My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 944 Excited Li Chao

"Plum blossom ginseng, good stuff? How much did you get?" Li Chao asked with a smile.

Xiang Yang wondered, did he not understand clearly enough?

Li Chao probably didn't pay attention.

So, Xiang Yang repeated again: "Only caught one."

"Only one?" On the other side of the phone, Li Chao obviously lost interest, and he said casually, "I'll tell Lao Zhang to keep it for me later. Any gains?"

Xiang Yang said with a smile: "I was lucky on this trip. I encountered a school of fish migrating with the Kuroshio Current, and the harvest was quite good. In addition, I also helped another fleet bring more than 100 tons of herring. In addition, I have also found a large number of stone cauliflowers, and these stone cauliflowers are of good quality, as thick as a small finger, and your hotel should be able to get some of them."

"What are those herrings?" Li Chao asked expectantly.

"Authentic Atlantic herring." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

Li Chao was immediately disappointed when he heard the words, "This kind of fish will die when it comes out of the water. Didn't you get any rare catch when you went out this time?"

"Of course there is. Didn't I tell you earlier? I got a plum-blossom sea cucumber. No, I'll call you to announce the good news." Xiang Yang said with a smile.


Li Chao smiled on the phone, "Of course I know plum-blossom sea cucumber is a good thing, but when I need a lot of rare ingredients for such a big hotel, what's the use of your plum-blossom sea cucumber? Unless it's the king of sea cucumbers, you Did you get the Sea Cucumber King?"

The so-called sea cucumber king refers to sea cucumbers with a length of more than one meter.

Such sea cucumbers are the best of the best, the best of the best, and the best of the best.

But Li Chao obviously didn't believe that Xiang Yang could get a sea cucumber back.

Although everyone knows that the largest plum blossom sea cucumber can grow to more than one meter.

However, the plum-blossom sea cucumber king with a body size of more than one meter is as rare as the thousand-year-old ginseng.

You know, everyone knows that it is a good thing, see, most people have never seen it.

The sea cucumber king is even rarer than the legendary single-headed abalone.

"It's not the sea cucumber king." Xiang Yang said.

On the other side of the phone, Li Chao didn't respond at all.

In Li Chao's view, it is normal that it is not the King of Sea Cucumber, and he will be surprised if it is really the King of Sea Cucumber.

"Generally, as long as the sea cucumber is more than one meter long, it can be called the sea cucumber king. The sea cucumber I caught is more than two meters long, which is much larger than the average sea cucumber king. Therefore, I think this The sea cucumber should not be the sea cucumber king, it should be the sea cucumber emperor." Xiang Yang continued.

"What?" Li Chao's head was a little dazed, and he suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Xiang Yang smiled slightly, knowing that Li Chao would react in this way.

To be honest, the head of a two-meter-long sea cucumber is really scary.

Don't say that Li Chao didn't believe it.

Even Xiang Yang himself couldn't believe it when he saw it with his own eyes for the first time, and suspected that he had made a mistake.

"I said that the sea cucumber I caught was not the King Sea Cucumber, but the Emperor Sea Cucumber. It was more than two meters long." Xiang Yang said.

Li Chao on the other side of the phone suddenly became short of breath, "Brother Xiang, are you telling the truth? Are you kidding? You really caught a two-meter-long King Sea Cucumber, no, King Sea Cucumber?"

Although in the past, there was no such thing as a sea cucumber emperor in the catering industry.

But sea cucumbers over one meter can be called the king of sea cucumbers.

A sea cucumber more than two meters long, isn't this the sea cucumber emperor?

So Li Chao changed his words immediately on the phone.

Xiang Yang nodded and said, "If it's fake, it's guaranteed."

"Keep it, keep this sea cucumber emperor for me, you must keep it for me." Li Chao felt his brain congested instantly, and even stood up involuntarily.

Xiang Yang laughed: "Brother Chao, didn't you say you asked me to sell it to Boss Zhang, and you want it from Boss Zhang later?"

"He's a wholesaler. Why do you want this kind of top-quality ingredients? It's a waste to give him, and sea cucumbers are very delicate. If there is any loss on the way, I will cry to death. Brother Xiang, don't say anything, I Leave now, go to Qinglong Bend, I will wait for you on the pier, come back quickly." Li Chao said.

Xiang Yang was startled, and quickly said: "Brother Chao, don't be so anxious, I'm still in the waters of Quanzhou, and I won't be back for at least three or four days."

"I'm anxious, I wish I was on your boat right now, brother Xiang, if you send me your location, I'll come to find you by myself on a cruise ship." Li Chao said.

Hearing this, Xiang Yang sweated a bit, "No need, Brother Chao, even if you come here by cruise ship, you have to go back at that time, and it's not convenient to locate at sea, so the time to go back and forth may be longer. "

"Don't worry, I'll be back when the time comes, and I'll call you to inform you that this sea cucumber will be brought back intact." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

Li Chao was still not at ease, and quickly asked Xiang Yang how to deal with that sea cucumber now, whether it was made into hair ginseng, etc.

When Li Chao learned that the giant sea cucumber emperor was still alive and was being raised in a water tank on the ship, Li Chao repeatedly explained how to take care of the sea cucumber and what things to pay attention to. Keep an eye on that sea cucumber for four hours to keep it from hydrating.

In the end, Xiang Yang became a little impatient.

This sea cucumber hasn't been sold yet.

Judging from Li Chao's tone, it seems that if there is a problem with this sea cucumber, he will fight Xiang Yang as hard as he can.

"Okay, okay, I'm at sea now, the signal here is not very good, I'll hang up first." Xiang Yang said quickly.

After finishing speaking, Xiang Yang immediately hung up the phone.

"Hello, hello." Li Chao shouted a few words through the phone, and put down the phone helplessly until he heard a blind tone from the phone.

After putting down the phone, Li Chao walked a few steps left and right, and finally shouted directly to the door: "Come on, prepare a car for me."

Immediately outside the door, a well-dressed woman with a good-looking appearance walked in. She was surprised and said, "Mr. Li, do you want to prepare a car now?"

Li Chao nodded quickly, "Yes, hurry up, I'm going to Qinglong Bend."

The beautiful woman was surprised and said: "Mr. Li, but the hotel has received a notice that there will be a hotel star reviewer secretly coming to the store recently. Aren't you in charge of the hotel?"

Li Chao paused, then shook his head and said, "No need, all the indicators of our hotel are beyond the standard line of a five-star hotel. Even if I am here, I will not be rated as a six-star hotel. Even if I am not here , and must be five-star, so it doesn’t matter whether I’m here or not.”

Immediately, as if Li Chao had thought of something, he returned to his desk, picked up his cell phone, and made a call.

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