My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 890 Gentian Spot

More importantly, it's not that Xiang Yang has nothing to do with this bull shark.

Xiang Yang has something that can hurt this bull shark.

Seeing the bull shark approaching him, Xiang Yang swam towards the bull shark at a very slow speed without retreating.

Seeing that Xiang Yang didn't run away and was approaching it, the bull shark immediately stopped in place again.

Obviously, this bull shark had never seen a diver before, and Xiang Yang was the first human it had seen.

Animals always have a natural fear of unfamiliar animals they have never seen.

It's now.

Xiang Yang narrowed his eyes, and instantly accelerated his swimming speed. His figure was like a flash of lightning, and he was in front of the bull shark in an instant.

At this time, the distance between Xiang Yang and the bull shark was less than ten centimeters.

Xiang Yang could even clearly see the cold light on the sharp teeth in the bloody mouth of this terrifying bull shark.

Although the bull shark opened its mouth wide, it didn't immediately attack Xiang Yang.

Obviously, this bull shark was also surprised why Xiang Yang's speed was so fast.

Xiang Yang seized this opportunity and directly punched the bull shark hard on the nose.

After the punch, there was no picture of the bull shark's nose crooked as Xiang Yang imagined.

Xiang Yang's punch hit the bull shark, just like a child hitting an adult, it did not cause any substantial damage to the bull shark, but completely angered the bull shark, it He opened his bloody mouth, and bit towards Xiang Yang's neck.

Xiang Yang smiled slightly, appeared behind the bull shark in a flash, and then slammed the button of the biological stun gun.

In an instant, all the fins of this bull shark's body were opened together, and its mouth was opened to the maximum in an instant, and then it trembled wildly in the sea water.

Xiang Yang raised his eyebrows, and said in his heart that it was indeed a bull shark. Such a strong current could even kill a pig instantly, but the bull shark was not stunned.

A second later, Xiang Yang let go of the biological stun gun, then stepped back to a place five or six meters away from the bull shark and watched quietly.

The bull shark shook its head, quickly regained consciousness from the high-voltage current, then opened its mouth wide, and rushed towards Xiang Yang quickly.

Xiang Yang grinned, and instantly pressed his finger on the biological stun gun again.

In an instant, the bull shark's movements slowed down, its fins spread out, and then it sank straight towards the bottom of the sea.

Seeing this, Xiang Yang released the switch of the biological stun gun again.

The current disappeared again. This time, the bull shark didn't dare to attack Xiang Yang again. It looked at Xiang Yang with horror in its cold eyes, then waved its fins and slowly retreated backward.

Xiang Yang saw it, smiled slightly, and swam leisurely towards the bull shark holding the biological stun gun.

Seeing Xiang Yang approaching, the bull shark turned around immediately, waving its fins and flicking its tail, and fled towards the distance at the fastest speed. In less than a minute, it fled to a place hundreds of meters away from Xiang Yang. .

A distance of several hundred meters is definitely not a safe position in terms of the range of activities of sharks.

Xiang Yang shook his head, held the biological stun gun, and chased after the bull shark again.

This time, the bull shark was really frightened and swam towards other sea areas without looking back.

Seeing the bull shark disappear from his sight, Xiang Yang heaved a sigh of relief, then collected his biological stun guns and headed back towards the original path.

The gentian grouper was peeking out from the crevice of the rock where it used to be, as if to see if the bull shark had gone.

Xiang Yang swam over quickly, grabbed the gentian grouper just below the head, and pulled it out from the crevice in the rock.

Gentian grouper is a very economical grouper. It belongs to the order Perciformes, and it is the subfamily of grouper. Grouper is the largest fish among groupers. It is mainly produced in Southeast Asia and the waters of Australia, and also in the South China Sea of ​​my country. Although the quantity is rare, the price is not expensive. A gentian grouper, which is more than a catty, costs only thirty or forty yuan.

Xiang Yang took a closer look at this gentian grouper. Its shape resembles that of a tiger grouper. The rear end of the caudal fin is round. Two thick spines, the head is completely covered by fine scales and lateral line except snout and upper and lower jaws.

All of the fish's fins, except for the pelvic fin, are yellow and dotted with small black dots, and there are half a dozen or so transverse stripes along the sides of the body.

Of course, its characteristics are also very obvious. The gentian grouper has a large cleft mouth, a slightly protruding lower jaw, and the upper jaw can be stretched. The rear end of the upper jaw is enlarged and extends below the posterior edge of the eyes. There are several canine teeth in the front of the upper jaw, and a cluster behind it Invertible teeth, with sparse small canines on the outside of both sides, villi tooth bands on the inside, canines opposite to the upper jaw at the front of the lower jaw, and multiple rows of invertible teeth behind it, and the teeth on both sides are closely arranged in two rows.

In the market, generally no one dares to sell gentian grouper as tiger spot, because anyone with a little knowledge of marine life will know that it is definitely not tiger spot.

However, in restaurants opened by locals in some coastal areas, people often sell this kind of gentian grouper as the original grouper.

On the menu, they wrote that this fish is called grouper, without adding a prefix to it, they sold it for one or two hundred yuan a catty, and it was specially used to trick outsiders. If someone asks what the fish is called grouper fish, they said the fish was called primitive grouper.

In fact, there is no such species as primitive grouper in the large family of grouper.

If someone eats raw grouper in a restaurant, don't be suspicious, he must have been cheated.

The largest gentian grouper can grow to more than 2.5 meters and weigh more than 400 kilograms.

Xiang Yang gestured to the gentian grouper in his hand, which was less than half a meter long and weighed only four or five catties.

Like most seafood, the bigger the gentian grouper, the more valuable it is.

If the grouper is more than two meters long, it can be sold for more than 80 yuan a catty in the market.

This kind of small one, even if it is fished up, the purchase price is only more than one hundred yuan.

Xiang Yang looked at the gentian grouper that had been struggling in his hand, shook his head, let go of his hand, and put it back.

This gentian grouper escaped from Xiang Yang's clutches, and immediately burrowed into the crevice of the rock again, and soon hid its whole body under the rock, leaving only one tail shaking outside the crevice,

Xiang Yang smiled, ignored the gentian grouper, and looked at the pearl oysters on the bottom of the sea.

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