My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 136: Great Wise Ruo Fool

Breaking the Broken Glade?

The legion commanders looked at the terrain map of Broken Woodland and couldn't believe that this was the target of this battle. Those scattered woods divided the entire territory into pieces, and there was an army of undead hidden in the woods. Not only is the terrain not conducive to large-scale battles, but players also don't have the task requirements and are unwilling to go to the Broken Woodland to level up. If they don't pay attention, they will be attacked and killed.

There is no sign of large-scale troop deployment in Scorched Earth City now. It is completely different from the grand scene of the attack on the Mud and Stone Basin, which means that Scorched Earth City has not sent out the main force.

Moreover, the forest land does not use cavalry to fight, and the burning cavalry cannot charge. Is it all dependent on the player to eat one forest land after another?

This... the price is a bit high!

Outside, legion players were noisily running towards the assembly area, hoping that the war would start soon.

There was silence in the legion tactical conference room, and no one was optimistic about the outcome of this battle.

Drunk Qianzhan said at this time: "Everyone should listen to the commander's battle plan first. I think the commander of the Bone Crushing Legion has an absolute chance of winning, so he will issue a 'war order' at the last moment of the war."

"Yes, yes, listen to the army commander's battle plan. It will not be easy for us to build the army. The army commander must not deceive everyone."


The player commanders were chattering away, and Helot couldn't help but sigh that the discipline of the player army was really poor. The death army needed more integration and mutual trust to become stronger.

"Quiet! Now I'm going to tell you about this battle plan... The main maker of the plan is the Lord of Dorothea. In order to win this war, Lord Dorothea and I carried out a strategy against Hansal, the lord of Broken Woodland. Deception, now there is definite intelligence that Hansal has fallen into the trap..."

Helot explained the battle plan on the tactical map, and all the commanders listened carefully.

Drunk Qianzhan suddenly received news that he had forgotten Kirishima.

"Is the news that Broken Bones is gathering the Death Army to attack Broken Woodland true?"

The drunken eyes scanned the images of everyone attending the meeting, wondering who was delivering the message to Forgotten Kirishima.

"It's true! Shattered Bones suddenly launched a 'war order', and I just learned about the goal of this battle."

"This guy dares to attack Rottenwood Fortress directly. If the troops in Rottenwood Fortress are really mobilized, it will definitely be too late for me to rush over and report the news. Can you delay it for a few hours, and I will go to Rottenwood Fortress to see Han immediately Lord Thrall."

Know so clearly! Is anyone watching the live broadcast of the meeting for Forgotten Kirishima?

Player leakage is really a stubborn problem that is difficult to solve.

Drunk Qianzhan looked at several commanders from the Eight Arms Guild, and then replied to Forgotten Kirishima: "Do you think I have that much ability? Broken Bones was afraid that the combat intelligence would be leaked, so he announced the war plan at the last moment. , how could it be delayed for several hours? If I dared to do that, he would dare to take me out."

"Drunk Qianzhan, do you know why I sent you to Scorched Earth City? The last time I asked you to stop the Shanhai Gods Guild from hunting in Scorched Earth City, you failed to complete the task! Do you know that they killed a member of the Zhanlan Guild? The elders made the Sorrowful King very happy and gave them many rewards.

Now I ask you to delay the broken bones for several hours, and you still dare to say that you can't do it! "

Drunk Qianzhan replied coldly: "I have already accepted the punishment from the General Assembly regarding the Shanhai Conferred Gods Guild, and what qualifications do you have to give me orders? Remember our agreement, everyone does his own thing, who Don't interfere with anyone. I won't interfere with you assisting Ultado to rob Scorched Earth City, and don't think about ordering me to do things.

Forget Kirishima, you are no longer the president of the Eight Arms Guild, don’t let me find out who is tipping you off! "

Drunk, Qianzhan simply closed the communication with Kirishima and listened intently to Helot's explanation of the battle plan.

At this time, Forgotten Kirishima was even more furious, and he opened the map to check.

Scorched Earth City dug into the mud and stone basin to obtain a supply of stone. This attack on the broken woodland was obviously aimed at wood.

With these two basic materials and an unknown source of food supply, Scorched Earth City will enter a period of rapid development. If Ultado does not take action as soon as possible, the other lords will most likely be defeated by Dorotea one by one.

Forgotten Kirishima watched the live broadcast coming from the inside line and determined that Ultado was right. Dorotea's incompetence was all her disguise. Looking at the tactics she formulated to attack the Broken Stone Forest, it was definitely not the brains of an idiot. You can think of it.

There is also food imported from other planes to win over the creatures, which requires long-term planning.

Great wisdom but foolishness!

This is probably the best way to describe Dorotea.

The way I approached the storyline of Dorothea in the past was fundamentally wrong. I treated her as a fool, but in the end I was the biggest fool. If I could do it all over again, I would try my best to help her sincerely. The current position of Broken Bone should be mine!

Although I deeply regretted forgetting Kirishima, I also knew that regret was useless.

Now it is too late to prevent Dorothea from obtaining the Broken Woodland. We can only urge Ultado to respond as soon as possible and not allow Dorothea to continue to expand.

The things I lost in Scorched Earth City will definitely be brought back one by one!

In the Death Army combat conference room, after describing all the combat plans, Helot said to the commanders: "This is a very bold assault war. It takes advantage of the blind spots of the inertial thinking of the undead war and uses high-speed mobile assaults." The army forced its way through the gaps of the slow-moving undead army and directly attacked the enemy's core.

If this tactic can be successfully implemented, the burning cavalry combined with the vampire attack tactic will become an exclusive weapon for Scorched Earth City's external operations, carrying out surgical strikes on our enemies at the most critical moment.

As one of the main forces in this war, our Death Legion is responsible for heavy combat tasks. Especially in the final attack on the fortress held by Han Sal, the Burning Cavalry was unable to enter the battle and could only rely on the vampires and us to kill Han Sal. There will definitely be sacrifices. How to reduce the sacrifices and achieve the best results depends on the abilities of the commanders. "

At this time, no one in the conference room had any doubts about this battle.

Looking at the curved attack line on the tactical map, everyone is looking forward to the start of the war... This must be a classic attack battle!

Helot finally asked: "This time the combat plan for the Broken Woodland has been conveyed. Who has any opinions?"

The conference room was quiet, no one spoke, everyone was waiting for the commander of the Bone Broken Legion to issue the final order.

After waiting for a minute, Helot said loudly: "I announce! The battle against Broken Woodland has officially begun, and the Death Army attacks!"

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