My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 185 Organizing the Game

When Earl Secombe arrived at the reception venue, he found that something was not good.

Everyone from the Imperial Commercial Investigation Bureau ran away!

Everyone from the Black Gold Group also ran away!

Everyone came together, and they sold out their teammates so easily. They must have known that today's matter was beyond their control, and that some big shot they couldn't afford to offend would intervene.

Princess Maelubelli didn't even attend the banquet held by the royal family. This time she came to attend a business reception, which was really abnormal.

Earl Secombe did not dare to stay at the reception for long, so he just found an excuse and left in despair.

The other people who were brought in to cause trouble were also frightened by this sudden situation and did not dare to act excessively, for fear of upsetting someone and dying without knowing how.

A storm was suppressed before it started.

The reception entered the normal process, and Irina successfully delivered an important speech. Tomorrow Group started to focus on people's livelihood from a company that only focused on profits.

"A cheap, practical, convenient and universal steam engine that even an illiterate farmer can easily operate. It can be mounted on a vehicle and driven in muddy fields; it can be mounted on a small boat , sailing in swamps and small rivers; it can be mounted on a walking machine and carry cargo over mountains and ridges.

It can even be used to build a small steam airship.

Developing such a steam engine is no easier than developing a state-of-the-art steam engine; it may be even more difficult. But I believe that the engineers of Tomorrow Group can solve all the problems, and it will soon be put on the market and enter ordinary families soon! "

Irina showed great confidence during her speech, which attracted warm applause from the venue.

Anyone who knows the industry knows that she dares to make such a promise, which means that the Tomorrow Group has actually broken through the technical and material problems.

News will soon spread that this steam engine will be put into production, and then it will sweep the low-end machinery market in the shortest possible time, thereby pushing the fame of Irina and the Tomorrow Group to an unprecedented height.

and reached its peak during the campaign for the new Congress.

What kind of steam engine would that be?

Everyone is imagining what it will look like.

But it is certain that as long as it can achieve the advantages mentioned by Irina, it will definitely eat up the low-end market.

Some people have to consider how to work on the back of the Tomorrow Group after going bankrupt.

After Irina finished her speech, she invited Melis to a separate lounge. The Ice Duke, who protects the northern frontier of the empire, rejects modern technology and believes that the purpose of technological products is to make people lazy. Therefore, Ice and Snow Peak still maintains its traditional lifestyle.

For Irina, this is an untapped market.

What's more, this is a princess, her son's assistant officer... Of course, she needs to get to know her well.

The reception lasted until very late, and the guests left one after another.

Herot met with his mother under Angelica's arrangement, and then returned to his apartment.

Melis, who came back early, put on her professional attire again. Once she put on her glasses, she lost her princess look and became a qualified assistant officer.

Reinham was also waiting at Melis's apartment, and he called Anthony over.

Driving away the director of the Imperial Commercial Investigation Bureau is no small matter. Based on his understanding of Helot, there will definitely be follow-up actions later.

Four people sat down around a table.

"I'm sorry, team leader!" Melis first apologized to Hailot: "I shouldn't have appeared at the Tomorrow Group's cocktail party."

Helot said: "During non-working hours, you are free to go wherever you want. Not only are you the assistant officer of our Thirteenth Investigation Team, you are also the Empire's Princess Maelubelli."

It was the first time that Reinham and Anthony knew that Melis was Princess Maelubelli. They immediately stood up and saluted Melis: "Your Royal Highness..."

Melis said to the two of them: "Sit down! There is no Princess Maelubelli here, only Commander Melis. I conceal my identity because I don't want this identity to cause unnecessary trouble."

Helot also said: "Listen to Commander Melis and sit down! We still have important things to talk about. After talking, go back and rest early."

Reinham and Anthony had no choice but to sit down. They both guessed that Melis's identity was definitely unusual, but they didn't expect that she turned out to be Princess Snow.

One is the daughter of the Duke of Ice and Snow, and the other is the patriarch of the Claude family. This bureau formed by His Majesty is too scary.

But now that we have entered this game, we can only move forward. There is absolutely no way out.

After the two sat down, Helot asked Reinham: "The Imperial Commercial Investigation Bureau left very simply. Did Director Coulibal have any other reaction?"

Reinham replied: "After General Coulibare saw my ID, he directly ordered the retreat without asking about the situation. On the way back, he said to's best to resolve this matter as soon as possible, otherwise he will Come again."

Helot considered the meaning revealed by Commander Coulibal.

It seems that many people have seen that Emperor Bradley's control over the palace has declined. Now that the other party has taken the first step to split up the Tomorrow Group, he has to take the next steps. Otherwise, when my mother enters Congress, an interest group will inevitably gather, and then they will face the revenge of the Tomorrow Group.

Therefore, the Imperial Commercial Investigation Bureau is only temporarily retreating this time, and Director Coulibal will definitely lead people to attack again under pressure. If Emperor Bradley hadn't come forward directly at that time, the 13th Investigation Team alone might not be able to stop this torrent.

While Helot was thinking, Melis asked Reinham in a low voice: "What happened?"

Reinham told Melis and Anthony what happened: "Although the Tomorrow Group has formed a monopoly in the fields of energy and machinery, it is also because of the monopoly that the Tomorrow Group can concentrate the best resources of the empire to break through the fourth generation. Extraordinary technology.

If Tomorrow Group is split up and sold, the loss to the empire will be immeasurable. "

Melis asked: "Since they know that splitting up the Tomorrow Group will bring losses to the empire, why do they still do it?"

Reinham shrugged: "The moth never thinks about what happens after the house collapses."

"They're so damned!"

"Yes, they all deserve to die!" Helot recognized Melis's verdict. He said: "The Imperial Commercial Investigation Bureau was passively involved in this matter. We don't need to embarrass Director Coulibare too much. Reinham , After you go to work tomorrow, let Director Coulibal feel at ease. There will be a lot of cooperation between our 13th Investigation Team and the General Bureau of Commercial Investigation in the future."

Reinham replied: "Yes, team leader. I will remind Director Coulibare!"

As long as Commander Coulibal is smart enough, he will know what to do.

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