions, how could it be allowed to go to cram school? Even when she got sick herself, she went to the pharmacy to buy cheap over-the-counter medicines. Most of the money she earned every month was posted to treat Bai Ling, and she always felt guilty for her son.

"Homework...I think, if I try harder, I should be able to make a big improvement." Bai Yu thought for a while and wanted to answer.

"Really?" When Han Lin heard this, she stopped her movements and turned her face to look at Bai Yu in surprise.

"Really, mid-term exams, I will strive to improve...20?" Bai Yu hesitated for a moment and reported a conservative ranking.

Twenty is almost mid-range, from the bottom to the middle, progress is not small.

"Great, son, if you can do so well, Mom..."

"Mom, I don't want anything, you and your sister can be happy."

Han Lin turned her face and stretched her hand to cover her face. Bai Yu saw her mother's emotions and did not dare to bother. After a while, Han Lin turned her face back and pretended to be nonchalant: "Let’s wash it, you go and watch it. On TV, when the porridge is cold, make Xiao Ling wake up, and you can go to school after eating."

"Good mom."


Exercises between classes, on the roof.

On the playground is the familiar ninth set of radio gymnastics music. The students lined up on the playground, lazily following the leading classmates making gestures.

"Brother Yu, it has been handed over to him, and I mentioned Tong Ya with him." Du Ziqiang said.

"He doesn't have any tricks for money, right?" Bai Yu nodded.

"No, I have never seen so many zeros, eight hundred thousand..." Du Ziqiang sighed.

"800,000...not much, it's still far from Uncle Wang's small goal."

"We are just ordinary students, Brother Yu."

"Next, you need to make yourself stronger. If we are not strong enough but have such a good product, do you know the result?"

"There will definitely be a lot of people hitting our minds."

"Yes, if a child walks on the street with's dangerous."

"Have you finished memorizing the "Gourmet Sacred Martial" that I gave you yesterday?"

"I have memorized more than half of it. I went back yesterday and thought of the 800,000. I couldn't sleep at all, but the thing was too...too awkward, so much content, I don't know what it means after I recognize the word..." Du Self-improvement ashamed.

"Of course, all kinds of inheritance like to make some metaphors and metaphors in the so-called secret books, etc., there are some key points, no one will lead the way, and it can't be repaired."

"Brother Yu, what kind of school is our school?" Du Ziqiang asked carefully.

"I am the inheritance of Tiangongmen, but you are not learning this, because I am not qualified to accept disciples, and cannot pass the things from Tiangongmen to you, but you should not underestimate "Gourmet Sacred Martial", this can be The true method of physical sanctification."

"I know that the flesh is sanctified, Erlang God!" Du Ziqiang said excitedly.

"Almost like this, you will know how powerful it is when you get started with "Gourmet Sacred Martial"."

"Brother Yu, what shall we do next?"

"I need a mobile phone, and you can order medicine online. Let's start today. I will try out those prescriptions as soon as possible. In this world, women's money is best earned."

"One more thing, Brother Yu, don't blame me."

"what's up?"

"I...I contacted Luqiu Hanyan, and I told her that I won't pester her anymore..."

"Why do I blame you?"

"She said that after she has transferred schools, she would still be afraid of me being entangled? Really, I told him, I don't know you if I don't fight, and now I am a good friend."

"Okay, you are right to take care of this."


Provincial People's Hospital.

Under the confession by Wang Weiqin, director of the inpatient department, He Chengyuan performed a physical examination as soon as possible:

"Mr. He, your body is very good! It's not like someone who is almost 50 years old. Although it can't compare to those guys in their twenties, your body is like this among men of the same age!" The doctor in charge of the reception looked at the relevant data, raised his head in surprise, and gave He Chengyuan a thumbs up.

"Are there any hidden bad conditions?" He Chengyuan was secretly happy.

You can enjoy **** unscrupulously and make your body healthier. What price should Zhengyang Luhua Pills set?

"No, no, I think you have the possibility of fatty liver and alcoholic liver, but your liver is fine, and there is no problem with the three highs! This is really... I really don't understand it!" The doctor was surprised. .

"Okay! So be it!" He Chengyuan hinted at the attendant, and the attendant handed over a folder.

"Doctor Wen, these are some of Mr. He's past medical records, so please take care of it! Please don't spread the information and situation of Mr. He."

"You are polite, it should be! It should be!" Wenxian knew Yayi. Of course, this Doctor Wen knew what it meant. The so-called information was just an excuse to carry red envelopes. Dr. Wen put the folder in the folder. drawer.

Walking to the underground garage of the hospital, He Chengyuan sat in the back seat and took out his mobile phone.

"Mr. Wu, are you free tonight? Come to my court, I have something good for you."

"What nonsense, you just need to come!"

"Leader, please peace of mind, can I take a moment to meet with me this afternoon? There is a very important thing, it is really important! I promise you don't regret it!"

"Hey! Look at what you said, who you don't know about me? I will definitely not violate the law and discipline!"

After hanging up the phone, He Chengyuan asked the follower who drove:

"Xiao Qi, all of them have gone out?"

"Yes, Brother Yuan, a few of them have a good fate. At this time, you are going to travel, and you have to pay for it. You brothers, really have nothing to say."

"Hehe, brothers follow me. I have worked hard. I have meat to eat, so I have to give you some soup!"


A week later, a pill with a miraculous effect slowly fermented in the words of the top people in the city. Most people originally sneered at it. How could the old Jianghu be so tempted by this so-called magic drug? Ten masters and nine sticks, a hundred magic medicine has never been true!

But as more and more people have taken this medicine, its power is slowly revealed.

How can people who have used this medicine think that there are too many medicines? Nothing to eat, is it good for your body? Better than taking any tonic, right? The more people know, the more people want to take this medicine? The quantity of this medicine is extremely scarce, and it is best to keep it within a small range as much as possible; but He Chengyuan, who had made up his mind to use Zhengyang Luhua Pills to strengthen his contacts, would become a specialized supplier of medicines for these people, he naturally It is arranged for people to disclose information, intentionally or unintentionally.

"Mr. Chu, I have heard of the name for a long time, and I have been with you for a long time."

"Oh oh oh, are you talking about medicine?"

"Hehe, the number of medicines is too small! You know that this medicine is too rare when you hear about its effects..."

"There is indeed no medicine, but I left one for my father, but who are you, President Chu? You are the leader of our business. No medicine, you can't be short of yours, isn't it? But my business I also hope that Mr. Chu will give you a hand! It’s trivial to make money or not. The key is to learn one and a half tricks from you. Wouldn’t it be infinitely useful for me?"

"Leader Kang! What instructions do you have?"

"This kind of medicine is too limited now! You have done your best to educate your mouth. You are a role model I admire very much. In order to make you work better and serve the people, this medicine is squeezed. Squeeze it out, my husband left one for him, I will give it to you first!"

"It's all for the motherland to be more prosperous!"

He Chengyuan sighed. In the past few days, some people have been circling around to inquire, some who have offered to buy at a high price, and some who threaten to share a cup and want to cooperate together. In short, all kinds of strange people who know and don't know have called in.

However, Zhengyang Luhua pills are limited in number. After removing Xiaoqi and I tried one, plus the ones that were spread out and sold, there are now seven pills left. According to this frame, the remaining seven pills , Is not going to last long, the key is that some people really can not offend.

Think about my own gains again. The business leaders brought themselves into the market, and the leaders of all kinds of people also vaguely began to release goodwill. These are precious resources.


"Brother Yuan, what's the matter?"

"Help me contact Du Ziqiang, no, forget it, I will call him personally!"My dream can come true. Chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true txt download address: https:// dream can come true Mobile reading: https://m.mtlnovel. com/read/162987/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 15 Zhengyang Luhua Maru worked hard) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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