My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 727: The Legend of the Giant Octopus (Part 1)

The big head is an adult male humpback whale. It has rough skin and thick flesh. If it is whipped by the tentacles of a giant octopus, it will suffer a little bit of flesh injury at most, not to the point of breaking bones.

But the giant octopus tentacles curled up on the big head really threatened the life of the big head.

Each tentacle of the octopus has a large number of suction cups. The tentacles curled up on the big head, no matter how the big head struggles, the suction cups are tightly attached to the big head's body, blocking the air vent of the big head.

Xiang Yang was a little anxious in his heart. If the big head couldn't shake off the tentacles of the giant octopus quickly, he would definitely suffocate to death after a long time.

The fights of these sea monsters are very dangerous. Whether it is a humpback whale or a giant octopus, they all represent the strongest flesh and blood on the planet.

Although Xiang Yang held a biological stun gun in his hand, he still dared not move.

Xiang Yang really didn't want to get involved in this level of battle, as long as he didn't have to. The biological stun gun, which had always been invincible in the past, didn't give Xiang Yang any sense of security.

The remaining three humpback whales, seeing that the big head was entangled by the giant octopus, immediately became more violent. They once again fanned their huge fins and rushed towards the giant octopus.

That giant octopus is really, really powerful.

Facing the attack of three adult humpback whales, it remained undisturbed in the face of danger. In an instant, it separated three tentacles and swung them in three directions. The remaining tentacles, except for one that was still protecting its head, the rest The tentacles all entangled towards the big head, even the two tentacles supporting the body were not idle. It seems that this giant octopus also understands a truth, it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt its ten fingers.

Xiang Yang screamed in his heart that it was terrible, the big head might really be in danger this time.


There was a low and loud muffled sound.

Xiang Yang only felt that the water waves hit him with a huge shock wave.

Then, Xiang Yang saw the three adult humpback whales collide with the giant octopus almost at the same time.

The three tentacles of that giant octopus couldn't resist the huge force of the three adult humpback whales' charge at all. Apart from leaving three shocking wounds on the three humpback whales, those three huge tentacles couldn't resist at all. There was no slowing down the humpback's charge.

Xiang Yang clearly saw that the moment the three huge tentacles came into contact with the humpback whale, they twisted and flattened in a very strange posture.

And the three adult humpback whales, after knocking away the three tentacles, hit the big head of the giant octopus hard.

Immediately, the entire head of the giant octopus was sunken inward, and the two big snow-white eyeballs protruded instantly covered with bloodshot eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the three adult humpback whales flapped their door-like fins almost simultaneously, and slapped the giant octopus vigorously.

The giant octopus was in pain, and quickly retracted two tentacles to resist desperately, but there were still three tentacles entangled tightly on the big head.

Xiang Yang blinked, almost thinking he was dazzled.

The humpback whale's head hit, even the blue whale couldn't bear it, once it was hit, the skin would burst and blood would flow.

It's incredible how this giant octopus survived the simultaneous impact of three humpback whales.

"These humpback whales won't be able to defeat this giant octopus in the end, right?" Xiang Yang was secretly worried, and then aimed his eyes at the biological stun gun he was holding tightly in his hand.

Facing such a huge creature, Xiang Yang was not sure whether the biological stun gun would work.

Octopuses live alone from the day they are born.

It only takes a very short time for the little octopus to learn the necessary skills, and unlike most animals, the learning of the little octopus is not based on the teachings of the elders. There is a general memory of inheritance.

The biggest misfortune of octopuses is that their life span is no more than 3-5 years old.

The short lifespan limits the octopus' opportunities to acquire knowledge and also destroys the octopus' desire to learn more.

When a biologist was asked by a reporter what would happen if the octopus lived longer, the famous biologist Jim *** replied: "The octopus will probably come to land and do something about it. Human reports!"

Predation is the main activity of octopuses and the secret to their incredible growth.

Generally, when an octopus grows to 3 years old, it will reach its adult size due to overeating, that is, it will grow from 20 cm in diameter to 3 meters in diameter.

But three meters is far from the limit of an octopus.

In the entire octopus family, there are many existences beyond the limit.

In late 1896, on St. Augustine Beach, two boys who were playing discovered a large white creature.

It was 21 feet long, 7 feet wide, weighed 7 tons, and had very elastic flesh.

Local doctors, zoologists, photographers and journalists all confirmed that the creature had a head, eyes, mouth, tentacles and a tail, and it was determined to be a giant octopus of an unknown species.

In 1957, a giant octopus, which also reached ten meters in length, was stranded on a beach in British Columbia, Canada.

Scientists know the octopus' diet from the large crab shells at the door of the octopus' residence.

They have very sharp teeth that can easily kill almost all crustaceans in the ocean.

Moreover, octopuses have existed on this planet for a very long time, and their evolution directions are also different.

Some octopuses can secrete a super toxin that can kill sharks.

The suckers of some octopuses can be turned into light organs to attract prey.

The giant octopus that Xiang Yang saw in front of him was nearly 20 meters long, and it looked like an unusual octopus that had broken the limit of the octopus family.

Moreover, Xiang Yang has never seen or heard of this kind of octopus, so he has no idea what kind of ability it has evolved.

Possibly, it evolved to insulate the skin, and it may not be able to ignore the biological electric gun.

After all, the octopus was once regarded as a sea monster by human beings, one of the most terrifying marine creatures that overwhelmed the waves with surprises, guesses, arguments, and reports. Before seeing this giant octopus die, Xiang Yang did not dare to Find out just how strong this giant octopus really is.

But Xiang Yang knew that this kind of huge giant octopus was not invincible in the ocean, they would also die.

Just last summer, a huge slimy, fleshy object washed up on a beach near Puerto Montt, Chile.

It was spotted by a tourist on the Pacific coast near Maurin on June 24 last year.

According to the Chilean Whale Conservation Center, the remains are 12.4 meters long and weigh about 13 tons. After confirmation, this is a giant octopus killed by other marine predators.

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