Helot carried Melis and ran all the way.

Melis had been to the Iron Stone Community many times. She guided Hailot in the direction, and after walking through several small alleys, he got into a small, deserted dark room.

This should be the safe house Melis prepared for herself.

Helot put Melis gently on the bed.

After Bresini waited for the "Old Code" to fly into the house, she slammed the door outside, then transformed into a bat and hung upside down in the shadow under the eaves.

Melis fell into a coma due to excessive consumption.

While using detection magic on the inside of the house, Herot walked to the window and looked outside.

The surrounding area was quiet. I don't know if all the residents had turned into corpse puppets, or if some of them were hiding.

There was a lamp hanging on the stone wall above. The air flow in the mine tunnel slowly swayed the lamp, and the dim light also swayed.

Helot chanted a spell softly, and the black smoke drifted out through the glass, then dispersed and disappeared. There are spells to detect life in necromancy, but they can be interfered with by corresponding spells.

It seems safe here for now...

Suddenly, chaotic footsteps approached from a distance, and Helot quickly closed the curtains and held his breath.

Then several corpse puppets ran past the window, and sounds were heard on the roof.

The roar of "Commander" shook the window glass.

The sound caused a corpse puppet to stop in front of the window. The light reflected its distorted shadow on the curtains, and you could clearly see the mouthparts opening and closing on the shoulders.

Another burst of running sounds came from the roof, and the claws clasped against the cement board making an extremely harsh sound.

The corpse puppet outside the window did not notice anything strange in the room. After looking at the glass for a while, it followed another group of corpse puppets and ran away.

Helot exhaled slowly.

It's safe for now.

It's just that Melis is now disabled. With her current strength, she may not be able to escape from the pursuit of so many corpse puppets.


Helot looked at the sleeping woman.

Her real name is Maelubelli Erwin, the second daughter of the current Duke of Ice and Snow, and the adopted daughter of Emperor Bradley - the Snow Princess.

The Ice Duke leads the watchmen to guard the northern frontier of the empire and resist the invasion of the polar cold monsters.

The Northern Lights is the inherited bloodline of the Ice and Snow Duke, which allows members of the Erwin family to gain a high affinity for the ice element, and direct members can transform into cold demons to master stronger ice and snow power.

As a direct member of the Erwin family, Maelubelli originally fought against the polar cold demon in the northern border, and was known as the Snow Princess. Later I heard that she was seriously injured in a battle and was sent to the Imperial Capital by her father to recuperate. Emperor Bradley liked her very much and adopted her as his adopted daughter, officially canonizing her as "Snow Princess".

Herot's knowledge of Maelubelli is limited to this, because this snow princess is very low-key, unlike those princes and princesses who like to appear in public.

I don’t know why Maelbelly joined the Imperial Military Police under the alias Melis.

He was also appointed as an assistant officer by Emperor Bradley.

It seems that Emperor Bradley wants to use me as bait... to catch big fish.

The fish we caught today was huge!

I, the bait, and the princess sent to protect the bait, don’t know if I can escape alive.

It gradually became quiet outside.

Herot opened the door to the cemetery and sent Firollo inside to gather reinforcements.

Then he grabbed the "Old Codex" flying around, took back the pistol and put it away. Just when he was about to put away the "Old Code", Helot noticed something strange about the book.

There is a sticky feeling all over my hands.

Take a closer look at the Old Codex.

The cover was covered with a sticky black substance, and bubbles kept popping out. These black substances wriggled like worms, slowly drilling into the pages of the book.

What is this?

When I released the Old Codex, it didn't have this disgusting stuff on it.

When Herot opened the cover of the book, he could see that these black substances differentiated into lines, winding and covering the pages, and finally got into the written words and symbols.

Let’s look at the attributes of the “Old Codex” again.

no change.

So Herot immediately made himself a bone chair to sit on, and quickly entered meditation.

The dark world of consciousness.

The "Old Codex" was opened page by page.

The phantom transformed by the wisdom of Master Laem appeared on the opposite side of the magic book.

Helot pointed at the black material that was drilling into the text, and said to Laem's shadow: "Do you know what this is?"

The shadow replied: "This is the energy of death that is not accepted by the world. It is impure, with soul dust that has not been completely broken, and a reminder of the past."

"What do you mean by the old days?"

Herot has never understood what the "old days" of his family lineage's "old rulers" refer to. If it refers to the undead, the explanation is too far-fetched. But the ancestors relied on the undead army and undead magic to create the Claulund family, and they controlled the undead.

Xuying said calmly: "Life is the past of the dead, and death is the projection of life!"

A projection of life, a projection of the past.

"What does it mean?"

The shadow didn't answer.

The wisdom of Master Laem recorded in the "Old Code" is limited, and the shadow will choose to remain silent if it cannot answer the question.

Then change the question.

"What is impure death energy?"

"The impure death energy blurs the boundary between life and death, making them unable to be accepted by the world. The accumulation of too much impure death energy will cause interference in the world. The great power of the origin of the world comes to deal with these impure death energies. Purification, there will definitely be some catastrophic events in this process.”

Helot thought of the great disasters in history, and there must have been large-scale man-made disasters during the same period.

In the chaos, order breaks down, and without restraint on the corpse-sewers, corpses will litter the land.

Look at the impure death energy, which looks like it is mixed with flesh and blood. It is the deceased's memory of life and a mark of the past.

"Why does the "Old Code" absorb these impure death energies."

The shadow is silent.

It doesn't know either.

After a while, all the black substance stuck on the book cover got into the words on the page, and the "Old Codex" swelled, like a burp.

Helot immediately picked up the "Old Codex" and read it over and over again, fearing that the impure death energy would eat away at it.

Fortunately, nothing was found on the surface.

Check the properties again and there is still no change.

You are so lonely!

But no matter what, the "Old Code" has been eaten, and I don't know how to make it spit out. I can only hope that the impure death energy it has eaten will not be noticed by the origin of the world.

If it really attracts divine punishment, we can only throw this greedy guy out and let him suffer for himself.

I will ask Master Laem to write another book.

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