My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 234 Anchovies

That's a conch.

A very big conch, bigger than Xiang Yang's two fists combined.

Xiang Yang was overjoyed immediately, and quickly swam over to pick up the big conch.

However, the more surprising thing is yet to come.

"Could it be?" Xiang Yang held the big conch with a cloudy expression on his face.

In fact, Xiang Yang has already recognized the species of conch in his hand. Whether it is the oceanography major he studied in college or the shell business he started after graduation, he can recognize the big conch in his hand at a glance. Varieties of conch.

Without him, the reputation of this conch is too great.

Anchovy snails, also known as Dafa snails, together with Tangguan snails, Wanbao snails, and Nautilus, are called the world's four famous snails. Because of its unique shape, beautiful patterns resembling peacock tail feathers and rare quantity, it ranks first among the four famous snails. Among all shells, the anchovy snail is the most valuable.

Due to the small number of anchovy snails, the price of anchovy snails on the market has remained high, but collectors who love shells still love it.

Anchovy snails mostly grow in the Southwest Pacific Ocean, and the South my country Sea has the largest number. They generally like to inhabit under coral reefs or hide in aquatic plants and kelp bushes. They are an extremely precious resource bestowed by nature to human beings.

In addition, the phoenix-tailed snail can be made into a horn. The sound of the horn is strong and clear, and it is a symbol of the Buddha's Dharma.

In particular, a branch of the Wu tribe in Hunan Province who claims to be a master, they even regard the phoenix-tailed snail as a treasure of inheritance. A piece of scriptures, a snail horn, these three things are the symbol of the master, and the rest of the apprentices follow the master to beat the gongs and drums to make a living.

Anchovy snails are also known as sea god snails in Hainan in addition to being called Dafa snails. The shape of the snail is tall and pointed, and the height is less than half of the total shell height. Each wide body layer often has two obvious longitudinal ribs. Creamy white with dark brown markings and crescent markings. The shell mouth is orange-brown, there are white grooves between the teeth of the outer lip, the shaft teeth are white, and the dark brown patterns between the teeth are gorgeous like "phoenix tails". Its majestic and majestic appearance is a symbol of strength.

The reason why Xiang Yang's face was cloudy and cloudy was because the snail was not dead, but alive.

A snail of a size like Xiang Yang's is worth at least tens of thousands of dollars if it is dead. If it is in good condition, it can be worth at least a hundred thousand. The value of those who have been enshrined in the temple has no margin at all.

Are undead snails worthless?

Of course not, if the snail is just because it is worthless to live, Xiang Yang's face will not be cloudy. It is impossible for Xiang Yang to revive a dead snail, but to make a living one There is still a way for an anchovy snail to kill Xiang Yang, and there is more than one way.

What Xiang Yang had a hard time with was that the anchovy snail was an animal protection.

Not to mention the top four famous snails in the world, the phoenix-tailed snail, none of the four famous snails in the world, or even the top ten famous snails in the world, has a protection level lower than the second level.

If what Xiang Yang picked up was a dead snail shell, no one would be able to gossip about him. This thing is not a cultural relic, and he can sell it openly when he fishes it up.

However, if Xiang Yang was caught alive, he would inevitably go to prison.

Xiang Yang thought about it for a while and finally felt that he couldn't do anything to kill the snail secretly. Some things may not be discovered by others, but once they are discovered, it will be lost forever.

After releasing the snail, Xiang Yang searched around more carefully.

Just kidding, I have found a living anchovy snail in this sea area, are you afraid that I can't find the shell of a dead anchovy snail?

Not to mention, after Xiang Yang searched the area carefully, he actually found several dead anchovy shells.

But it's a pity that the shells of these phoenix-tailed snails are obviously damaged, and even the best-preserved one has a hole in the tail, and some of them simply have only a fragment left.

And the only intact anchovy shell found is also alive.

Xiang Yang was speechless immediately.

In fact, this is also very understandable.

Creatures like snails lack effective means of attack. Once they are discovered by ferocious marine predators, they often have to wait for death.

The snail has a thick shell, and marine predators will not be able to eat the snail meat without destroying the shell. In this way, it is almost impossible to find a dead and complete snail shell. Only the anchovy snail shells that died of natural old age or disease are left.

The number of such snail shells is extremely small.

Xiang Yang sighed and was about to back away, but when he turned around, he suddenly froze.

Xiang Yang saw a palm-sized hole on a reef not far ahead, and four or five complete anchovy snail shells piled up under the hole.

Xiang Yang stared at the four or five snail shells in disbelief, and immediately became extremely excited after seeing them clearly.

Those anchovy snails piled up together, some even turned their backs down, obviously they were all dead anchovy snails.

But Xiang Yang didn't approach immediately, after all, there was a dark hole on the reef above the pile of snail shells, if Xiang Yang's guess was correct, the murderer who hunted those snails lived in that hole.

"I hope it's not a sea snake." Xiang Yang took out his biological stun gun and carefully swam towards that direction. The full-body diving suit on his body could help him defend against most dangers, as long as it wasn't like a sea snake. Most of the marine life can't bite through his diving suit.

As a result, Xiang Yang was taken aback just as he took out the biological stun gun.

The "murderer" who killed the four or five snails actually came out of the hole and "surrendered himself".

I saw two colorful and beautiful tentacles coming out of the hole, followed by a beautiful and colorful Chinese Jingxiu big lobster poking out a head from the hole, looking outside quietly.

After waiting for a while, the big Jingxiu lobster crawled out of the hole as if it was sure that there was no danger outside.

After Xiang Yang was stunned, he was overjoyed. This Jingxiu lobster weighed at least one or two catties, and it was another "dead anchovy snail".

With a flash of his body, Xiang Yang instantly appeared on top of the Chinese Jingxiu lobster,

The appearance of Xiang Yang startled the big Chinese Jingxiu lobster. It had probably never seen a sea creature swimming as fast as Xiang Yang, and it was about to flee to its hometown immediately.

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