My Darling Is Pampered and Wild

Chapter 321: The boyfriend who came to pick up the exam

Lu Qingqiao, who had heard some voices about himself and Qin Xun in his ears just now, said lightly, "He has an exam today."

Just a simple response, but many people understand it differently.

Some thought that Lu Qingqiao was just a perfunctory answer.

Some thought she was just stating the facts.

Of course, there are fewer people who think it is the latter.

Cheng Yi's friend smiled and didn't ask any further questions. His original intention was just to ask casually. He didn't expect Lu Qingqiao's answer to be so formal.

In the second half of the reception, Lu Qingqiao bid farewell to the host who hosted the reception in advance.

Many people noticed her early departure.

I thought it was something important.

But after forty minutes.

Someone saw that Lu Qingqiao posted a circle of friends.

Wannian didn't post on Moments, even when many people thought that Lu Qingqiao didn't even know about the existence of Moments, she posted on Moments.

And with pictures!

The picture is of the gate of Hualin University. A figure wearing a peaked cap walked out of the gate in the distance. He looked up from the backlight and looked in her direction, but his face was not clear.

The characters and scenery around him were blurred, and only his figure from the backlight was exceptionally clear.

Text: I'm here to pick up my boyfriend who passed the exam today.

The text is simple and clear, and the pictures are more reasonable.

Lu Qingqiao left the venue early at today's reception, unexpectedly to pick up her boyfriend who had finished his exams from school! ?

This incident quickly spread at the reception.

Those who had just chatted with Xu Yaozhi about the two were surprised.

They doubted whether Lu Qingqiao posted it on the Moments because he heard what they said to Xu Yaozhi!

Several people glanced at each other, saw the thoughts in each other's eyes, and whispered:

"Didn't Xu Shao say that President Lu will break up with that boy soon?"

"I also thought that President Lu was just playing casually, but I didn't expect it to be serious."

"Actually, I always thought that Lu was always serious. Look at the number of suitors around Mr. Lu over the years. If she wants to play, she will wait until now? Mr. Lu seems to be the type of special love."

"I have to say that the student is really good. Boss Lu takes him so seriously. Then I really have to think of a way to get close to him and give Boss Lu a pillow for me."

"Speaking of this, don't you think it's strange? Why did Xu Shao say that just now?"

"Why else? Are you still not optimistic about them?"

"Apart from this, I don't think the relationship between Mr. Si and President Lu is as close as before. Look at the relationship between Lu's Group and Jirui International. Now that Jirui International has eased, I always feel that the situation will rise again."

"What does the relationship between Xu Shao and President Lu have to do with Si Shao? Besides, they all grew up together since they were children, so it shouldn't be."

"Didn't Mr. Si and Mr. Lu grow up together? They almost became husband and wife! It's not like that Hey, speaking of this, Mr. Si was kidnapped and Mr. Lu had a car accident. Is it the result of the confrontation between the two sides?"

"Shh, Xu Shao is here."

Xu Yaozhi noticed that the eyes of those people looking at him were different from their previous enthusiasm.

At first, he didn't feel that something was wrong until he heard someone mention Lu Qingqiao's Moments.

When he saw it, he only felt that it was so annoying that he wanted to smash the man in the photo into pieces!


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