Helot said to Jiuzui Qianzhan: "You already know this information. The management of the Yamata-no-Orochi Guild must not know it."

"I know, but they all chose 'don't know'. They may want to put some pressure on you with these thorns, and then make the next choice based on your response performance. After all, there is more than just support for you in Scorched Earth City. "

Helot thought of the hint given to him by being drunk last time, so he said: "I heard that some players saw the Forgotten Kirishima in the Rock Wilderness."

"I promised him not to share any information about him."

This is an admission.

Helot replied: "I understand. Do your job and I will deal with these players."

"Yes, legion commander!"

After ending the communication with Drunken Qianzhan, Helot immediately cast the "Summoning Technique".

"Sister Yuexian, do you have time?"

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to reply very simply: "What's the matter?"

"Scorched Earth City is now at full war, and the city is very empty. There is information that a group of high-level players from the Yamata no Orochi Guild are preparing to enter Scorched Earth City to carry out assassinations and destruction, so I would like to ask you to bring some experts to support them."

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian: "How long do you need to stay there?"

"A month at most!" Hailot analyzed the current battle situation in Scorched Earth City. As long as the rebels can withstand the current offensive, they should be able to launch a counterattack within a month.

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian: "It takes a bit long!"

"My side is a battlefield. There are many war missions for you to level up. I will also send people to search for them. As long as you can repel them, you can withdraw early."

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to think about it.

If something goes wrong in Scorched Earth City, it will be a huge loss to the Shanhai Gods Guild. Moreover, behind the broken bones is the soul eater, and behind the soul eater is the King of Sorrow. This "little god" must be properly worshiped.

"Okay, I'll take people over now. Will the soul eaters also go over to guard Scorched Earth City?"

Herot suddenly felt alert... You have a beautiful idea!

"No, my brother didn't have time to come over. He was busy preparing for the 'No. 1 in the World' competition."

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to complain in her heart: I don’t need to prepare for war, right? You have been recruited by you time and time again, and this time I have to stay in Scorched Earth City for a month... You are here specifically to eliminate opponents for your brother, right?

But thinking about it, he couldn't beat the Soul Eaters in the "No. 1 in the World" competition anyway, so it would be more realistic to aim for second place.

"I know! Just leave those players from Yamata no Orochi Guild to us."

After arranging things in Scorched Earth City, Herot went around the Old Land again. After planning a round of construction, he returned to his own world through the Old Cemetery.

Knock on the door of Melis' apartment.

The door opened and she finally came back.

I just look tired...

"Where have you been these days?" Helot asked.

"Come in first..."

Herot entered the room.

The window was open, and the salty sea breeze blew in. Helot noticed that the white clouds outside were floating very low, and the sky was blue and very clear.

Next to the window is a wooden table with a cup of black tea on it. There are red lip prints on the edge of the white porcelain tea cup. It seems that Melis was sitting here drinking tea just now and admiring the scenery outside.

"Team leader, please sit down. Do you want tea? Or coffee?"

"Have tea!" Herot said after sitting down at the table.

Melis brought a white porcelain tea cup, poured tea for Herot, and then sat on the other side of the table: "I have been in the palace these days."

Helot picked up the tea cup and took a sip. Melis made the same tea as her room...it was drinkable.

Putting down the tea cup and looking out the window, there was a bustling and busy city under the blue sky.

"The imperial capital is still like that! The assassination of the deputy director of the Imperial Military Police did not cause much trouble here. So many people died in Tieshi Community without even a splash being made.

Your Majesty must have deliberately handled this matter in a low-key manner! "

"Yes! The scope of this matter is too large. Open investigation will only cause turmoil in the empire." Melis paused for a while: "His Majesty seems to have aged a lot in the past few days. He told me that he did not know this empire Who else can I trust to let me stay vigil outside his palace?

He also told me... that he wanted my father to come to Covenant City. "

Melis's father, the Snow Duke who guards the northern frontier of the empire. Since the end of the Bloody Rebellion, none of the Ice and Snow Dukes have ever been to the Imperial Capital.

Did Emperor Bradley really want the Snow Duke to come because of his trust in him?

Helot asked: "How did you answer?"

"I remembered what you said to me... and I said to Your Majesty: In recent years, many powerful cold demons have appeared in the polar regions. As the only Level 4 Transcendent on the Ice and Snow Peak, my father cannot leave easily. Melis asked Herot again: "I said that, right?"

"Exactly right!" Helot praised: "I think the purpose of your Majesty's question is more of a test. If the Ice and Snow Duke comes to Covenant City at this time, it will only increase your Majesty's suspicion of your Erwin family.

Asking you to stay vigil was probably a test of your Erwin family. Now that the suspicion on you has lessened, I will naturally let you go. "

Melis asked very puzzledly: "It was us who destroyed the conspiracy of the Deep Prison and stopped the zombies from the Iron Stone Community from rushing into the city. How could your Majesty doubt me? I should be the most trustworthy, so Your Majesty just asked me to keep vigil, and that’s what he told me.”

"If His Majesty did not have trustworthy guards around him, his life would have ended long ago!"

Hearing Helot say such words, Melis became nervous instinctively. She looked at the door, then looked out the window, and whispered again: "Don't say such disobedient words."

Helot said with a smile: "I'm telling the truth! You think His Majesty really trusts you because the rebels are a group of people. But in His Majesty's mind, the rebels may not be a group of people. Even if they are a group of people, they may not be of the same mind.

After all, there are twelve petals on that blood rose.

As for the Bloody Rebellion, the reason why the royal family won was because they faced the nine founding dukes. "

Melis understood what Helot meant: "During the Bloody Rebellion, the rebels' flag was the 'nine-headed dragon', and they were defeated by the imperial army with only 'one head'. If there is something behind the Iron Stone Community incident, It’s related to the Bloody Rebellion, so the forces behind the scenes may be divided into different factions?”

Helot said: "Any organization that is large enough will inevitably be divided into factions. Therefore, His Majesty's decision to let you stay vigil is definitely not because he trusts you.

Fortunately, you performed well. Judging from your current state, you must be doing your duty. When faced with His Majesty's questions, the answers were flawless. "

Melis was quite happy at first, but then she thought: "What does 'flawless' mean? Our Erwin family was not involved in this matter in the first place, and there is no doubt about my father's loyalty to the empire!"

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